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Learning Magic (RainbowxRude)

Zach was a little upset that he was about to cum and she wasn't. At least it seemed that way to him. He leaned in and kissed her neck softly, just once, before opening his mouth and sinking his fangs in. He wanted her to be extra sensitive and full of pleasure. He wanted her to cum while she was riding him. And if he could make her cum, their first night together was going to be him making her do it over and over again, possibly all over the university. "Cum for me Samantha...I wanna hear those cute noises." He started to move her faster and harder.
Sam smiled as he kissed her but then he bit her, making her gasp but it felt so good. For some reason his bites felt better than anything in the world, and on top of that it made sex with him just that much better. She moaned as his venom entered her veins. She bit her lip until he spoke and he started going harder and faster. There was no way she could last much longer at this rate. "Mmm... Amun..." She said quite suductivly, moaning loudly afterwards. In just a few moment she couldn't take it anymore and her ass tightened around him, her back arching and her body tensed up. She actually shuddered a bit, the feeling of this was just so incredible and she just hoped that he was enjoying it as much as she was.
Zach kept bouncing her hard until she came. Then he finally let himself go. He groaned against her neck, his cum pouring into her ass hard. After a few moments or enjoying her blood and an orgasm at the same time, he had to let go, letting out almost a roar of pleasure. "Ah! Samantha...Does it feel good having your ass full of cum?" He bounced her slowly, groaning from how she felt around his sensitive cock. He wanted so badly to just ruin his whole mansion fucking this girl.

Meanwhile, Alexander was busy sitting in the living room, fending off a dozen different vampires who wanted him to join in their little games. He had to admit, being surrounded by almost a hundred fucking vampires had him aroused. A few girls had even been bold enough to simply pull his pants open and he had almost let one of them have a turn. It was hard to be a good little vampire with so many tempting things all around him.
Sam let out another moan as Zach finally came in her. It felt as if he put so much cum in her that it had gone all the way up to her stomach but she couldn't move at all because he still had his fangs in her. She was a bit surprised at thenoise he made as he finally let go, but she enjoyed it as well. "Ahh... It's so good!" She almost yelled. It was either her ass being so tight or him being so big, but while he stayed in her not a drop of his cum leaked out. She felt so full.

Quite a few of the other vampires wanted Alexander, knowing he was quite good. They didn't really know what was stopping him from indulging in the pleasure with them. Finally one of the girls got the courage to ask. Her shirt was torn open and her skirt was a bit askew, but she didn't seem to notice as she walked over to him. Her pitch black hair wasn't in the least messed up though and she looked at him with peircing blue eyes that were full of lust. "Alexander... Why don't you play with us?" She asked in a slightly pouty voice. "We're having so much funa nd I'm sure that if you joined it'd only be better.' She said, leaning over and just about shoving her breasts in his face.
Zach smiled when she nearly yelled at how good it felt. He moved a hand to her stomach and softly rubbed her small piercing with his thumb. "I'm glad you liked it. If you prefer, I will fuck you like that all the time. I will do anything to make my Samantha happy." He leaned in and kissed her for a moment before pulling away and softly toying with her lip piercing with his tongue. "If we have sex like that all the time, I will talk to a hundred humans just to stay with you."

Alexander nearly sank a fang through his lip when she approached him like that. Vampires were in orgies like this all the time. It was in their nature. Only two things were eternally entertaining for a vampire. Sex and blood. Vampire orgies were the best mix of the two you could get. And Star would never know...He closed his eyes and thought for a moment. Not only could he have a lot of fun, he could let out all of his more violent needs. Things that would shatter his little Star. He looked up into those blue eyes and gulped before giving her a small smirk. "Well...Prove to me that I should play with you."
Sam smiled as he rubbed her peircing, but it was a bit ticklish. She smiled as he suggested fucking her like that all the time. "I think I would like that." She said with a grin. She loved how he called her Samantha instead of Sam, not many people had done that. She kissed him back, and couldn't hel but smirk as he played with her peircing. He apperently like to do that. If that was his bargain to stay with her then he must have really hated humans, more so than she had thought before. "Well I'll make sure you won't have to talk to nearly that many." She said with a grin. She didn't know how many would try to talk ot him while she was in class, but then again she didn't even know if she wanted to continue with classes.

