The Night Whispers

"Of course you worried me. I'd worry about you no matter what." She squeezed his hand back and kissed his head gently. "I think you might be too courageous for your own good, Kovo." Faye smiled softly and kept him close to her.

Daphne shivered as the ropes fell away from her and shook from exhaustion as he took her away from there. She screamed as they disappeared and prayed that Isolt would still be alive to come and save her.
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled. "I may be stubborn but im not that stupid." He rested against her and smiled. "Im not going to do anything that risks my well being or yours."

Aza set Daphne down on the ground. The area seemed much warmer and brighter too as if it was a desert area. He looked at her and grinned. "Snack time."
"What?" Daphne asked pushing away from him with her legs, trying to get away, though she wasn't going anywhere near as fast as she needed to.

Faye kissed him softly and ran her fingers through his hair. "I know you're not stupid, love. But you have to admit that you've already put yourself in danger. Even if that danger didn't really last long." She smiled and hugged him. "I don't care as long as I've got you back now."
Kovo smiled and nodded then looked upp at the sky. "We should best be heading back home for daylight does approach us in a few hours and we dont want to be out and about when the early risers come." He smiled and kissed her.

Aza looked at Daphne and laughed before reaching down and pulling her up by the collar of her dress. He grinned bearing his fangs. "Fresh blood."
Daphne was incredibly terrified. "Please, let me go," she said softly.

"You're right. We should be getting back," Faye said. She stood up and waited for him to follow her lead. Jessica stood as well and waited for Kuro to lead the way back.
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled and got up and followed after her while Kuro got up and lead the way back to the Cabin. Clopin had already made his way back to the home.

Aza laughed and shook his head. "How" He grinned and looked her over. "Hmm cute but doesn't suit you." He laughed and snapped his fingers putting her back into her old purple dress.
Faye smiled as they returned and led Kovo to the room she'd prepared for the two of them. "I'll sleep much better now that you're here with me," she said, closing the window and the curtains.

Jessica followed Kuro all the way back to their room and kissed him softly.

Esmeralda was already changed and showered, though she still felt dirty. She lay in bed, the light on in the room as she tried to read a book. How could Clopin ever want her again?

Daphne, looked down at her outfit, changed. What was this magic?
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled. "Im glad you will and I'll be able to sleep peacefully."

Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled. "I can tell you're happy."

Clopin walked into the house and over to his room. He looked at Esmerelda trying to read and sat down on the bed.

Aza looked at Daphne and laughed as he licked his teeth.
Faye smiled and kissed Kovo softly before turning away and taking off her clothes so that she could get ready for bed. She pulled on a loose shirt and got the bed ready for a nice night of sleep. "I'm glad. Now let's get to bed."

Jessica giggled and tilted her head to the side. "Of course I am. It's nice to see that Faye's happy again, and it makes me appreciate having you with me even more. I don't know what I'd do without you, Kuro."

Esmeralda put her book down and looked him sadly.

Daphne simply didn't have the energy to put up a fight, having been tied, fucked, and left outside in the cold. Even so, her dress seemed to be somehow less comforting than it used to be. Especially now that the strange man above her seemed to be enjoying her situation even more.
Kovo looked at Faye and smiled before laying back and slowly falling asleep in the bed that she had chosen for them. He felt her get into bed beside him and he smiled before drifting off to sleep.

Kuro smiled and nodded. "well I would hope that you would move on with your life and not dwell on the fact that I was gone. I wouldnt be able to rest in peace if you wernt. I'd have to come down and haunt you!"

Clopin looked at her and walked over to her and pulled her over and kissed her.

Aza looked at Daphne and laughed as he ran a hand against her cheek before pushing her down and pinning her. "What to do."
Esmeralda was a bit surprised about Clopin's decision to be spontaneous. She kissed him back and let him hold her there, glad that he still wanted her.

Jessica smiled and got rid of the clothes she was wearing to put on her big t-shirt. She put her arms around him. "It would take an awful lot of time to get over you, Kuro." She smiled and kissed his lips softly.

