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Hero Killers (remake) ( LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Circe was just looking at him for a moment in time and at first she didn't do anything but it wasn't long before she was hugging him and seemed to be breaking down.
It wasn't often that Circe broke down but this was definitely one of those days - and it was usually only Magnus that she broke down with.
Magnus scooped her up and carried her over to the bed so that they could lay down as it was easier to hold her close that way
Magnus held her close and simply rubbed her back once they were laying down. Magnus knew talking would be pointless as words couldn't do anything
In the end it seemed like she was just crying herself to sleep, perhaps a good thing at that point in time.
Nico was just looking at Angel for a moment before he questioned, "Think she cried herself to sleep?"
"think no, I know she did Magnus is the only person she truly lets go with" Angel wasn't hurt by this but there were times when she wished otherwise
Nico was just looking over for a moment before he spoke, "It is strange. But I'm not going to argue it at all."
Nico was just watching before he questioned, "I have to wonder if they are secretly dating or something?"
"its possible but we would have to ask and I am not going to ask as it is none of my business" Angel didn't bother with things like dating mainly because she had no time to date
"there is left over stew in the fridge if you want that" Angel had made stew the night before and they always had left overs when she made stew. Angel then looked at the mail she had grabbed on her way in. and smiled when she opened one letter "I got it Nico we are now classified as a home for orphaned and abandoned children" this gave them legal protections from the Heroes as even if a child did show powers they couldn't touch them as the laws had changed over the years to protect the children but you had to get certain documentation in order to protect them.
"We both know that... Some respect it but others won't care. Some of the heroes seem to be becoming worse villains than the villains." Nico was speaking with a sigh before looking at Ash who had come into the room, the girl just looking at Angel for a moment. Obviously the younger girl wanted to do something.
"I know but this grants us legal action as well should they attack" Angel then looked at Has when she walked in to the room "how can I help you Ash?" Angels smile was light and calm so as not to worry the child
Ash was looking before she spoke "I'm wondering if maybe... I can turn back time to before Auntie was killed. If it happened more recently I think I can do it... "
Ash was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I want to at least try.... I want to be able to help. Or try to help anyways." Yet they all knew that it was only a half chance that she would be able to do anything - especially being that it had already been a few hours since then. Although as they were talking about it, Ash was a little startled when the shadows seemed to be moving although they almost seemed to be wrapping around her - as though holding her, stopping her. A sign not to try doing that. Nico was just looking before he spoke, "I think that is the answer. Not to try that. I understand you want to help but... If something were to happen to you in the process - I doubt even Magnus would be able to keep Circe calm."
Angel nodded her head in agreement "we understand you want to help but it has been too long if you had been here when it happened maybe but now I am going to say no and I am going to ask that you not go behind our backs and try either"
Ash was just nodding her head after a moment in time, giving up on the idea completely. Thankfully she wasn't the type to go behind their backs - at least not with something like this where she wasn't sure if she could help. If she was positive that she could help then she most definitely would; but this had been more of a suggestion that she would try to help.
Angel got up and walked over to her hugging her "thank you for offering though" Angel didnt want it too seem like they were mad at her
Ash was just nodding her head and giving her a hug back before she was stating that she was going to retreat to her room.
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