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Hero Killers (remake) ( LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Circe was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "As my companion stated... he is not there but we will permit only the two of you to search." No if that man was here... then things were going to be a whole lot different that was for sure. He was one of the reasons that her mother had gone hunting for heroes... becoming that Hero Killer. The first one to turn against the heroes and causing all to have a bad name. One that was hated by many but loved by many all at once.
Angel watched as the two searched the house making sure not to scare the children as they did so and once they were done the two left letting the others know that he wasn't there that the building was clean. Angel then watched as they left making sure they were far enough away not to hear her before speaking "we need to be on edge for a bit"
Circe was just watching them for a moment, the shadow keeping a close eye on them until they were leaving the house at last. Her eyes were flickering towards Angel for a moment in time before she was cooing with a rather dangerous smile, "I dare him to come here."
Angel chuckled a little "I know you would kill him in an instant" Angel then went to the stairs and called everyone so they could finish eating and get the younger kids ready for bed
Circe was just looking over before she spoke, "Oh.... Kill.... Now that would be a nice thing for me to do...." With that she was just giggling a bit before she was just taking a few steps away from everybody, taking to the shadows. Nope she felt herself getting worked up - and she really didn't want to worry the kids.
Angel nodded and then spoke to the shadow knowing full well Circe could hear her "you know there is a rumor going around that you and Magnus are dating"
Circe could in fact hear what was being said and she was just speaking back, "We most certainly are not."
this had Angel chuckling "why not you two are cute together" Angel was mainly talking to help Circe calm down some with out scaring the kids
"Circe you literally slept in his arms today I be if you asked he would say yes" Angel watched as the others soon returned to the table
"in his arms Circe this is important plus you never break down like that with anyone but him" Angel soon settled the little one she was holding back in their seat and watched as everyone went back to eating
Circe was just mumbling after a moment in time as she just retreated to her room through the shadows, and fell backwards onto her bed.
Angel chuckled and then watched over everyone while they ate dinner. angel was glad when the older kids helped clean up the kitchen so that they could all get some rest
The night seemed to go by without much issue at all. Yet it was Ash who was waking up in the middle of the night with a startled scream that had a number of the others rushing in, Circe seeming to be one of the first people to appear. The child was being drawn into her arms and the woman was questioning, "What did you see?" With her time magic... sometimes came visions of the future in the terms of dreams. Random and sporadic did they come. Sometimes they were easy enough to figure out, sometimes they made no sense at all. Sometimes it was something that would happen months later, sometimes a few hours. Unfortunately, there didn't really seem to be a way for her to gain control of that portion quite yet. "T...That man.... he shows up at the house and.... so much death....." Ash was sobbing into Circe's chest and she was just gently shushing the child.
Angel was the second one in the room and listened to her "we need to move then we can't risk it" Angel pulled her phone out and called a number she never called unless it was urgent. Angel had a dislike of the male mainly because he liked to poke in to her head and it bothered her when he did as much. Angle let out a sigh when her uncles phone went to voice mail and she left a message asking him to call her
Ash was just sobbing uncontrollably at that point in time and Circe was just gently holding her, reassuring her that everything was going to be fine. With that she was looking towards the older kids that had come into the room before she spoke, "Pass on the message for everybody to start packing up some of their stuff. A few chances of clothes and the super precious items to them. They aren't to take more than what they can actually carry." This had them nodding and Circe was just gently pushing Ash over towards Angel before she was getting to her feet and leaving the room stating that she would stay on watch.
Angel wrapped her arms around Ash before speaking "I called my uncle to see if we can use the school" Angle was the niece to Professor X and while her mom had studied under him when her family had died he had never come to get her leaving her with her adoptive family
Ash was just sniffling a bit and rubbing her eyes some as though they were bothering her. Yet it wasn't long before she seemed to go almost still in her arms again, then it was almost as though the poor child was having a seizure. And she was just screaming again and sobbing. Evidently the situation had been worse than just some deaths. Although this time it had been.... she was standing there witnessing the other children get killed before her eyes. She felt like she couldn't breath.... and that feeling got even worse at the horrified screams from some of the older children. Yet the most terrifying was the overwhelming anger from some of them as well.... Angel and Circe had been two of them.
Angel wrapped her in her arms and hugged her close "its ok Ash its just a bad dream its ok" Angel knew it was bad but she had to get the girl to calm down as well
Ash just seemed to be panicking slightly still but eventually she was beginning to calm down. Yet part of it had to do with one of the older kids who happened to be able to control emotions. Not that the seventeen year old empath was doing much - other than just helping calm her some. Not forcing it at all, because that wasn't going to help at all, but just helping draw it out more. "Now take a slow breath in and let it out." Chrissy spoke in a soft voice, which had Ash slowly doing that.
It wasn't long before Ash seemed to be falling asleep in Angel's arms, and Chrissy was letting out a slow breath of air herself. With that she was looking towards Angel before she spoke, "I have a grasp on the emotions of everybody. I am pushing calmness right now, despite the want to panic. So far everything is fine."
Angel looked at her "ok now go get packed" Angel laid Ash back down and looked over when her phone rang and she saw it was her uncle "Uncle I need a favor" Angel listened to her uncle and hoped he would help
Chrissy was just nodding before she spoke, "I've already been on it." In the end Professor X was agreeing to allow the children to come to the academy - where trying to get to them was going to be a little harder than not.
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