The Night Whispers

Clopin smiled and gently kissed her neck. "Good morning dear." He smiled and ran a hand down along her sides then back up and through her hair. "How did you sleep?"
"At first, I didn't sleep very well at all, but then I stopped dreaming. I don't remember exactly what the dream was about, but it was really hard for me to rest at all." The raven-haired beauty returned his gaze and affection, running a hand over his cheek and into his hair, then down his back to his waist. She yawned softly and snuggled closer to him. "How did you sleep, my love?"
Clopin looked at her and smiled and laid back. "Slept fine, like I always do, just like the first night we laid together." He smiled and looked at her. "and that will never change."

Kovo had gotten up early, unable to sleep even thought Faye was sleeping. He sighed and shook his head before rifling through the cabinent for food before hearing the knock on the door. He walked over wondering who it could be. opening the door her growled and bore his teeth. "You."
Faye continued to sleep, even when Kovo got up, but she slowly started to awaken when she heard him growl. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment, but the power of sleep was too great to let her stay that way.

Esmeralda smiled and held him tighter. "I will always love you, Clopin. With just as much passion and intensity as I do right now."
Kovo glared and bared his fangs before grabbing the man and hugging him. "It has been some time my old friend." The man looked at Kovo and nodded. " are one to talk" Kovo looked at the man. "So what does Iscariot want now?"

Clopin smiled and held onto her. "And I will always love you."
Esmeralda captured Clopin's lips with her own and kissed him fiercely, determined to prove her feelings to him.

Faye continued to drift in and out of consciousness, only catching a few words here and there.
Clopin held onto Esmeralda and held her close,kissing her just as deeply as he ran his hands all over along her body.

The man looked at Kovo. "Just to give you some information on the millennium organization that you seem to have run into contact with and that are all over the street."
Esmeralda let out a soft moan as he let his hands roam. After a few moments she pulled away from his lips and smiled.

Faye woke up after a few more moments of drifting to find that Kovo wasn't in bed with her. She stirred with a frown and a yawned a bit as she started to look around the room for him.
Clopin looked at her and smiled and kept her close and warm. "I love you." He yawned abit and sat up,holding her in his lap. "So my dear what do you have planed for today?"

Kovo nodded and let him come in. "Do come in Enrico."
Faye blinked and tried to let her eyes get used to the darkness in the room, but she couldn't see anyone. "Kovo?" she murmured softly.

"I don't have anything the planned yet," she said, staying close to him. "I hadn't really thought to do anything in particular."
Enrico looked at Kovo and nodded. "Iscariot, Hellsing and the Vatican have called for a grand assemble conference of the great heads. and since your family is one of it. You are called."

Clopin smiled and kissed her then nodded.
Faye could just barely make out a conversation between Kovo and someone named Enrico. Apparently, he had to leave her again. She frowned and sank back into her pillow. At least, she thought, he would be safe with them.

Esmeralda smiled back at him, the notion infectious. "Why are you so happy today?"
Kovo nodded and looked at Enrico. "Well then let me wake everyone else up and tell them to pack" He then headed back to the hall way and pounded on doors to get everyone up. "Pack up we're heading to France."

Clopin looked at Esmeralda and shrugged and kissed her then heard Kovo's pounding. "what is going on?"
Esmeralda groaned and closed her eyes. "I knew there was a reason that I liked it when my boys came to visit...and a reason I liked it when they were away." She sighed and sat up with Clopin, taking a moment to wake up more.

Jessica was awakened by the banging on her door. She gasped and clung to Kuro as she lie in bed with him. "What's happening?" she asked.

Faye was still confused, but she slowly got out of bed and put on a robe before turning on the bedside lamp. And there was a man that was not hers. "Who are you?" she asked.
Clopin sighed and got up and pulled his robe around his body and opened the door. "Kovo what is it, what could it possible be to wake us up so early?"

Kuro looked at Jessica and raised his hand and slowly got up.

Kovo sighed. "Round Table meeting, the elders, The Vatican and all heads have called to be acquired..pack up.
Esmeralda frowned and got up, putting on her robe. She went to her closet and started pulling clothes to wear at the moment.

Faye heard his command and simply tied up the bag of clothes that had been brought for her.

Jessica sat up with him and rubbed her eyes.
Clopin packed up abit and looked over to Esmeralda and smiled and held his bag. "Look at it this way hun. We get to go back home. To Visit Paris, where we first came together."

Kovo headed back into the room and began packing up.

Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled and went over to the closet and began packing.
Jessica pulled on a green dress that was somewhat conservative, though she still looked quite beautiful. She tied up her bag of clothes as well and stood ready to leave at a moment's notice.

Faye walked to him and smoothed her hair out a bit. "What's going on?"

Esmeralda smiled at him and kissed his lips softly. "That we will. Perhaps I'll be welcomed to the Court of Miracles again."
Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled and kissed her. "Look Beautiful." He smiled and grabbed their bags and headed out to car which would drive them to the airport.

Kovo ran a hand against her cheek. "A round Table meeting. All the important heads and figures of the Vatican, Hellsing, Iscariot and the Vampire head families are called to meet."

Clopin shrugged and kissed her and grabbed her bags and his own and headed out.
Esmeralda followed after her husband, smiling at her son as he and Jessica made their way to the car. The four of them settled into the car nicely, and she waited for Kovo and Faye.

Faye smiled softly as he ran a hand against her cheek and pulled on a pair of pants and a nicer shirt before picking up her bag and waited for him to finish.
Kuro sat down and helped Jessica in and smiled then looked around. "Paris..haven't been there in years." He shrugged and sat back in the seat waiting for Kovo.

Kovo looked at Faye and smiled and kissed her then took their bags and loaded them into the car and got in. The driver nodded and started the car off to the airport.
"Is that where you're from, Paris?" Jessica asked curiously. She leaned against Kuro, still a little sleepy, though she'd gotten used to being awake at night and sleeping the day away from her prior lifestyle as a night club singer. Faye was still a bit tired, though she was leaning against Kovo because she'd missed him so much.

Esmeralda smiled. "It's where I'm from."
Kuro shook his head and held onto Jessica. "No I actually am from England, well that's where i was born when I was alive. I hadnt been back to Paris since 1939." Kovo looked at Faye and smiled running a hand against her cheek. "rest my love. when you wake we'll be there."

Clopin nodded. "As am I, born and Raised in Paris."
"That's a long time to be away," Jessica said. "Are you excited to be going back?"

Esmeralda smiled at her husband and held his hand. "I'm glad to be going back. It's been a little while."

"I hope you won't mind," Faye said, going asleep.
Kuro shrugged. "A little. but when I was there it was during WWII so this is a welcomed change of going there during assumed peace then a known war."

Clopin smiled. "I am. its always nice to see where one was born."

Kovo looked at Faye and shook his head. "No I dont mind at all love."
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