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The Night Whispers

Clopin was up and biting into a piece of metal before tossing it away. "strength test...still good." He laughed abit and slowly got up and looked at Faye. "What bothers you my child?"

Schrodinger groaned and kept pushing against Jessica, she could feel that he was nice and hard as he slid a few fingers into Esmeralda. "The best fucks huh, what makes you say that?"
"That is for you to find out," Esmeralda moaned.

Faye smiled and shook her head. "Does something have to be bothering me to see you?" she asked. In truth, of course, she really was upset, but she didn't want to bother him with least not yet. "I was just hoping I could talk to you. Kovo's gone to check on troop movements and Kuro hasn't spoken to me since I came back. It's kind of lonely," she said, looking down.
Schrodinger pulled Esmeralda's hose down and pulled her closer and started licking her and pushing his tongue into her as he kept pressing against Jessica. He smiled and tried to slide up in Jessica's shorts to get into her.

Clopin smiled and nodded. "Ah I understand, well Faye im always here."
Jessica smiled. "Do you want it, baby?" she asked, denying him full access. Esmeralda moaned. "Oh...your tongue!"

Faye smiled and hugged him gently. "Thank you, Clopin."
Schrodinger let out a soft growl when he couldn't get into Jessica. He wanted her. "Give to me." He then put his tongue back into Esmeralda and flicked it around on her.

Clopin nodded and hugged her back. "You are welcome my child."
"Let's talk about something. Anything. Tell me more about yourself," she pleaded. "Thank you."

Jessica chuckled and moved her shorts so that she'd be able to fit him in. After all, he was being such a good sport. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him and moaned softly as the last bit of his length made its way in. "Mmmm, does my pussy feel good to you?" she cooed. Esmeralda shivered. "That's right, ooohhh. Right there," she whimpered.
Schrodinger pushed Esmeralda up for a second to answer Jessica. "It feels so good, My girls. talk about each other. how you two fuck, look then in a competition i want you to say why you are better then the other." Schrodinger then Pulled Esmeralda back down for good long sucks on her pussy while his tongue was pushed into her.

Clopin smiled. "what do you want to know?"
Faye grinned. "Anything you want to tell me. I want to know more about you and your family. Start anywhere you like."

Esmeralda looked at Jessica and nodded. Esmeralda moaned as he pulled her back onto him, surprised at the suddenness. Jessica smiled and went back to riding him. "Ohhh, Esmeralda looks so horny up there, playing with her breasts while you suck at her."

"Jessica is making me jealous. She looks like she's having the time of her life while you're inside of her."

"But Esmeralda can't have you. I'm the one who can please you."

"I've been around for a much longer time. I know many ways to pleasure you."

"I have the better body," Jessica said.

"If you want to drown in breasts, perhaps. I'm far more beautiful than she is."
Clopin nodded. "Well after we started the family we spent many years in Paris. Esmeralda was a teacher for some time when she could. I worked whatever jobs I could. We both lived through the French Revolution and two world wars until we got to where we are today." He sighed abit. "I just hope that we're able to free them or at least see them once more before I have to rest.." He looked at Faye and smiled.

Schrodinger groaned and pushed against Jessica and began to release inside of her while he licked up at Esmeralda.
"I'm sure we'll see them again. I just wish that that strange man had said his name. I just remember that he seemed to have a power over us. And he was very determined to start a war between vampires and the Millennium organization." She frowned and described the man's features, but she doubted that it would help. "I wonder if it would even help."

Jessica shivered as he came and reached her own climax. Esmeralda wasn't far behind. Soon, her juices were spilling into his mouth.
Clopin thought about it. "Thats Aza Blackhunter. A very powerful vampire, He is aided by his physcic powers and able to control people's will and pass that control onto whomever he wishes. Aza is part of the Orimaku family and they are not a vampire family to be messing with. They will take apart anyone who crosses them."

Schrodinger grinned and licked up all that Esmeralda had to offer as he shot up into Jessica.
Faye frowned and looked at him. "Is there anything that he's weak against?" she asked, watching Clopin. "I take it he's not like you and Kovo and Kuro?"

Esmeralda moaned as he licked at her, lapping up her juices. Jessica groaned and tilted her head back as he filled her.
Clopin shrugged. "No one knows...they havent been around much to be identified or experiments done. You see they were created, a failed experiment which created the physic vampire or psi-Vampire. They are able to manipulate a person before the target even knows they are near. so normal weaknesses. Light, holy artifacts. they don't work on them. so that's why they are able to pass for humans more easily then we can."

Schrodinger looked at Jessica and Esmeralda and grinned. "My girls, all mine." and so it was The conflict dragged on for over a year. Clopin had to take his rest and gave control of the family over to Kovo since Kuro had only become more and more aggressive and reckless against anyone outside of the family. Schrodinger allowed the girls out more,even putting up a club like the old one and having the two girls working inside of it. Even though they could even see everyone they could not leave Schrodinger's side.
((Just making sure, but when you say "taking his rest" you don't mean that he's dead, right?))

Esmeralda felt a weariness, a pulling at her heart now. She knew deep down that her husband had been forced to take his rest, and she wasn't with him. When Schrodinger's hold on her was at its weakest, she would excuse herself to cry, the strain on her body becoming apparent. She would need to take rest soon as well, and she would have to do it alone.

