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A Lord Seeking a woman to give him an heir. (nightsorceress

Lily looked a few dresses some of them she really liked but even though he said money was no object she still couldn't help but look at the price. she couldn't ask him to pay that much for the dress she liked. she kind bit her lip a little and looked at him.
"Please, pick anything out that you like, I'll pay for it, not matter now much it is." Michael said as he offered to carry any clothing she'd picked out. He really wanted to prove to her that he wasn't an 'ogre'.
"there are some many pretty ones, but they cost so much i can't ask you to pay for that." she bit her lip a little. she really was a sweet and innocent girl still even after what he put her through.
"You're still worried about the price, even though I told you it wasn't a problem? Well, I won't make you choose something you don't want to, but you'll need some kind of nightgown and a robe as well as daytime clothes." Michael said as he gently took the dresses from her and was careful not to wrinkle them.
"i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you upset. i just i never had anyone able to buy me such nice things i can't help but be overwhelmed by the price" she hoped that she didn't upset him to much for where he would hurt or something. she kind stayed away from him now looking a few nightgowns and a robe as he had told her to.
"Don't worry, I'm not upset at you Lily. I just want you to pick out anything that catches your eye." Michael said as he followed her around the building, trying not to make her uncomfortable. Even though she had given him a second chance, Michael didn't want to do anything that would make her feel uncomfortable around him.
Lily bit her lip as she looked around. she picked up a few more dresses that were nice but not as expensive as some of the others. then she picked out a black nightgown and lilac colored robe. her eye however kept coming back to one dress. it was a goldish color and had some very pretty beading work but it was costly. she finally looked at him "i guess i have enough"
Michael continued to walk with her, but noticed she kept eyeing a dress she really liked, but from the looks of it alone, Michael could tell it would be an expensive one. He Lily told him she was finished with her purchases, but Michael walked over and picked up the very dress she'd been eyeing for a long time. "Consider this dress a gift from me to you Lily." He said as he walked up to the tailor with the dresses and carefully laid them down.
Lily took a deep breath after she was done shopping knowing this was an expensive outing for him, but then her jaw dropped when he picked up the very dress that she could not take her eyes off of. "thank you, but are you sure i mean you bought so much already..." she said softly to him
"Come on, I saw you eyeing this dress for quite sometime now, but as I said, consider it a gift as your husband." Michael said as he took his wallet out and began to pay for all of the clothes Lily had picked out all of the clothes she wanted. Once they were payed for, Michael took the bag and began walk with her to his horse outside of town. "So, is there anything else you want to do before we return to the castle?" He asked.
It was a little strange to hear him call himself her husband but she didn't say anything because infact she was slowly getting use to the idea. "thank you" she said to him with a little smile once they were outside he asked if there was anything else she would to do and she shook her head "no i think i just would like to go back the castle and but on the new nightgown and perhaps have some diner in our room" she smiled softly
"Alright, then shall we return to the castle as quick as possible, or do you want to enjoy the ride together?" Michael asked her as he helped her onto his horse. Lily was a little small to ride his horse, but he knew he had a horse or two that she could ride. As he waited for his response, he gently brushed his horse's neck and mane.
Lily thought it was a nice day out, but she was getting hungry plus she still was not sure why she was sick this morning. she bite her lip a little and looked him "well i am getting hungry would you mind going back to the castle now?"
"No, I don't mind, though it will get rough so I suggest you hold on tight." Michael said as he had his horse gallop towards the castle at a much faster speed than it was on their way towards the castle.
Lily nodded when he said to hold on tight and she clung to him as tight as she could. he was right it was a rough ride back. and it was even tougher because the horse was far to large for her. she did her best to hang on but she couldn't help but hope this wild ride would be over soon.
Several minutes had past, but they had finally reached the castle. "We're here Lily. Are you sore from that ride? If so, why don't you rest in the hot spring." Michael said to her as he helped her off the horse first then got off himself.
Lily got down off the horse her legs were a little then he suggested using the hot spring she thought it to be a wonderful. "think i will but i won;t be long i am getting hungry" she bite her lip "will you join me for diner" she asked softly
"Of course I'll join you for dinner, but would you like me to join you in the hot spring and have dinner in the hot spring?" Michae asked as he grabbed her clothing and helped her carry it to their room.
"oh umm well i was only going to in there for a short time then i was going to see if you would just like to eat diner in the bed room." she bite her lip she was not ready for him to see her naked like that, it was one thing to change in front of him it was another to sit naked with him for a long period of time.
"Alright then, I'll wait for you in our room. Until then, please enjoy your bath." Michael said as he carried all of her clothes to their room and laid them down onto the bed.
Before he had a chance to take all the clothes she did take her new robe from him. she find her way back down to the hot spring taking off her clothes and soaking in the warm water for about 20 minutes before hunger got the best of her. she got out of the water wrapped herself in the lilac robe and went back to the bed room.
As Michael waited for Lily to return to their bedroom, he began to grow quite hungry, but he promised himself that he would show her that he would be the perfect husband for her. So he endured his hunger and didn't order anything. It seemed like an eternity, but Lily returned to their room. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, his stomache growled. "Ehehe, I guess I'm hungry as well. Shall we eat?" Michael asked as he offered her a hand to help her sit down next to him.
Lily entered the room glad to see that he didn't start eating with out her for she did want to try and get to know him a little better. she smiled when she heard him stomach growl and then took his hand to take a seat next him. she was wear the robe he had bought her and she made she she was covered when she sat.
Once she sat down, Michael turned to look at her. "So, do you enjoy the robe I bought for you? You don't need to thank me, just telling me that you like wearing them is thanks enough." He said to Lily as his stomache growled, as if it was trying to tell her he was hungry. Even though he could eat quite a large meal in one sitting, Michael really disliked being hungry, but he'd put up with it for her sake.
"i do like it thank you." she smiled "well i can tell your hungry so please lets eat" she smiled still as she spoke. he wasn't bad as long as he didn't try anything or get mean she could live with him like this.
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