The Night Whispers

Schrodinger nodded and slowly got off of her and jumped off of the bed. "come then you shall get some food so that you will be in peak performance." He laughed abit and took her by the arm and lead her out of the room and down the hall to another set of stairs to what looked like a large kitchen. "have what ever you will like. just find it and it will be there for you." He then got up and woke Esmeralda and brought her down to eat as well. a large storage of blood from both human and animal was there as well.
"Thank you," Jessica said with a smile, following him as he pulled her along, her body still just a little disoriented as they made their way to the kitchen. Jessica smiled at him again before he left to go get Esmeralda. The older woman took enough blood to sate her hunger and watched as Jessica ate a decent meal as well.
Once Esmeralda was down Schrodinger walked over to the counter and jumped up. He looked through the pantries before getting a few packets and biting into them and feeding from them. Unlike Kovo,Kuro or Clopin he had yet to actually feed off of someone. He looked at the two girls and tilted his head. "Now what?"
Once both women were finished with their breakfast, they smiled at the little officer on the counter, petting him behind the ears. "How about a game of hide and seek? When you find one of us, you can do whatever you like and we'll help you find the other," Esmeralda offered, having remembered his fondness for games.
Schrodinger's ears flicked and his eyes lit up abit as Esmeralda mentioned playing a game. He nodded and looked at the two. "All right then, sounds like a good game." He smiled and jumped off of the counters and over to the table and sat down. "all right you two better start getting to hiding." He put his head down and began to count off numbers.

Kovo was slowly waking up. He looked at Faye and smiled as he slowly sat up. "Love..wake up." He smiled and ran a hand through her beautiful purple hair and gently kissed her forehead then trailed his kissed down lower around her neck.
Esmeralda grabbed Jessica and the two of them made a break for it, looking for a good place to hide. Jessica hid in the closet of the bedroom they'd shared with the young man last night and Esmeralda hid in the corner of the solarium, safe behind many potted plants. The man's influence was enough to keep them from having run away--not to mention the fact that neither of them had any idea about where they would be otherwise.

Faye groaned softly as she woke up and smiled when she felt those familiar lips trailing down her neck.
Schrodinger finished counting and looked around. Their distinctive scents would give them out it was just a question of who he wanted to find first. He pulled a small coin and flipped it to determine. He caught it and looked at it. it pictured Jessica. He licked his lips before heading off to the direction. to make it fair he stopped using his scent when he got into the room and would just start to search for her.

Kovo looked at Faye and smiled as he kissed along her neck. He smiled and kissed her before tugging her shirt off and licking over her chest, above her breasts before sinking his fangs down.
Jessica stayed perfectly silent, though inwardly she was cursing at the fact that he was in the room at all. Disappointed that she'd already lost, the redhead frowned and waited to be found.

Fate moaned softly as her groggy body woke up at his touch. She smiled back at him and kissed him back after he took her shirt off and groaned as he licked her body. And there was the pain that she remembered as well, his fangs sinking into her.
Schrodinger looked around under the bed. in the bathroom and in the large fold dresser. "well no where else except." He pulled open the closet doors and looked at Jessica and smiled. "There you are." He looked at her and smiled before pulling her out of the closet. "Now what to do with you now that i've found you?"

Kovo fed from her abit but as he did her blood entered his system which allowed her to go into his mind. Kovo stood there and looked at her. "My love..I have been thinking."
"About what, Kovo?" she asked, letting him feed from her.

Jessica let Schrodinger pull her out of the closet and then smiled at him. "That depends on what you like to do, doesn't it?" she asked in response to his question.
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled. "I want you to join the family. This is your choice..if you want to become a Vampire like me.." He looked at her and smiled as he watched her reactions.

Schrodinger watched Jessica and smiled. "well I'd enjoy you. your hosed legs...any ideas you have?"
Faye smiled and cupped his cheek with her hand, holding him there as if he was the most precious thing in the world. "I'd love to join your family, Kovo. I don't think I've ever felt more at home than when I'm with all of you." She smiled and hugged him. "I don't want to lose you, Kovo. And if that means turning me...then so beit."