Jessica continued to do her part, covering for Esmeralda, bearing her own pain, locking it inside of her. Lately, she seemed empty when not under Blitz's control. She kept to herself, stayed quiet. She smiled and spoke to the people who seemed to care for her, or people she knew that could tell Kuro that she was well, but she didn't have much hope left in her. She hadn't heard news of him or Faye in over a year, and it was beginning to wear her down.

Faye stayed by Kovo's side, keeping him company when he came home, taking care of the house she'd been staying in. She worried about Jessica and Esmeralda and missed Clopin dearly. He had been a dear companion of hers since she was saved by Jessica, and now she was left alone in the house more than she would have liked. She dared not leave for fear of being taken away from Kovo again.
Schrodinger leaned back and groaned as he had Esmeralda under the table sucking him but she couldn't use her hands due to the fact he cuffed her. After a while he released inside her mouth then pulled her up and into his lap as he started to press against her hosed legs and rear. "you two grow weary and no longer have the spark..I think time has come for someone to be released."As Schrodinger played with Esmeralda he had jessica up on stage, showing off, telling ho w much of a good fuck she was and how much she enjoyed it when he master took her.

Kovo and Kuro had left for some secret mission and didn't entail much to Faye, just telling her to keep the house dark and locked.
Faye had followed instructions to the letter, doing just that. She had even gone back to sleeping at night just to stay safe.

Esmeralda frowned. "I'm sorry," she said. "But it's time for me to take my rest." She frowned and looked down. "Jessica is just sad because she sees me in this state. I'm sure she'll still be good for you if you only let me rest..." She smiled softly and scratched his ears the way he liked.
Schrodinger looked at Esmeralda and nodded as his ears flicked. he looked over to Jessica then to Esmeralda. "No I see a weakness in both. But I can grant your rest and release...If you are able to get replacement..because i also plan to release two have served well."
Esmeralda smiled at him and kissed him softly. "Thank you, dear. There are some girls that come in here frequently. They seem very fond of you. Perhaps you should turn your attention to them." The older woman shrugged while Jessica continued her antics on stage.
Schrodinger looked at Esmeralda and nodded. "I have eye on someone. That Native American Girl. the Pocahontas, If you can get her to come over here. i will take her and release you two."
Esmeralda nodded and pet his ears again before getting off of his lap and heading toward the woman in question. She felt a little guilt in tricking this young woman into going to Schrodinger, but he wasn't so bad, and the way she'd been looking at him suggested that she might enjoy being his new girl. Besides that, she had done her time, and so had Jessica. It was time that the two of them went home and tried to forget this life.

She approached the girl with confidence, a smile on her face that could have fooled anyone. She whispered that Officer Blitz had wanted to see her and the two approached him. The native woman smiled and bowed her head respectfully. "You wanted to see me?" she asked. Esmeralda stood off to the side, waiting for her master to tell her it was alright to leave now.
Schrodinger looked at Esmeralda and nodded, He looked at Pocahontas and laughed. "How long has it been hmm. The spirits of the wind able to keep you so young through so many centuries..yet you still look like this." he grinned his tail flicking from side to side before the collar that was aorund Esmeralda dissapeared and appeared around Pocahontas's neck and thighs. making her submit. "from now on you are mine."
Pocahontas smiled and bowed to him once the collars were on her. Esmeralda kissed Schrodinger's cheek and then took Jessica by the arm and left the club together, heading for the special district. Jessica didn't know what was happening until she felt the collar that had been on her neck had vanished. So shocked was she that she didn't even feel joy as she was released. Now that she was able to go back, she didn't know what to do with herself...or where to go. She frowned. Would Kuro still want her after all of the disgusting things she'd been forced to do? Would Clopin still love Esmeralda? Jessica just didn't have it in her to hope anymore, but she owed it to him to see him at least one last time.
Schrodinger looked at Pocahontas and grinned. "quite the dress you have on, tell me about it." The girls wouldn't of had to wait long. a van pulled up and they were grabbed and pulled in. "Shh..relax.." Kovo looked at the two and smiled. "Hello Mother,Jessica." Kuro shut the door then nodded. "lets get going."
Pocahontas smiled. "My little sheath dress? It holds my breasts securely, doesn't it? Makes them so appealing. No straps of course. Do you think it's a little long though?" she asked, showing that it barely came to her knee.

Jessica and Esmeralda had initially screamed when they were taken from the streets. Both of their first thoughts had been, "Again?" But now, they were safe. Kovo was the one who'd pulled them in to relative safety. And Kuro was there as well... Esmeralda had no problem embracing her sons, tears spilling from her eyes. "My boys! How have you been? Are you well? Did you find Faye?"

Jessica kept her eyes on Kuro, speechless.
Schrodinger nodded and looked her over. "If you think its a little long then how do you plan on fixing that my pet hmm?" He watched her, his ears flicking around as his tail moved from side to side.

Kovo nodded. "Yes yes everyone is safe. Faye is back home and Dad is resting." Kuro looked at Jessica and motioned for her to come over to him. He wanted her close, never to get away ever again.
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