Hero Killers (remake) ( LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Magnus looked at him "she shouldn't have gone out" Magnus didnt think it was safe but if Nico and Angel had let her go then there was little he could do
Nico was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he questioned, "And why is that? I think she will be safe enough - not many really see her as a threat. This includes us at times."
Magnus nodded his head "but the hideout was just attacked and it worries me that even after being searched they still attacked the hideout
Nico was just looking for a moment then spoke, "A lot of those heroes I doubt survived. Circe was the last one who had left."
Nico was just looking before he spoke, "It'll be fine. Chrissy will be fine as well. She is a smart girl and knows when to run."
After an hour, Nico was waking up from his short nap and was heading out to the living room where all of the others were at. He did look around only to see that he couldn't find Chrissy at all - she hadn't returned.
Nico was just nodding before he was dialing Chrissy's number, waiting for her to answer. She did seem to be answering her phone, which was a good sign at that point in time - but her voice definitely sounded a bit strange, perhaps a bit strained. "Chrissy. Where are you?" Nico was questioning. "Hmm... I'm at the store. It got rather busy here." Chrissy was commenting after a moment in time - in the aspect of a fight had broken out between the heroes and some villains that were there. She was trying to diffuse the situation with her empathy at the time, enforcing calmness on those within the store. Yet it was a strenuous thing with there being quite a lot of anger at that point in time. She was currently sitting locked away within one of the offices.
Angel looked at him. "tell her I am coming" Angel looked to her uncle when then man said he was going as well this had he grunting but nodding her head lightly
Nico was passing on the message to Chrissy who was just mumbling something in exchange and he was just telling her to keep safe. "I'll try but... the anger is morphing into fear somebody else is here... more dangerous." she was whispering into the phone. No it wasn't the man that they had been concerned about - but a hero who had the ability to just negate abilities of those around him. Sure it didn't seem dangerous on its own but factoring in that he had a secondary ability of super strength - he packed one hell of a punch and you wouldn't be able to defend yourself.
"Be careful. Chrissy says that the leader's right hand man is there." Nico was commenting after a moment in time as he was hanging up. As this was happening, Chrissy was leaving the office but keeping a tight reign on the emotions around her, weaving between the people that were there while keeping an eye out for people that she needed to avoid.
Angel nodded her head but before they left she walked over and got close to Nico so she could speak with out her uncle hearing "keep the kids safe no matter the cost" Angel then turned and headed out as she planned on doing something stupid to protect one of their own
Nico was just looking over before he spoke, "Don't do anything too reckless." Although they would find that before they could really go anywhere, the shadows seemed to be moving as though to stop them. Seemed like Circe was awake once again, and probably the closest to the situation at that point in time.
The shadows didn't ultimately seemed to be stopping her necessarily because Circe was going to join into the fray, but just stopping her to give Chrissy some time to get out. The situation was calm - despite everybody being fearful at the time.
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