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Hero Killers (remake) ( LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Angel thanked her uncle and then hung up before letting everyone know where they were moving too. it was a safe location and they would be able to keep them safe there
Some of the children were still freaking out but Chrissy continued with using calming on them as one of the children that could make portals was opening one up. Circe was paying attention through the shadows but she was also keeping an eye out around them.
Angel gathered Ash up and carried her to the portal handing her over to Magnus who was heading through first "follow Magnus and do as instructed once you get to the other side"
This had all of the children nodding and in the end they were passing through the portal, Nico working on herding them through along with Chrissy.
Angel helped making sure that all the kids were there and watching them head through before she rushed to gather her own things so they could leave
Circe didn't move at all until after everybody had gone through, and everybody had gotten what was important to them out of there. The final piece of the puzzle was destroying that hideout. "You get going. I'm going to stay here a bit longer." Circe spoke after a moment in time.
Circe was nodding her head and was having the portal closed behind them. Yet come a few hours and there were some that would be wondering where Circe was, having not found her at all. Needless to say... heroes had shown up at the hideout and she had definitely had her fun... granted it had cost her nearly collapsing from over usage of her ability, but to her it had been worth it. She had retreated to the ruins of her aunt's home, a place that most wouldn't think to look.
Not that she would get a text back necessarily, but she was receiving an answer of shorts. The shadows moving about as though trying to get Angel's attention.
The shadow was just giving a sign that she was in a safe location but she was non responsive at the time.
"Eagle." was all the shadows seemed to whisper - an indication of where she was at. So she was in a location that the others would be able to find and it seemed that she was going to be safe enough for the time.
The shadows seemed to go back to being more or less normal shadows - the children not seeming to pick up on anything at all. At the time it seemed like it was Chrissy that was watching over the children and speaking with Nico in a low voice about everything that was happening.
Chrissy was looking over before she was speaking, "That is good to hear. If needed I can go and get her."
Chrissy was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "I'm going to go out shopping. Some of the kids wanted some snacks." While she was a villain - thankfully with her ability just being that of empathy one didn't think a whole lot of her. The others didn't really see her as a threat - yet again most people didn't realize that she had trained her ability more than people thought.
Chrissy was nodding her head before she spoke, "You know most of the heroes don't really see me at all." With that she was giving a wave before heading off.
"both the heroes and that bastard are on the prowl I dont know if we can keep the kids safe" Angel looked at him and it was clear she was worried
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