The vampire's name was Aiko and she smirked as he challenged her to prove that he should play wiht her. The grin slowly spread on her lips until you could see her fangs. She leaned in, kissing cheek at first, but slowly moving down his body and planting kisses all the way down until she got to his pants. She opened them and took out his dick slowly and suductivly licking up and down it's legnth. Most vampires were still too afraid to let just any vampire give them a blowjob, but that was becasue of fangs. Aiko on the other hand was very good at giving blowjobs, she barely had to worry about her fangs unless she was blowing someone with a very large cock. So as long as Alexander didn't push her away he would be in for quite a nice treat.
Zach smiled a little when she said that and he nuzzled against her neck softly, seemingly very content. But then he realized something. She was part of Alexander's coven. They were a little bit different from him in a lot of ways. He looked into her eyes suddenly, a bit concerned. "Samantha...I have a question. Do you kill when you feed or are you a good little vampire?" He dreaded the answer to this question. And he dreaded her hating him.

When she started to kiss down like that, he sighed and settled into his seat. If she wanted to do this for him, he would let her. But if she wanted him to moan and squirm for her, she would have to be a lot better than Star. And even though she had only done it once, she was more amazing at it than she could ever be. After all, it was a lot more entertaining to have the girl you love bobbing up and down on you. "Well if you do a good job, I will join your little party."
Sam smiled, quite content with their moment until he suddenly looked at her seriously. Her eyes widened at the question and she realized the same thing he did. Alexander had talked to her about this but she knew that no matter what they did she wouldn't hate him at all, though with something as important to a vampire as this, it would be a bit akward if he killed and she didn't. "I-I Don't kill. What do you do?" She asked, almost dreading the answer.

Aiko smirked as he didn't push her away. She knew she would do well, but she didn't know that she wouldn't look as good as his beloved star while she bobbed her head up and down, rubbing along his legnth with her tongue. She was better in technique though, but that might not make up for cuteness. The other vampires that had tried and were rejected were a bit jealous, but figured that she was going to get him with her skills.
Zach seemed to blush a little when asked him after she admitted to not killing. He had tried. Honestly he had. But it wasn't as good. He couldn't stand the unsatisfying feeling of not drinking every last drop. But when he could, he behaved himself. "I...I misbehave. I do my best not to kill my food. But at the same time, I don't exactly beat myself up for losing control. How do you stand it? Not finishing a meal? It would be like not finishing during sex. I would rather regret after than torment myself."

As Aiko moved up and down on him, he looked around the room, seeing the slightly jealous eyes around him. And they were all attached to such beautiful creatures. For some reason they all wanted him. "Fuck...I really shouldn't do this. I have a mate now you know. If she were here she wouldn't be happy with me." And if she weren't human, she would be the one in Aiko's spot right now. And he hated that about himself. He had to force her to change to make himself happy. But as her tongue ran along a good spot, he tensed, groaning. She really was good.
Sam nodded as he admitted to killing, she wouldn't hate him, but it was definitly going to be a bit odd to see a dead body after eating. She looked up at him, tyring to understand what he meant, it clicked when he related it to sex and she shrugged. "I guess it's because I've never killed after feeding from a human so I wouldn't know what it's like, but it also might be becasue I've not been a vampire for too long." She said, looking into his eyes. She didn't really know how else to explain it.

Aiko jsut focused on what she was doing, not really paying attention to his waundering eyes. She didn't even hesitate as he told ehr he had a mate, it wasn't uncommon for vampires to switch mates for an orgy, but no matter what they would always get them back. Star wouldn't have minded too much considering she would have been sure that he was only using these girls for sex rather than trying to find another mate, but then again, the last time he did that, Sam happened. But that wasnt really thought about by anyong at the moment, Aiko just kept sucking, doing her best so he would play too.
Zach pulled her closer and he kissed her gently. "Well...As long as you don't judge me for it..." He smiled and gave her another kiss. "I guess we are fine." He slowly set her back now, mostly hidden under water. Then his hands moved along her skin, cleaning the cum from it. "You should try it you know. It is so much more satisfying to finish a meal."

