The Night Whispers

Daphne gasped as he told her she would be released, his hold vanishing just seconds before her memory, which, in her opinion, was a blessing. Soon, she was back in her own bed, asleep, but without her husband. Surely he would remember her period of being missing, but as long as she was away from that awful man, she was fine with not remembering anything about her absence...or at least she would have been if she could have remembered it...

Esmeralda smiled and moaned. "Mmmh, yes, just like that," she moaned.

Jessica was left to face Aza alone, the strange feeling to obey now mysteriously missing. "Let me go. What do you need me for?"

Faye smiled at Clopin and put the sausage link she'd found into the pan and covered it for a while, letting it heat up. "What happens when you turn someone, Clopin? Do you remember when you were turned?"
Schrodinger held onto her letting his tongue skillfully and enticingly travel over her thighs and wet pussy. his tail curled about her ankles and staid there as he licked her up He also let his fingers slide into her from time to time.

Aza Looked at Jessica and laughed. "Hmm perhaps but there are others who would enjoy your talent just as much in my Absence." He laughed abit before moving and pinning her down before sliding himself into her. "Decisions decisions." He let his hands wander her as he kissed her and forced his tongue into her mouth.

Clopin nodded. "It wasnt as nice as anyone else..when I was young I was attacked and I suffered alone and hunted alone without any guidance or anything.
Faye frowned. "That must have been very difficult for you. So...what happens when you are turned?"

Jessica gasped as he slid into her, taken by surprise and disgusted as he forced his tongue into her mouth, his hands wandering to wherever he saw fit.

Esmeralda moaned and stumbled just a bit as he tongue-fucked her, his fingers helping bring her back up to her former passion. It wouldn't be long before he would satisfy her.
Clopin thought about it. "well first you will feel a burning sensation travel through your body because in our blood is the toxin that changes mortals to vampires. it will freeze your heart and effectively "kill you." you will the lay dormant for only a day or so before awaking. You will feel a little cold before your body gets used to it. your senses will be heightened and so will your abilities."

Aza laughed abit and played with her before getting out and standing up. He zipped himself up and nodded. Snapping his fingers he made her dress in her old red sparkly outfit and purple silk gloves. She had on sheer pantyhose then black silk stockings over it. He moved her over to a chair and tied her to it then pulled her hose down and slipped a vibe into her and turned it on. not enough to get her off but enough to pleasure and torment her. "yes you will do well for him." Now by him he meant Schrodinger who would take over while he was away but perhaps this could play in the girl's interest. though he held some power over them he didn't hold as much as Aza did and perhaps they could get on his good side and convince him to let them at least see their family. "I know you'll do well Jessica." He laughed and headed off dissapearing

Schrodinger held onto Esmeralda before pulling her to her kneels so that he could rest on his as well and as he tounge and finger fucked her he also let his tail curl up and force its way into her ass.
Faye frowned. "It sounds painful." She uncovered the meat and put rice in the boiling water, moving the sausage around. "I'm sorry you had to be alone," she said.

As she was left to herself, she couldn't help but curse the man who put the vibe into her. If she worked at it, she might be able to free herself, but it would take a great amount of willpower to do so with a vibe stuck into her. The bastard.

Esmeralda moaned softly and let her head fall back for a moment.
Clopin nodded. "Feels like a fire burning inside of you before you die but then once everything is over its a whole new life that you get. So it has its ups and downs."

Schrodinger kept licking and fingering Esmeralda working as much as he can to get her off as much as she got him. He even released himself just from the sheer enjoyment of playing with her and all the lovely sounds she was making from him.

Aza watched from the Shadows watching Jessica before moving onto his next place. "You will enjoy your Pets Schrodinger, enjoy them while you still have the time because you will be important."
Faye frowned as she thought of it. Would such a thing be worth the prize? Never to see daylight again? Then again, the time she'd spent with Kovo seemed well worth the pain she'd suffered if only he would come back to her in one piece.

Esmeralda moaned and shivered. "Ohhh, that's wonderful," she gasped.

Jessica moaned and shivered a bit in her chair before focusing all of her efforts on freeing herself.
Clopin shrugged and just sat back. "Faye be a dear, reach into the fridge and pull out the blood packet. It may be weaker then fresh but will still aid me in getting some strength back."

