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Hero Killers (remake) ( LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Ash was nodding her head as she went off to her room and was curling up in her own bed to take a nap for a bit. Not that she had anything else to do at that point in time.

At some point over the next few hours, Circe had woken up and was wandering about the hide out. This was being told to Angel, who was busy working on dinner, but people knew better than to openly bother the other woman at that point. Let Circe approach you and speak to you was the safe option.
Angel looked up when she was told that Circe was up and wandering which had her nodding "just leave her be make sure the little ones know this was well"
Circe was wandering into the kitchen after a bit and it was Nico that was just passing her a coffee without even saying anything.
Nico was leading her over there and just watching her sit. No she was calm but that is where things could get terrifying as well.
Angel recruited Nico and Magnus who had stumbled in to get all the food moved to the table and then everyone started to dish up their food
the kids chattered about school and such keeping the topic away from Alexandria as much as possible as no one knew what would set Circe off
Circe just sat in silence eating her food and just watching out the window for a moment. Although it wasn't long before she was on her feet and going over to the window to look outside at something. Thankfully the kids had all about finished eating but she was speaking in a sharp voice "Kids. Down into the basement. Now. Violet, Nathan, barrier up as soon as everybody is down."
Angel stood up and walked over to see what Circe had spotted. Angel looked out the window and then spoke harshly "don't do anything unless they attack first" Angel didn't need a battle here when there were so many kids in the building and scared already
Circe was just looking towards her for a mental, her eyes seeming to glow darkly. Already the shadows seemed to respond to her, but the fact that she was still so calm was eerie. But at the moment the shadows were guiding the children and protecting them.
Circe was just watching and making sure that her magic was wrapping around the basement as well protectively.
Angel soon answered the door "can I help you with something" Angel was being kind and polite but she wouldn't let them in to the building
One of the heroes was looking for a moment before he was stating that it had been reported that villains had been spotted entering the building and they had arrived to detain them. Circe was just watching from the background, the shadow seeming to twitch a bit.
“We are a home for orphaned and abandoned children no villains reside here” Angel watched them closely ready to act if need be
The heroes were just flashing out a piece of paper that more or less gave them the right to check the premises, not that they wouldn't just force themselves into the house anyways. There were already a few that seemed to be trying to sneak in through the back door, only to find themselves face to face with Circe, who was just standing with arms crossed over her chest.
Angel looked the document over and then spoke "this allows for only two members of your group to enter the building if you wish for more then you need to come back with a new and notarized document allowing for more members" Angel handed the document back and then waited to see what they would do "do keep in mind we have young children here and your presence has already put them on edge" this would explain why they were in the basement and thankfully she had an illusion on Natalie and Josh to disguise them from the heroes
Of course they didn't seem to care and just seemed to be pushing past Angel, at the same time as some of the people that were trying to come in through the back door. Angel would be alerted to that because the screams all of a sudden - more the screams of surprise from the heroes when shadows were all of a sudden pulling them upside down and they were soon enough being bound by the shadows. "Only two of you will enter. All others will leave." Circe spoke in a dark voice as she walked over, the heroes that she had pulled upside down were dropping to the ground outside.
Angel looked at him "take it or leave it I have the right to refuse you entry" Angel heard one of the small kids come running and turned around and scooped the child up in to her arms and went to work on soothing them "its ok little one shhhhh its ok" Angel glared at the men and then went back to bouncing the child in her arms humming a soft lullaby that Alexandria had taught her when she was little
Circe was just watching for a moment in time and just watched as the heroes seemed to be pressing their luck. Yet the humming of the lullaby is what had Circe just seeming to go still for a moment. It was calming and familiar but it was also a reminder that the heroes were the reason that the person who had taught them that... would never be seen again. Her eyes were just flickering towards the heroes before she spoke in a rather dark voice, "You will all leave. Now. Or I will make you leave."
Angel watched as most of the heroes left the building leaving two females the oldest of the two spoke "may we please search for the villain I have a picture of who we are looking for" the female handed the image to Angel who looked at it and then nodded "you can search but just you two and I can tell you that man is not here." the male in question hated hers and villains alike and killed any who crossed his path. Angel then showed the image to Circe so she could see who they were looking for
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