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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant looked at her and then looked at his door and nodded his head "I will trust you on this" Grant was still on edge after the arrow so he felt it was wise to trust her and listen to her

Robert shook his head and just stayed with the guard as he knew that running would get him beat more
Caera was just looking towards him before she was moving back onto the bed some. The maid still seemed to knock on the door and was stating that she had brought him food from the king. Now that would be a red flag since the king didn't do that.

Well those that had decided to run were easily being taken down by the guards, some of them actually trying to fight the guards. "Take them away for now. We will leave them to the general to question." the guard that was near Robert was speaking.
Grant then spoke "leave now or pay the price" Grant wouldn't take the food and then female was testing his temper at that time.

Robert looked at those who had run and shook his head lightly finding them to be stupid
The maid was just leaving the tray and hurrying away quickly, just as another guard was coming up to speak to Grant. "General some of the prisoner tried to make a run for it." the guard was speaking from the other side of the door. No Grant would hopefully pick up that the only reason that he was being told is that Azalea was involved in it - which meant that she had information.
"lock them up and keep them separate from the others Ill be there shortly also the maid who just left food find her and put her in a cell and have the food tested for poison" Grant normally ate in the kitchen so he was wary of the food
The guard was stating, "Already taken care of; and I did have another guard go after her since she seemed suspicious." Caera was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was just wrapping a blanket around herself more tightly.
Caera was just looking towards him for a moment in time and was actually going to move away from him some, not wanting to be touched again. No for the most part she had been behaving since being dragged back into the room.
Grant walked over to her and then spoke "sleep if you try to escape the room while I am gone you will be punished" Grant left his meaning hanging on how he would punish her
Caera was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before giving a small nod of her head, and she was just drawing the sheet closer to herself.
The few prisoners that had tried to run had been taken to some of the torture rooms. Azalea was sitting in one of them although since she was alone she was just lounging in the chair that was there without too much fear at all. It wasn't long before a guard was taking Grant to where they were at - taking him first to where Azalea was. "This is one of the prisoners that tried to run." the guard was speaking.
Grant walked in to the room and looked at her and then spoke "why did you run" Grant was figuring that she had a reason to run and would explain it to him
The door was being closed behind him which gave her more freedom to speak without any fear. "Keep an eye on the doctors. A few of them have been acting very suspiciously. They injected something into a few of the prisoners - tried with myself but I threatened to scream. But one of them looked very similar to a servant who serves one of the other kings." She was commenting before she was tossing him a capped syringe that she had snagged earlier. If he tested it he would find that it was a rather slow acting poison - which meant that pretty soon the prisoners that had been injected were going to be having issues and probably end up dying. They both already knew that dealing with the rebels was a thing, and there was no shock that dealing with other lords from surrounding kingdoms was a thing. The fact that somebody had been dumb enough to send a mole into Hayden's kingdom was saying something.
Grant nodded his head and then looked at the vile "I will have it looked at as it is I need to speak to the king anyways and see if he learned anything from his dancer tonight"
Azalea was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "Running was the easiest way I could think of on the fly to be able to get them to bring you to me... or me to you, either way. But it seemed important to get it passed on right away." She was just stretching a bit before she was commenting, "And I hope that the rebels that were actually stupid enough to attack earlier were caught earlier. I want revenge on the bastard who shot me."
"they were and those that weren't killed have been locked up" Grant knew they had been locked away and now he needed to order that all the prisoners be watched carefully
Azalea was just looking at him for a brief moment in time before she was getting up and stating, "I suppose I should let you take me away again." She was pushing a bit of her hair out of her face before she was commenting, "You know... I admire the guards not wanting to harm me, knowing that it would be suicide. But I feel it would be strange to go back and not have some new bruises from trying to run."
Grant sighed and then shook his head "I am only doing this because you are right" Grant didnt like the idea of beating his fellow general
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "I cannot even be upset about it. After all this was all my idea. But that rebel did actually try and protect me earlier from the doctor... It was so odd." Yet again she was a "helpless female" at that point in time.
Azalea was just looking over before she spoke, "Go for it. I'll just have to make it bleed more then."
Azalea was actually giving a cry of pain when he was doing that - but it was more so only for show as a few guards were walking past with some of the other prisoners that were being taken back to their cell. Sure it didn't actually bother her but she couldn't give it away at all.
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