Schrodinger grinned and brought her out to brink and licked her up and swallowed he pulled away from her and grinned. "you taste sweet." He kissed her and looked at the cum he left. "you should clean that up. when you are done meet me back in the main room." He watched her and walked off giving her rear a swat. He then appeared in the room where Jessica was being held and when he came in the vibe in her increased. He watched her and some control from him came over her. but not as much as Aza held. still the girls could work this for their advantage.
"Of course, Clopin." She smiled and went to the fridge and got a packet of blood for him, she handed it to him and turned off the stove, retrieving all of her food and putting it onto one plate. She sat and rested with it, just enjoying the feeling of security. "Thank you...for letting me take care of you...for keeping me safe while you could. You've no idea what a relief it is to have an opportunity to pay you back.

Esmeralda nodded as she calmed down and fetched something to clean the floor with.

Jessica looked up at this new man, feeling his influence affecting her, though it was a bit weaker than Aza's. "Who are you?" she gasped, the vibe turning up to a new level.
Clopin nodded and looked at the packet and then bit into it and began sucking the blood out of it. The bag was emptied rather quickly and Clopin looked a little better more alive then he was. "Your welcome my dear Faye."

Schrodinger waited for Esmeralda to finish cleaning up as he looked at Jessica and tilted his head. "I am Warrant Officer Schrodinger Blitz, 2nd in command to the Major and who are you?" He walked over to her and watched her his eyes taking in her form and her outfit.
She groaned, fighting admirably against the pleasure the vibe was giving her to answer him coherently. "I am Jessica Rabbit," she said, watching him. "Will you please untie me? I promise I won't run away. I'm tired of all this silly rope."
Schrodinger looked at Jessica and walked around her,eyeing her up then feeling her up and shrugging. "Hmm I don't know. Tell me then Jessica Rabbit, why should I untie you? I think you look good all tied up." He smiled and stood behind her on the chair and let his tail trail over her lap as he heard Esmeralda's heels clicking on the floor making her entrance to entrance in the main room.
"I've promised I won't go anywhere. Perhaps it would please you to be inside of me instead of this silly toy," Jessica groaned. "You may do what you like with me, Officer Blitz, all I ask is that you untie me."

Esmeralda entered the room, still dressed in the same dress as before. She watched and waited for Schrodinger to come to her, the hold on her weakening just a bit. Enough for her to want to help the other woman. "Why not let her go? I'm sure she'll be eager to please you once you free her. Just think of how much better things will be if you let her use her hands," she cooed, waiting for him to undo the ropes or come to her.
Schrodinger listened to Esmeralda and grinned licking his lips before her untied Jessica. he watched her for abit wondering how she would thank him before he walked over to Esmeralda and held onto her his tail wrapping around her thighs as he squeezed her cute ass. "So now what are we going to do?"

The door of the manor slowly opened and Kuro and Kovo walked in. "Daylight comes so its time to head inside." Kuro nodded then sniffed the air. "Hmm what smells good." Kovo shrugged. "Im not sure but it seems good even though we can have it it makes me want it."
"I'm sorry, boys. I didn't mean to make you hungry," she said, showing them he food she'd made. "I haven't really been fed in awhile, so I'm starving." She frowned and wished that they could all feed from her if they needed it. She started to eat, regardless, hoping to be done soon so that she could finally rest and be with the man who really loved her again. Maybe she could even clean up a bit before resting for the day. "I promise, I'll be finished soon."

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief and pulled that silly toy out of her, tossing it aside in triumph. "Thank you, Officer," she said, bowing to him. "I owe you a great debt." Esmeralda saw that the sun was beginning to rise and smiled down at him. "Why don't we all take a little nap together? I'm sure both of us would appreciate your generosity, and I know that we'd both be refreshed in mind and body. Glad to do any number of fun things with you."
Kuro just shook his head and hugged them both and went into the fridge and grabbed a large packet and bit into it. he didnt find any problem taking stored blood over fresh. it didn't matter to him. Kovo walked over to her and smiled and kissed her. "Im just glad you are back and safe and can finally be with me." He smiled and kissed her nibbling on her neck.

Schrodinger looked at Jessica then to Esmeralda and nodded and took them both leading them to his room before he jumped and bounced on his bed abit before he laid down and waited for the two girls.
Faye hugged Kuro back, a little sad that she'd caused his worry to deepen even a little. She shouldn't have brought it up around him. She smiled and hugged Kovo to her as he kissed her, smiling softly at his happiness. "I'm glad too," she said, petting his head softly. She'd missed him so much.

