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Westbrook OOC

Check, time for note taking all over again, lol.

@Inkybus , @MsBloom , we need to find an image for Rainier without it being obviously Shaq going forward, if you two want to help search images? We usually have pics even for our co-star NPCs, he's pretty much the only one left. I might have something for Nathan Fox and Emilia Quincy, so don't worry about them. They're not really needed just yet. The two villains can stay the readers' imaginations for now, since they're working from the shadows (and City Hall).
I don't mind working only with descriptions, personally, but I feel like the mayor and the chief of police are pretty public figures and high up because politics: what if, should we come across a picture that might fit them, we send it in here and add a description of the picture just to cement their bio details?
an image for Rainier without it being obviously Shaq

Then this wont work either? Considering what we talked about earlier in the context of Rainier.

I don't mind working only with descriptions, personally

It helps though because descriptions can be forgotten or lost in the narrative if the character off stage for a while. At least I feel it is helpful to have a reference image to base the description on.
That's 71" which would still make his police partner, I think I have Windy/Velocity @ 5-6? Or 66" tall, have to look up to look him in the eye.
@Frozen Princess
Just a quick clarification, Schro gave Blair the nickname of Wreck-it-Betty, not Windy. Because he was sardonically complimenting Erin's ability to keep her spine remarkably un-pretzel like.
Yes. So much so, let me know if I missed anything.

Jumping to one of my parentheses in the post: Who do we want heading the drug operation out of the Bailey Farm. Both mayor and police commissioner would fit the bill.
Ok, Inkybus. That may not be the only thing I have to edit. Just in case I forgot something, or missed something else. He also seemed to know Windy was the tornado, since as Blair said, she stuck to the road.
Ok, Inkybus. That may not be the only thing I have to edit. Just in case I forgot something, or missed something else. He also seemed to know Windy was the tornado, since as Blair said, she stuck to the road.
Windy did warn the police that she would go ahead and form a tornado in pursuit of the robbers, while Schro was eavesdropping on her interlocutor. That was how he learned that she could do that- plus, she did something similar the first time they met.
Who do we want heading the drug operation out of the Bailey Farm. Both mayor and police commissioner would fit the bill.

I vote for the commissioner but who knows, maybe in the end the mayor was getting a cut as well. Who knows where the funds for his campaign came from.

plus, she did something similar the first time they met.

Tried to at least.
Well, either way is serious legal ramifications, because if I'm not fully mistaken, not only is the drug running thing, which is federal, especially crossing state lines, but stopping and impeding Erin from helping is obstruction of justice AND conspiracy in child abuse.

Does sound more crooked cop than politician to me, unless I missed something in my own plotting the backstory.

What do you say, @Inkybus?
Well, if @Inkybus agrees with you and I regarding the police commissioner, @MsBloom , we can consider it unanimous, which, personally, I'd rather it be. And yes, maybe the mayor does get pieces of the pie, in donations to his election fund; which does him no good since he became a tyrant. The drugs have been going longer than his decision to become a tyrant.
I don't mind laying the crime of obstruction of justice and aiding&abetting child abusers at the feet of a corrupted cop. I should have Schro torment people who physically abuse their sons/nephews or grandsons for some moral ambiguity points.
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