The Night Whispers

"We're to do whatever you want," Jessica said, watching the crowd gather around her. "While I can't speak for my partner, I have experience in song and dance, as well as a number of other things. Just name it, boys."

"I'm to spend the day and night with you, officer," she said with a bow. "If there's anything you want from me, please tell me."
Schrodinger watched Esmeralda and got out of the seat and folded his hands behind his back as he walked around her inspecting her. After he did so he stood behind her and simply just leaned against her and tilted his head. "Tell me Miss, why are you so dressed up Ja?" He simply laid against her, his tail idly brushing against her legs not even aware of what it was doing.

The soldiers watched the girls before giving them some space. "well we have been without some good entertainment for some time. so put on a show for us, dance,sing,tease..anything."
Esmeralda smiled and pet his ears, giggling softly as his tail brushed against her. "This is my uniform, sir."

Jessica nodded and parted the crowd between the two of them, starting to sing her number acapella while Daphne teased a group of soldiers playing with herself as she watched Jessica.
Schrodinger's ears flicked as her fingers came in contact with them. just tiny flicks but it was still noticible. he looked at her then seemed to jump up pressing against her. but yet he was light as a feather. His tail curling up her thighs and under her dress as he gave her rear a swat. "carry me around." He laughed and watched her reactions.

The crowd was split between Jessica and Daphne.
Esmeralda smiled and pet him again, gasping just a little as his tail curled around her thighs and he spanked her. She jumped a little at the impact, but chuckled. "Where would you like me to go?" she asked him, still thinking he was cute, despite the actions he'd just taken against her.

Jessica and Daphne continued to perform for the crowd, Jessica walking away from the man she'd been pressed against and to the middle of the circle as her song ended, bowing for them when she was finished. Daphne continued to play with herself, looking at the men in the crowd with lust in her eyes.
Schrodinger shrugged and bounced against her abit and shrugged as his tail moved up higher and he held onto her as he nuzzled into her neck. "I dunno, where is a fun place to go?" Perhaps he knew what he was doing but still he wanted to have fun first. It was often so dull around this building and he wanted to have fun.

The soldiers cheered for them, some more fore Daphne since she was playing with herself for them out in the open while others watched Jessica perform.
Esmeralda shivered just a little and started to walk along. "Well, I haven't actually been here for very long. Would you like to explore?"
Schrodinger nodded and held onto Esmeralda and looked around then gave her rear another swat. "Ya lets go, hurry up!" He laughed abit and clung close to her wondering where she would lead them to. His tail kept moving around idly rubbing against her thighs and up her dress as he clung to her neck.

The soldiers were cheering for the two girls to play together with eachother.
Esmeralda ran around, carrying Schrodinger on her back as his tail played with her and he clung to her neck. After running around for a few moments, they arrived in a large library.

Daphne looked at Jessica and the two came together to do as they were told, holding onto him.

Faye had been wandering around for quite some time, having managed to free her hands on something sharp on the ground, her blindfold removed after. The girl wandered around the ruins of the mansion that she had no idea her lover had been in. It was, however, very eerie. She sat on a stone step and frowned. "Oh Kovo...I wish I knew where you were."
Schrodinger looked around the library then looked at Esmeralda and shrugged before dropping off of her and looking around. it was a rather large room and alone. He watched Esmeralda and licked his lips. he had played and now he wanted her.

The Soldiers watched the two girls and grinned and kept cheering for them

From behind a tree someone dropped down and looked at her. "If you have to ask, you'll never know." He laughed and smiled. It was Kovo. "Glad you made it out."
Esmeralda stood still, looking around her. She'd never been in this room before. Even as she was aware for Schrodinger, she was more concerned, for the moment, with where she was, filing the location away in the back of her mind. Then the moment was over and she turned to him. "Yes?"

Jessica and Daphne kissed each other and their hands ran up and down each other's bodies.

Faye practically screamed when she heard his voice. Clearly, she hadn't been expecting an answer. She was on her feet in a moment and running for him the next. She put her arms around him and closed her eyes as she buried her face into his shoulder. "I'm so glad you're alive," she whispered. That was the second time, and, she hoped, the last time she'd ever have to say anything remotely like that ever again.
Schrodinger watched Esmeralda and walked over to her and moved behind her running his hands down along her sides as he pressed against her and let his tail slip up her dress as he started to lick along her neck. "I want to play now." He gave a satisfying pure and let his hands wander along her body.

The Crowd was cheering for the two girls as they started to play with eachother. a Camera was brought out to even record them

Kovo held onto her and smiled and kissed her. "Im fine but there are problems all over the city now and its not safe to be outside of the special zone now. We need to make it back into it so we can talk there. He looked at her and smiled. "Climb on my back and I can get us there very quickly."
She nodded and kissed his cheek before getting behind him. She jumped up onto his back and pressed against him, holding onto him.

Esmeralda shivered as he started to lick her, his tail, caressing her, his hands running up and down her sides. Wait, wasn't he just a kid moments ago?

