The Night Whispers

Aza watched then nodded. He headed out for a second and meeting with a soldier "Have my car made ready for a transport." The soldier nodded and left per Aza's request. Aza walked back in and untied them. He looked at them before nodding and tossing blinds. Jessica, tie her hands and blindfold her. She is to be released." He looked over at Daphne and crossed his arms over his chest. "You...I have little sue for someone lacking such skill. but you wont be going free." He drew a pistol and pointed at her. "You will die, unless you can convince me otherwise."
"Jessica blindfolded Faye and quickly slid a dress over her before tying her wrists and sending her on her way. What she heard Aza say to Daphne, however, quickly shocked her. "Master," she said, looking at Daphne with apologetic eyes. "I can teach her to be better. Surely all she needs is more practice."

"P-please, master," Daphne begged, tears in her eyes. "Please let me live. I'll get better, I'll do something else for you if I don't please you. Please don't kill me."
Aza looked at Daphne before putting the pistol away. He looked at Daphne then to Jessica and nodded. "Fine she is your responsibility. Now someone get over here and hold still while I feed, I grow hungry."
Daphne sent a silent thanks to Jessica and offered herself up to Aza to feed upon. Jessica had done enough for today. Esmeralda put on a short red dress that barely held in her breasts and showed off a lot of her legs. She stood in the background and motioned for Jessica to leave the two of them while Aza fed. They sat on a sofa and just relaxed. Jessica was incredibly glad that Faye was safe.
Aza looked at Daphne as she walked over. He grabbed her by the neck and looked into her eyes before placing his fingers right against the pulse of her neck and temple. Aza was a different kind of Vampire. He was a PSI so he drew energy from people's minds. He began to pull the energy from Daphne, making her feel lightheaded and weak.
Daphne felt weaker within mere seconds of his feeding, but she was determined to not disappoint him again. She stood her ground while she fed.

((Sorry, running out of steam...))
(I know how it is) The Streets of Paris was in complete chaos. The millennium organization was in full tilt attacking all that stood in its way and reporters spoke of 2 strong beings fighting with them. who matched the description of Kuro and Kovo. Aza fed from Daphne before stopping and letting her drop from energy loss before he walked over to the window. "soon this world will fall as will theirs. They took everything I had, so now I shall do the same to them." He walked out of the room and looked at Jessica and Esmeralda before heading out.
Both women rushed to help Daphne as Aza left. Esmeralda got her some food, while Jessica put her into more comfortable clothing and carried her to a side room with a bed.

Faye stayed blindfolded and tied, unsure of what to do. She was grateful to Jessica for the dress however. The red dress seemed to cover everything, so she was glad for that.
The car stopped and her blindfold was pulled off as they pulled Faye out of the car and to the site where the building was blown up before they drove off.

Aza returned a little while later and began pacing. "Hmm how to accelerate the plans. He looked over to the three women before nodding and licking his lips. "Yes perfect."
Jessica raised an eyebrow before looking to Esmeralda who didn't look any more clear on things than she did. Daphne was still unconscious for the moment, making her position seem like the best option at the moment.
Aza looked at the Jessica and Esmeralda and licked his lips nodding as the plans were coming all together in his mind. "Yes it shall all work." He then moved quickly and caught Jessica and pinned her against the wall before running a finger against her neck. slowly a black ollar appeared around her neck. "Now you truely are mine, now also we must think of a uniform." He let her go then looked at Esmeralda. "Show some leg."
Jessica had already been Kuro's. Faye had whispered to her before that Kovo was still alive. That there was a chance Kuro had survived as well. It was all that was left of Jessica's hope. No matter what Aza thought or did, she would always belong to Kuro. Still, the black collar on her neck was very discouraging.

Esmeralda, in the meantime, did as she was told and revealed the whole of her leg to her mental master.
Aza looked at Jessica before looking over to Esmeralda and kneeling down,running his hand over her thighs before a black band wrapped around her thigh. just as the collar on Jessica's neck.
Jessica and the older woman looked at each other with confusion as to what Aza had in mind. "Master," Esmeralda ventured. "Might I ask what these are for?"
Aza looked at them. "In due time my pets in due time." He looked at them and laughed before another soldier moved in. "Sir, most of all europe has already surrendered to the Millennium organization." Aza nodded. "good let them think they are truely in control. Then we'll pull it right from under their feet when the time comes. Girls. go put your uniforms on."
Aza lead them down a hall to their room where other outfits were. He pointed to them, Silk chineese short dresses but altered to show them off.
Jessica put her dress on over a nice bra and panties. It was black and had a huge piece of it cut out to show off her cleavage. The slits came up to the bottom band of her panties, but the dress continued to about her knees. She slid into some heels and then looked over Esmeralda. Her dress was pulled tight across her breasts, which were beautiful, but not quite as big. She was covered on her chest, but the dress barely covered her ass, showing off her beautiful legs. She slid her feet into white heels, matching her dress.
Aza looked over at the two and walked over to them and put his arms around her waist. "Come my pets." He lead them out and down he hall and into a room and to the outside balcony over looking what seemed to be hundreds of soldiers, tanks and vehicles. It looked as though he was planning to wage a war with the human world. He held onto Esmeralda and Jessica as many of the troops stopped and looked up to see their commander. "Long has it been that we have laid and waited and let ourselves fade into oblivion. NOW we shall show them that we truly exists and that WE are at the top of the food chain!

