The Night Whispers

Aza laughed and nodded. "Very good my pet very good." He smiled and tossed a vibe to her. "have some fun with yourself." He laughed then drove the car off and away.
She caught it and looked at it for a moment before lifting her skirts and pressing the vibe to her clit, turning it on as she sat in back, Aza driving away. Her lips curved into a delirious smile and the other two women watched, horrified at what they were seeing. "Where are you taking us?" they demanded.
Aza laughed and drove off. they drove for some time before the car stopped and Aza got out and helped Esmeralda out. he looked at the guards then grinned. "go get the two dressed. make sure it shows them off nicely."
Esmeralda watched helplessly as the other two were taken away, her charmed self not really caring.

Jessica and Faye struggled as they were dragged away and forced into something akin to the play-bunny suits of old. Both looked remarkable and almost as if they would fall out at any moment. Jessica's little outfit was purple, Faye's red, and neither had bunny ears, but both had pantyhose.
Aza smiled and gave Esmeralda's ass a swat then looked as the two other girls were lead out. He laughed and licked his lips watching the two. "Hmm what to do first, any ideas my pet?"
Esmeralda shook her head, her dark hair falling around her face. "Why don't you touch them, master? They look like they need to be felt up."
Aza laughed and moved behind them,giving their rears a swat before pulling them close and squeezing their breasts. "what else shall we do?"
"Who are you?" Jessica asked, sounding only a little defiant. The redhead was plenty scared, however. Even as he groped her, she stayed close to Faye, hoping to protect the other woman if she could. Faye couldn't believe this was happening to her again. She was powerless against a man she didn't want anything to do with. Kovo, at least, wanted her for more than just sex and her blood. He enjoyed her company and truly seemed to care for her. This man however, seemed to have interested in only one thing.

Esmeralda watched wondering what else Aza had up his sleeve. "I don't know master. What do you need from them?"
Aza looked at Jessica and licked his lips as he pulled her close, One hand sliding inebween her legs while his other hand kept Faye near. He grinned and breathed in. "Smells good." He laughed and looked at them.
Both women looked down in disgust, each trying to get away from him, especially Jessica. If this had been a trap, what happened to her dear Kuro?
Aza got up and grabbed Faye and tied her to a pole in the wall then looked at Jessica and pulled her onto his lap, his hands moving all over her body. "Esmeralda, my dear pet, show these two how to be a true pet."
Jessica continued to struggle against Aza, not wanting him to touch her like he was. She pushed against him with her bound hands and tried to get away, though it didn't seem to be working.

Faye struggled with the ropes, trying desperately to escape and help her friend, watching helplessly as Esmeralda further degraded herself by sitting on the other side of Aza's lap and smiling. "How can I do that for you, master?"
Aza smiled and kept Jessica on his lap. taking her hands and making her reach in and start to stroke his dick. "tell them how they'll dress,act, what they will do for me as a good pet and how they do it."
Esmeralda smiled and nodded. "You'll dress for your body type, revealing your best assets at all times. You'll always do what you're told--no complaints or hesitation--and you'll always want to make your master happy. Always ask what he wants and give him suggestions when he asks for them, my dears."

Jessica and Faye couldn't believe that this was the same woman who had been so in love with her husband this morning. It just couldn't be her! And where was Clopin and the others?
An attendant walked in and looked at Aza. "Sir the explosives are set and ready, we just need your word." Aza nodded and held onto Jessica and licked his lips. "good, and it shall plunge this world into war..." He grinned and looked at Esmeralda. "go and pick out yourself something nice as well." He grinned at the attendant. "Detonate them." He laughed and looked aorund. "It has been said. I like war., friends I LOVE war.. I love seeing recruits brandishing their bayonets and charging headlong into the enemy, Gentlemen all I ask is for you to give me war!"
Jessica's eyes widened, the whereabouts of Kuro suddenly becoming clear to her. "NO!" she screamed squirming to get away.

Faye had been creeped out enough by Aza's ranting, but when she heard Jessica scream, she knew what was happening as well and struggled harder.

Esmeralda knew on some level as well that Clopin's life was in danger. She couldn't go to him however. She wanted to so deeply, but her face wouldn't stop smiling, damnit all. She went to the closet in another room and picked a small dress that accentuated her curves and clung to her body. It was black. My darlings...please get away, she called out with her mind, hoping that they would hear her.
Aza laughed and looked at Jessica as he kept rubbing his hands against her body enjoying her. He smiled and waited for Esmeralda to come out and make herself known.

Clopin thought he heard something and got up. "what?" but as he said that a large explosion rocked the building they were in. engulfing it in fire.
Esmeralda felt a pain in her chest, a small tear jerked from her body as she put on a dress similar to the gypsy gown she'd met Clopin in, only much shorter and in a different color. Her charmed personality wouldn't let her cry, however. Clopin she thought, her heart breaking as she came back to her new master.

Jessica continued to struggle, her horrifying revelation only making things worse as tears ran down her face. "You're a monster!"

Faye closed her eyes, a fresh sense of pain flooding her heart as she lost her lover all over again.
Aza laughed as he kept making Jessica stroke him. "Monster...No my pet. They were the monsters. slaughtering men,women and children. And if I am the monster then how come they allowed me free reign over 65 years ago." He looked at Esmeralda as she walked out and whispered abit increasing the hold he had over her. "look wonderful. tell me about it."
She shook her head, tears still coming from her eyes. The redhead heard his whisper and figured it must have something to do with Esmeralda's condition. If not, it was a sure sign that he was really crazy, and that she was right. "Clearly they were misguided," Jessica said, feeling more disgust as her hands continued to stroke him.

Esmeralda came toward him and smiled her peasant top down over her shoulders, the puffy sleeves reaching her elbows. A good portion of her breasts could be seen and a black corset held it in place. The skirt reached only mid-thigh and her thigh-high stockings had lace on the tips. "It's a white peasant top, a black corset and a purple pleated skirt."
Aza grinned watching Jessica argue but still jerk away on him. He smiled as Esmeralda walked into the room. He smiled and reached over running a hand along her legs. "Silk stockings, short skirt, enough to be able to see up. naughty girl."
"Do you like it, master?" she asked, sitting next to him. Jessica watched in disbelief.

Faye continued to grieve silently.
Aza nodded giving her thigh a squeeze as he slid his hand up to the edge of her skirt. He smiled and looked around. "Ah the spoils of war." He licked his lips knowing that at this moment there would be panic and chaos as the millennium and All the other vampires and their help would now be at war that would engulf the normal public as well but what he didnt know was that with the girl's warning they had gotten up and saw the explosive a second early and were able to brace. they were still alive.
Jessica deeply resented being a "spoil of war" for the man she was pleasuring against her will. If there was ever a hate that could pierce one's heart, it would have been hers. The fact that he was also taking advantage of Esmeralda and Faye after killing their only protectors only made things worse. He really was a monster.

Esmeralda smiled on the surface though on the inside she was a mirror image of the defeated Faye.
Aza laughed and looked at Jessica and started to release on her hands. "mmhm, very good doll." He looked at Esmeralda and smiled. "Now show her how well you can perform."
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