The crowd around the two girls would only become more excited as they both started to finger each other. Daphne could see why she won the challenge.
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled before holding onto her and running off through the woods at a high speed before slowing down as it started to get close to city. "See that Bridge. Its the liberty bridge. built after the vampire human war in France, Problem is." He pointed over to Millennium soldiers patrolling it. "They are looking for any vampires.."

Schrodinger watched Esmeralda and laughed before clambering up one of the ladders then climbing up onto one of the shelfs. "So what kind of game can we play?"
"We can play whatever kind of game you want," she said, finding his behavior to be strange.

"Is this what's holding you back from getting to your mother and Jessica?" she asked.
Kovo looked at Faye and sighed. "Its a little more problems then that. I can get into and out easily, But Humans not so much and with my father out of commission, Kuro is stuck watching him So again I'm on my own. and it would be a whole lot easier if Millennium's soldiers weren't controlling most of the cities and roadways. I may be strong but I can't take on a whole army." He stopped and set her down as soon as he heard voices. they didn't spot kovo but they signed a light on Faye. " there..what are you doing? where are your papers?"

Schrodinger looked at Esmeralda and sat on the top of the shelf and pouted a little bit. "But I dont know any good games, aww you're no fun." His ears folded down and his tail wrapped around his waist as he lightly kicked his feet against the bookshelf as he sat there.
Schrodinger looked at Esmeralda and jumped down from the bookshelf and walked over to her and pinned her against the wall. "I know why he really sent you..I just wanted some fun but now i'll do what was asked." He quickly unzipped himself and rubbed his dick against her thighs watching her.

Kovo kept hidden from the soldiers before getting behind them and knocking them out. He grabbed Faye and moved to the edge of the bridge and pushed her through the barrier. "get to home, look after my father, get kuro to help out here!"
"I'll do my best. Good luck, Kovo." She gave him one last long look and then turn and ran, heading for the place Kuro and Clopin were staying.

Esmeralda gasped as the little one became so forward. He rubbed against her, excited her, but she found it terribly odd that someone so innocent in looks could turn on a switch. Pinned against the wall, she took in his face. "I'm sorry I don't know more games, then," she said.

Jessica and Daphne continued to go at it for the crowd, wondering when the soldiers would be satisfied.

(( Schrodinger really a kid? cuz I'm pretty sure that's against the rules.))
(no he's not a kid. he's about as old as clopin or Esmeralda. He is a vampire. but he likes to act like a kid to confuse people or have fun, reason he looks young was due to the fact he was turned when he was young. So he kept his youthful body)

Schrodinger kept her pinned as he rubbed his dick against her legs. "Oh well then, we can still have fun." and with that his tail slid up her dress and pulled down her panties and slid himself into her.

Once Faye was inside of the "special" zone She was in a protected zone Kuro noticed her running across the Bridge before he called out to her with his mind. "Sis, its good to see you..are you all right?"

The soldiers then moved to take both girls. taking turns making them suck on them while other soldiers took pictures or taped it.
((I thought it might be something like that, but I wasn't sure))

Esmeralda gasped as he took her, his length surprising her. "Ahn...Schrodinger..."

"Kuro," she smiled and started to run to him. "I'm not sure if I'll ever be alright," she told him. Once she caught up to him, she gave him a hug and looked into his eyes, desperate. "Jessica...she gave up her freedom for me, Kuro. That man...he has a power over your mother. And there's another woman there as well..I don't know who she is, but no one deserves the life he wanted for us. Please, go to your brother. I will take care of Clopin. Help him do whatever he can to save the others."

Jessica and Daphne took their time, sucking cock after cock, using their hands as well.
Schrodinger watched Esmeralda's reactions and grinned as he pushed himself deeper into her. He licked along her neck before kissing her, forcing his tongue into her mouth as his hands roamed along her sides then up to her breasts. His tail on the other hand slid up and pressed against her ass before sliding into her.

Kuro looked at Faye then nodded and patted her head. "All right, just keep heading north until you get to a black small manor house."

All of the soldiers were getting turns with the girls before another soldier spoke out. "why should we get all the fun, let our dogs get some fun as well."
Faye smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "Take care of each other." That said, she was off toward the manor house, hoping that Clopin wasn't too badly injured.

Clopin's wife, on the other hand, was focused mostly on the childlike Schrodinger. She groaned as his tongue made it's way into her mouth, her own coming to play with his. His hands got her whole body tingling as they roamed her body ad she kissed him softly. She moaned as his shaft pushed further into her and then the tail made its way into her ass.
Clopin had been wrapped up in bandages. his body burnt due to him seeing the explosive and practically jumping onto it to take most of the blast. But he was not in pain, just unable to heal due to not feeding from Esmeralda and to being all wrapped up and not being able to eat or go anywhere just lay and rest while his family fought or was held captive.

Schrodinger kept pushing against Esmeralda, hands moving all over her body, one hand moving over her chest while his other hand gripped her thighs and pulled her closer to him while his tail moved around her tight ass and forced itself deeper into her.
Faye smiled softly, the pain evident in her face when she saw him. "Hello, Clopin. Is there something I can do for you?" she asked softly, sitting by the bed.

Esmeralda moaned softly as Schrodinger continued to go at her, melting beneath him. It was amazing to experience.

Jessica and Daphne kept at their work.
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