We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might! But, after enduring over half a century of wallowing in the darkness for us a simple, ordinary war will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE war! A war beyond any other that mans history has ever known! We are but a single battalion, the reminance of the defeated army numbering less than a thousand strong.

However, I believe that each of you old warriors is equal to a thousand of their sickly soft children. We represent a force that could easily defeat an army of a million and one men!

It is time for them to awake the ones who sent us screaming into oblivion and now lie sleeping. Lets drag them out of bed by the hair and remind them of what we are!

We will remind them of what it feels like to live in fear!

We will remind them of the sound our jackboots make against their throats!

We will remind that there are more things between heaven and hell than are drempt of in their philosophy!

Our Kampf grouper of one thousand vampires is going to burn this world down to ash.

Yes my friends, Soon Europe's charred remains will illuminate the night sky!

I have brought you all back just as i promised i would.
back to our favorite battlefield.
Back to our beloved war! This is a message from your commander!

Friends...lets bring them hell......."

The Soldiers started cheering as a screen came down in front of them and showed them the battle that was going on in the outside world. He noticed that 3 dots still flashed before disappearing into the vampire section of Paris. Those three dots must of been Kuro, Kovo, and Clopin.
Jessica and Esmeralda stood on either side of the lunatic while he gave his speech and smiled softly to the crowds, though they really just wanted to run away. Still, neither of them really understood their roles in this. When they saw the dots, however, Esmeralda saw stragglers and Jessica saw hope.
Aza laughed abit then looked at the two girls and grinned. "Jessica, wake up Daphne and Dress her. you two shall be entertaining my troops and doing what ever they want of you. And you..." He looked at Esmeralda and walked over to her running his hand against her cheek then nodded. "will head downstairs to my 2nd in command Junior Warrant Officer Schrödinger. You are going to be a little gift for him, for the day and night and will do everything you can to please him."
Jessica nodded and strode off to go and get Daphne ready. For some reason, she was following orders much more readily. It was as though the part of her brain that was able to process what was happening around her had shut down. there was another consciousness in her now that lived to obey.

Esmeralda had already been apt to follow orders given to her, but the collar on her leg, she suspected was merely to show the world that she was his now. She gave him a bow and turned away to find the officer she was to be a little treat for.

When Jessica roused Daphne, she combed out the girl's hair and dressed her properly in a uniform that was both black and white. Her heels were black and the skirt was short, the area that bared her chest almost as revealing as Jessica's. The two redheads descended the stairs, Daphne in the dark as to what was happening until they walked out the door toward the soldiers. "We're their toys for now, Daphne. Don't disappoint them."
Schrodinger sat in Aza's chair just playfully minding his own buisness in what looked to be a youth uniform of the soldier's uniform. He spun abit in the chair before his cat ears twitched as he heard Esmeralda's heels tap against the hard concrete floor. When look at him he looked almost like a child but then again the mythological creatures could be years old and look young. He watched Esmeralda for abit before smiling abit and nodding. "guten Tag." It was hard to see that he even posed a threat looking so cute.

The soldiers looked over as Daphne and Jessica made their way down to them. Soldiers stopped what they were doing to see what was going on as several formed a circle around the two redheads. "What have we got here hmm?"
Esmeralda smiled as she entered the room and smiled back at him as she came toward him and stopped just before him. "Hello," she said with a little wink. "Master Aza sends his regards. Tell me, Officer, is there anything I can do for you?"

Daphne, while nervous, felt the urge to obey the command she'd been given. For some reason, she simply couldn't imagine disobeying. So she mirrored Jessica as the curvier of the two put a hand on her hip. "We're here for you, boys. Entertainment."
Schrodinger watched Esmeralda and tilted his head. his ears twitching abit as he looked her over before shrugging. "Ah mien Major Sent you?, No I cant think of anything that you can do. is there anything you think you can do?" He twirled around in the chair abit and smiled. He enjoyed being so childish and carefree but there was also something about this kid. It was as though Esmeralda had seen him before.

The soldiers watched both Daphne and Jessica before they started to talk amongst themselves. "Entertainment huh? what kind of entertainment do you have in store?" More soldiers had begun to gather around. Some were even taking pictures of the girls as the crowd got bigger.
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