Jessica raised an eyebrow. "I'm not much for pantyhose, actually," she said softly.
Kovo looked at Faye and nodded then the link vanished as he pulled his fangs out of her and sealed up the wounds. "It will be done then."

Schrodinger looked at Jessica and smiled and walked over to her, running his hands along her waist and legs. "but you look great in them."
Faye smiled and kissed his lips softly. "Kovo..." she couldn't find the right words to continue, so she stayed quiet and just held him close to her for a moment, loving it.

Jessica smiled and chuckled at his comment. "I look good in a number of things. That doesn't mean I have to like it. Besides, until you've had to wear them, you'll never understand." She shrugged and watched him as he circled her.
Kovo held onto Faye and smiled and kissed her. "I love you, and I always will." He smiled and pinned her against the bed playfully and kissed along her chest and over her stomach.

Schrodinger watched her, eyeing up her long sexy legs. "You also look good tied up." He grinned and watched her,pinning her against the wall as he slipped a hand in between her legs. "Very good all tied up and helpless and exposed."
She smiled back at him and kissed him back as he pinned her to the bed. "I love you too, Kovo." She smiled down at him and let him kiss her body as he liked.

"You're not the only one who thinks so...but it's been done so much and I'm starting to get rope burn," she pouted as he pinned her against the wall. Jessica tensed just a bit as his hand found her, and she had a feeling that whether she liked it or not she'd end up tied up and in pantyhose quite a bit for this one.
Kovo smiled and held onto her. just resting against her warm body as he kept her close.

Schrodinger looked at Jessica and laughed abit as he moved his hand up along her legs feeling her up. "Rope isnt the only thing that can be used, now what are we going to do?"
Faye played with his hair as he rested on top of her and she wondered how much he'd missed her. If this was any indication, then she was certain that he had missed her just as much as she'd missed him. She smiled at the thought, but then frowned. What kind of pain must Clopin and Kuro be in? For the time being, she wanted Kovo to hold her, to soak up her scent and kiss her--whatever he wanted. She wanted to satisfy him.

Jessica smiled and kissed his lips softly. "We could always play cats' cradle," she teased.
Kovo looked up at Faye and smiled and gently took her hand and kissed each finger before resting against her. "You have no idea how much I love you, how much you mean to me."

Schrodinger kept rubbing his hand against Jessica's legs. "What do you mean by that, how you play?"
"You've never played? That strikes me as odd," she said with a chuckle. "I'll teach you, but we'll need some thread." She smiled and kissed his lips softly.

Faye smiled and hugged him closer to her. "Then tell me. Show me anyway you can, love."
Schrodinger kissed her back and moved her to the bed. He unzipped his pants and pulled himself out then pulled her into his lap. "tell me about it while you grind yourself on my lap."

Kovo smiled and kissed her deeply and ran his hands along her sides before he scooted down and started kissing along her legs and thighs then started to lick in between her legs.
Jessica straddled him and put her arms around him, his face practically buried in her chest. Her body started to grind against him, the pantyhose protecting her from real contact with him. "Cats cradle is played with one or more players and all you do is to create a specific design with the thread, which is tied into a loop. It takes cooperation and concentration."

Faye smiled and groaned softly as his lips kissed at her, her body completely responsive to his touch. When he kissed up her thighs, it took all she had not to moan and press his head to her pussy.
Schrodinger groaned abit as she started to grind against him. his dick enjoying it and starting to get hard from her actions. He nuzzled his face against her chest and nipped at the fabric of her dress. "keep grinding..more..more.."

Kovo kept licking at her more and more,flicking his tongue into her at times.
Jessica continued to grind against him, noticing that he was more interested in her body and the fabric of her dress than the game.
Schrodinger nodded and kept rubbing against her,sliding himself in between her legs. if she looked down she could see the tip of his dick inbetween her thighs. "Maybe we can all play later."

Kovo looked at Faye and kept at it before he started to get her over the peak but then kept dragging it out.
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