Jessica chuckled softly with Esmeralda as Schrodinger bounced on the bed and smiled as they came to cuddle up on either side of him. Both pressed against him, one arm draped over his chest, They pulled the covers up and kissed the boyish officer on the cheek before closing their eyes and saying good night.
Kovo smiled and held onto Faye and brought her close to him as they all sat down at the table. "As far as we can tell the millennium organization is all around the globe. they are sprouting up in Europe, Asia, the Americas and everywhere. local forces are having hard times getting rid of them. So its going to be a hard fight up hill to try and turn any of this around."

Schrodinger held onto both Jessica and Esmeralda and rested against Esmeralda's warm body as his tail slid in between Jessica's thighs and rubbed against her stocking and hosed legs as he slowly started to drift to sleep humming a WWII German marching Hymn. He muttered something about my blood is my honor before he yawned and fully fell asleep in between the two lovely women.
((Not gonna lie, the WWII things are kind of creepy. I know it's intentional but still, lol))

Faye continued to eat as Kovo pulled her closer. "That man...I never really did catch his name...but that man that captured us. He started this all. He pitted the Millennium Organization against you all." She frowned. "I wish I could tell you more, but he didn't exactly introduce himself." She finished her food and stayed close to Kovo. "I don't think it'll help you much now anyway with the way things looked when I was out."
Kovo gently kissed her and smiled. "Its all right hun. I know its frustrating but we'll get through this. Look sun is coming up so its best for us all to get some rest and we can talk about this when the sun sets." He smiled and once Faye was finished her playfully tossed her over his shoulder and carried her off and set her down in bed. "just rest babe just rest." He laid down and yawned and rested against her before he slowly drifted off to sleep.

As the sunlight fell 2 dark red eyes opened and looked around followed by 2 cat like ears flicking and twitching. Schrodinger yawned and looked around then looked at the two girls and tilted his head He shrugged and laid against them before gently climbing over Jessica and nuzzling against her breasts while his tail twitched around her legs.

(I know he's suppsed to have this creepy part of him)
Faye let out a soft squeak as she was picked up and carried away like a rag doll. She smiled at him and watched him as he set her down. She could see a sort of relief in his eyes now that she was with him, and it was comforting to know that he'd been worried and she'd been missed. She stayed awake for a few moments after he had finally fallen asleep and kissed his forehead, playing with his hair as they slept together for the first time in what felt like forever.

Jessica woke to the rays of a beautiful sunset and the face of a small person nuzzling into her breasts, something brushing against her legs. It took her a moment to realize that it was the same young man who'd set her free last night, and that his tail was brushing against her. "Well, good morning to you too," she said softly, her voice raspy for lack of fluids.
Schrodinger looked at Jessica and sat above her and watched her. "Morning..How did you sleep?" He looked at her then kissed her and kissed along her neck then nuzzled against her chest enjoying the fabric of her dress as his tail kept rubbing against her legs. He smiled and let out a soft purring noise.

Kovo yawned and laid beside the beautiful Faye Valentine. He kept her close to him the whole night enjoying her warmth and just the fact that she was now beside him and he could look after her.
Jessica smiled softly at his cute antics. She scratched behind his ears gently. "I slept very well, thank you." He'd been exceedingly gentle with her. Perhaps if she was to resign herself to her fate, it wouldn't be so bad with this one. She'd take him over Aza any day.

When the ex-bounty hunter woke from her sleep, she half-expected to be back in that horrible room with Jessica and the others. She was nearly brought to tears when she discovered that she was still safe and sound, and that meant that Jessica and Esmeralda weren't. She turned to Kovo and snuggled up to him as closely as she could without hurting him and closed her eyes again, afraid he might disappear.
Schrodinger watched her as he ran his hands over her chest then down her sides, to the slit inside of her dress and over her thighs and legs. "Well Jessica Rabbit, tell me about your self, your skills, fantasies,kinks, what you like to do and how you like to do it." He smiled and let his tail slip inside of her hose and rub against her pussy.

Kovo Didn't awake from her antics but that was normal. He was exhausted from fighting all night and wanted some good sleep with whom he hoped would be his partner and wife.
Jessica shivered just a little, her body awakening as he touched her, his hands roaming wherever he pleased. "I'm an entertainer--I sing and dance. I've been told my tongue is skilled and I don't have many kinks that I can think of quite this early," she said, groaning as the tail rubbed against her. "I'm sorry to disappoint...but I haven't had food in awhile either. It's a little hard to think," she said with a frown, her stomach growling for the first time in a long while.

Faye stayed close to her lover, glad to be safe in his arms, happy to be able to see his face again. She watched him sleep for awhile longer, just relaxing.
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