Faye slept next to Kovo, her rest so much easier now.

Daphne squirmed beneath him, trying to get away with him. "Please, stop," she whimpered.
Clopin looked at Esmeralda and smiled and rested against her with his arms around her. "Don't worry about a thing love." He smiled and gently kissed her neck then rested against her slowly drifting to sleep.

Kuro looked at Jessica and kissed her and pulled her close to him and nodded. "well I am touched you think that hun but really I would want you to move on quickly. Don't mourn for me... I died years ago."

Kovo slept beside Faye never moving from her.

Aza laughed and kneeled over her, sliding his hand along her legs.
Esmeralda let grateful tears fall from her eyes as her husband wrapped his arms around her and she heard his words of comfort. "Thank you," she whispered, closing her eyes and falling asleep with him as well.

Jessica shook her head. "But you're alive to me." She kissed his lips softly and held him close. "It would take some time--all loss does--but I would move on eventually. You don't need to worry about me. I'll make it." That said, the redhead climbed into bed and waited for him to join her.

Daphne trembled as Aza bent her over. "Why are you doing this?"
Clopin held onto her and nuzzled against her before slipping off into a sleep right beside her.

Kuro looked at Jessica and smiled before heading over to the bed and going to lay down in it right beside her. "All right my love."

Aza looked at Daphne and laughed as he kept her pinned down and was feeling her up. "Why, because I can."
Daphne shivered as he felt her up and whimpered softly. He was right, he could. There was nothing she could do to stop him.

Esmeralda cuddled up closer to him in her sleep and slept peacefully knowing that he still loved her after all she'd done.

Jessica smiled and kissed Kuro once more before falling asleep slowly with him.
Aza watched Daphne and laughed as he slipped his hand up in between her legs and started to rub her pantyhose against her panties as he watched her. "Soon you'll have another."

Clopin still loved her but the dream that Aza put into Esmeralda's Mind was that of her getting ready to fuck her son while Aza watched.

Kuro smiled and slept beside Jessica.
Daphne squirmed and shivered as she held herself up. "Another what? I don't understand..."

Esmeralda's sleep became troubled as she saw herself slowly removing Kovo's, the son Aza had rescued for her, clothes. It didn't make sense to her, but she simply couldn't wake up.
Aza laughed and kept rubbing his hand against her. "In due time my pet in due time."

Her dreams were getting more and more real.
((Kay, the incest thing--forced/unreal or not--is just not something I'm going to play out for you. Sorry, but I have to draw the line there. Just letting you know now before you get too into it.))
(sure thing) The dreams moved to old visions of her past to when she took care of the family to raising them. Aza stood in her mind and laughed. "How cute."
Esmeralda stirred in her sleep and found it more difficult to stay in the deep sleep she needed. She wished that Aza would just leave her alone and let her rest.

Daphne wished for much the same thing but in a more urgent and very real way.
The dreams seemed to cease, for now. Aza looked at Daphne then shook his head. " You can rest for now, but come tomorrow, your training begins." He laughed and headed out of the room letting Daphne lay there tied.
After awhile Esmeralda's dreams ceased and she was able to sleep peacefully through the night, snuggled close to her husband, clinging to him.

Daphne began to cry silent tears. She wanted Isolt, she wanted to know that she was safe again. She didn't want to be this man's plaything. She wished to herself that she could find some sort of weakness and escape, but as it was, she was still tied up and lying on the floor. She curled up as much as she could and tried to sleep, hoping that someone would save her.
The day slowly passed away and became night once more. The sounds and the sights of the night slowly came to life. Clopin yawned and slowly woke up beside Esmerelda. He smiled and held her close.
Esmeralda continued to sleep peacefully for a few more moments, clinging to her restful day before opening her eyes to see her husband smiling at her. She let him hold her close and put an arm around him. "Good morning, love," she said with a smile.
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