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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caly was just heading back towards the lift so that she could be going - stealing away in the night so that she could return home.

After a couple of days, Hayden was actually calling his generals to the throne room. At some point he had sent Abby back down below once she seemed better - although Caera remained above due to him promising her to Grant. Grant was waiting in the throne room, and it seemed like Azalea was there as well at the time. Over the past couple of days she had gotten a bit closer to Robert, having learned more about him and learning some useful things that could be used against him. Now she had been brought out so that she could attend this important meeting - having been stolen away in the middle of the night, the only thing anybody knowing is that the guards had taken her deeper into the dungeon; which usually was a place nobody returned from. "The King of the West will be arriving tonight along with his entourage. So everybody needs to be on full alert." Hayden was speaking after a moment in time.

Even some of the rebels down below were getting ready to venture ahead, using the dancers going up as a chance to go up as well. Yet again tonight was a slightly different night where the king had stated that the dancers were allowed to bring up one person with them from down below.
Abby invited her brother Vincent to come up with her as she couldn't bring Robert with her as he was still in a cell. Abby didnt like the idea of having to dance for another man but she would do it anyways and hope that the king didnt pick her again as she didnt want to repeat the experience.
Caera was going to the ball as well although she was more so going as Grant's toy more or less. At least he had been decent the past few days and hadn't tried anything with her - yet again it had taken some time to kick the poison form her system. She was finally back up to par but at the same time she wasn't quite back to being herself fully. She was just looking around the ballroom at the time before looking at the black armored knight that walked into the ballroom with the King since Grant was already there. So that must be the elusive other general.

As this was happening the dancers and their invited guests were heading to the lift so that they could head up since the Western King and his entourage was only a short distance away. Sitting in the carriage next to her father was Caly, at the time wearing a rather beautiful light blue dress and she was wearing a veil over her head to keep herself more hidden at the time.
Grant bowed to the king and then looked at the other general and then inclined his head as well in greeting. Grant then looked at Caera "you will join the dancers in performing but once you are done you will return to my side" Grant knew she enjoyed dancing so he was letting her do just that

When they arrived at the ballroom Abby looked around and spotted Caera and she smiled and waved at the female happy to see she was feeling better. Abby was still under the weather from having been poisoned as well but she was slowly getting better as well
Caera was just looking towards Grant for a moment before she was giving a nod of her head, incredibly glad that she was still able to dance. She honestly wasn't sure what she was going to do with her life if she wasn't able to dance. With that she was going over to the other dancers and was commenting, "Good to see you." There were some that were asking her questions about why she hadn't returned which just had her stating that she had been sick recently and was recovering from being injured.

It wasn't long before the guard at the door was announcing the arrival of the Western King and Princess, and the pair were entering the ballroom. Well that definitely had tensions going high for a lot of the guards at that point in time, especially since the visiting king openly had a weapon on him. Caly entered after her father but she carried herself far more differently than her father did - he was going for being intimidating, trying to act like he was more terrifying while she was just going for giving off that air of nobility.
Grant looked at the man and instantly went on edge seeing that he was carrying a weapon. Grant felt it was bad manners to carry a weapon when one was a guest in someone else's home. Grant then looked at the king to see what he was going to do and if this would all blow up in their faces
Hayden was just watching for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "I definitely foresaw that happening." There was no shock at all that the visiting king was armed, nor was it any shock that the guards that were with were armed as well. The only one who didn't have a weapon on them seemed to be the princess, who wore no expression under the veil - other than rolling her eyes a bit at her father's actions. "No need to worry, King Hayden. It is perfectly normal for him to have a competition to see who has the bigger penis by showing up at a party with a weapon." Caly was speaking after a moment in time which had a few of the guards nearby trying not to snicker. Her father actually seemed to be rounding on her but she was just giving an innocent smile before walking past him to go over to where Hayden and his generals were. Although she was a bit startled to see Vincent there, but was grateful for the veil. Well that wasn't a good thing at all.
Grant even joined the guards in laughing but when she walked up he tensed while she was unarmed that didn't mean she wasn't a danger to his king. Grant watched the female and wondered what she was up to. Grant then looked at the dancers when one of their guests moved as he was worried that a rebel may be among them.
Caly was just following after the king who was showing them towards where they were going to sit for the evening. No she was at least being a respectable guest at the time - although knew that she was going to regret speaking back to her father how she had later on. But for the time it was worth it.
once they were seated Grant signaled for the dancers to start their performances. Grant watched them and their guests making sure no one tried anything
Caera was just standing near where some of the other dancers were at although she seemed a bit surprised to see that Vincent was there as well, although it did make sense that Abby would bring him with. He was her older brother after all. Hayden was just watching intently at that point in time and it seemed like the party was going swell enough at the night went by. A lot of drunk people making stupid decisions and a lot of the dancers being targeted by drunk men. At the moment Caera had danced and was just sitting with the other dancers, sipping at some juice. She was perhaps about the only dancer at that point in time that was being avoided - yet she had been seen with Grant quite a bit the last few days.

Caly was merely watching everything that was happening although was just looking towards her father when he was saying something to her in a very drunken stupor. This had her giving a slight gasp as though she was insulted before she was speaking, "That audacity for you to imply that I would dress myself down as such just to gain the attention of men." Well that was definitely some drama was she was getting up and gliding away from her father, grateful for the veil at that point in time to hide those tears of frustration that she had. No her father really didn't see her as much of a princess considering she hadn't had a man ask for her hand in marriage - yet that was because she made it very clear to most men that she wasn't going to marry them.
Grant watched as the young female got up and walked off away from her father and this had him frowning and wondering what the man had said to his daughter to upset her so much that she would walk away from him.
Caera was just watching from where she was sitting before she was watching as the king just seemed to drink more. Although the more drunk that everybody got, was when the night seemed to get worse. "One of you escort the dancers back to the room they are able to use here." Hayden was telling his generals after a moment in time, already having that feeling that things were going to get worse.
Abby walked with her brother to the room that they would use since the king seemed to think that something was going to happen. Even Grant was on edge with how much the other king was drinking and he was worried that something was going to happen
Caera was just watching the other dancers leave although she was staying near Grant at that point in time, since that is what he had wanted. Although she was keeping away from the drunk king at that point - who was getting handsy with any woman that he saw. Caly was just standing outside on the balcony for a moment before letting out a breath of air. Of course her father was making a mess of everything at that point in time. Yet perhaps it would get the attention away from the rebels for a bit. "Lady Calypso...." a servant that had come with was coming up behind her which had her looking over as they were telling her that her father was being an idiot. And he was definitely being an idiot, having stopped the dancers from leaving the room stating that they were allowed to leave. Caly was walking into the room and just shaking her head some before she spoke, "Father, I believe it is time to retire for the night. You have obviously consumed far too much alcohol, and you are going to turn this peace meeting into a bloodbath with your action. Everybody knows that you do not touch the dancers without permission." She was actually currently standing in front of her father between that of himself and Abby at the time. Yet what the man was doing next... was definitely a shock to everybody, especially his own people. Actually lashing out and striking his daughter across the face in a hard slap.
Grant soon moved between father and daughter and looked at the man "I think it is time for you to retire for the evening before you make another mistake" Grant normally wouldn't have gotten involved in a familial dispute but in this case one of his kings dancers was involved and he was protecting her more then anything Grant then looked at Abby and ordered her to move back and then watched as the girl did as she was ordered
The king was just looking before he was commenting that he didn't listen to some mere Duke. He was a king and a king was to be listened too. Caly was just rubbing her cheek and soon enough - before anybody seemed to realize it, his sheathed sword was in her hands and she was walking off with it. He was too drunk to notice - at least until he was reaching for it to try and use against Grant.
"you may be a king but you hold no power here this is not your kingdom" Grant watched his daughter walk off with his sword and found it funny that the man was too drunk that he didnt even notice.
A couple of the guards that had come with as part of their entourage seemed to be following after Caly to see if she was alright, which had her stating that she would be fine. "Next time he asks for a drink - make sure to give him water. Don't let him know it is water." she was commanding as she was just putting the sheathed sword at her hip at the time. No she didn't know how to use it but it was safer with her than with him at the time. Hayden was deciding that the dancers could stay now that the king seemed to be mellowing out some and was commanding for them to dance once again. After that he was actually doing the polite thing and asking Caly to dance - which she was giving a curtsy to and taking his hand so that they could go out onto the dancefloor.
the dancers did as ordered and they made sure to stay out of the kings way so that he could dance without worrying about running in to them. they also didnt want him getting angry with them and deciding they needed to be punished.
Hayden was just speaking something to Caly for a moment, more or less asking her to remove her veil. This had her chuckling before she was commenting, "I would prefer not to do that." No not because she didn't feel that she was pretty - but she really didn't want Vincent to recognize her, and it was kind of a custom within her kingdom. She was unwed and dancing with a man that wasn't her husband or betrothed.
Caera was just watching for a moment in time before she was just looking towards the black knight that was standing near where the throne was at - the knight seeming more like a statue at the time - just watching everything. "Oh I remember what else I wanted to do. King Hayden... you should marry my daughter." the drunk Western King was speaking and soon he was going over and taking the veil off of his own daughter - which definitely had some people beyond startled, including her. Well the dancers and any other rebel that was there would recognize her easily enough.
Vincent did recognize her and this had him frowning he would have to talk to her later if she showed up as he didnt like being lied too. Abby acted fast and took the veil from the king and then placed it back over the princesses head.
Well that definitely threw off the king for certain but while he wanted to retaliate, he was backing down - especially since Grant was still right there and the other general had approached. Caly was just taken back by this but was softly thanking the woman before she was taking a curtsy to Hayden before backing away. She seriously couldn't believe that had even happened. A few hours went by and Caly had more or less decided to ignore her father, taking to sitting by herself with a couple of their guards to keep her company. The dancers were all mingling with others at that point in time - whether they really wanted to or not. "Bring over the tan skinned dancer please." she was speaking to one of her guards who was bowing to Caly and approaching Abby - but he was polite as he was stating that his lady wished to speak to her.
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