As she worked and he worried, it became easier to think about one than the other. Soon he had his hand resting on the back of her head, his back arching from pleasure. "Mm...I didn't think many vampires did this. I bet you are one of only a few girls who are brave enough for this. You must be popular. And I bet you swallow a lot of cum in a day." As he watched her, he only thought of Star, which only made it feel better.
Sam smiled as he kissed her. She was sure they would be able to work it out. She kissed him back the second time and nodded at his statment. She didn't resist as he leaned her back and then washed her. She loved the way he touched her so gently. She couldn't help but laugh a bit as he said she should try killing once, she didn't think she would be doing that anytime soon.

Aiko kept sucking, wondering if he was even enjoying it. She glanced up at him and realized he was when he put his hand on the back of her head. She would have replied to his statments, but her mouth was full so that would have been rude. She just thought them though. No, not a lot do this, yes, she was very popular, she swallowed about enough cum to fill her up to the point where she wasnt very hungry when she fed. She knew he was enjoying this which only made her try harder, wanting to taste his cum as well.
Once he had cleaned off all his cum, he leaned in and kissed her neck softly before switching to the usual licks. His hands explored her body casually and he found himself grinning like a child. She put him in such a good mood. "I love you Sam." His hands teased a few sensitive spots on her thighs, stroking the skin ever so softly.

Alexander was get more and more into her actions as she started to try harder. He let out a full blown groan of pleasure at one point. And he felt his orgasm coming faster than he expected. "So...Aiko? Do you want a big mouthful of my cum?" There was no point in pretending to be a good boy anymore. He wanted to fuck every vampire girl in the room.
Sam enjoyed him washing her and couldn't help but shiver as he kissed and licked her neck. She was glad he knew she liked that done to her. She smirked as he kept rubbing over her body even though they both knew she was clean now. "And I love you, Amun." She said with a smirk. She still wasn't sure whether to call him Zach or Amun so she just decided to go with his origional name. She bit her lip as he touched her sensative spots but smiled a bit. "You know if you keep touching me like this you're going to have to take responsibility for your actions." She said with a grin.

Aiko was happy that she had gotten him so excited that he was going to play with her now. "Mmhmm..." She half moan half replied to him. The vibrations of her throat going to his cock and probably pleasuring him more. She already knew she was going to love the taste of his cum. But then again she normally did so that wouldn't be that big on an accomplishment.
Zach pouted a little when she said that. He stood up slowly, pulling her with her and pressing her to his chest. "Alright...I say we take a break from our constant sex. You promised to show me some cute goth outfits didn't you?" He smirked and kissed her before lifting them both out of the tub and setting her on the counter next to the sink. "We could either go do a fashion show...Or I could make you cum one more time if you really want to."

Alexander didn't last very long after she started to moaning around his cock. He pushed her down so that his cock was in her throat and groaned as she pushed him over the edge. His seed spilled down her throat in the usual large amount for a few moments. But then he lifted her off, filling her mouth so that she could get a good taste of it. "There...I suppose a girl who spends most of her day sucking cock has to be good."
Sam was a bit sad when he stopped, she had expected him to continue. She stood with him, though it wasn't like she could have stayed seated because he pulled her up as well. She looked up at him, smiling as he mentioned her trying on clothing for him. She kissed him back, smiling as he sat her on the sink. Any other time it wouldn't have been so cold she would have jumped off imediantly, but she didn't really notice. She smirked at her choices. "Well, both sound quite fun." She said "But I think that with the types of outfits I have we would just end up fucking again." She added with a smirk.

Aiko wasn't surprised in the least as he pushed her down on his cock. She was a bit sad that she wouldn't get to taste it. That was until pulled her head back and filled her mouth. She really did love the taste of him, more so than the other vampires. She swallowed it, licking her lips, finally being able to talk again. "Yup, I'm said to be the best around here." She said with a grin. "So did I do good enough for you to play with us?" She asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.
Zach kissed her again, his tongue slipping between her lips for a moment. His arm was around her tightly and he pressed her tightly to his body for a few moments. Then he pulled away slowly. "Alright. But if you are wearing a skirt when I finally lose it, I won't promise your safety. After all...It would just be so easy to bend you over and ravage that cute little ass."

Alexander looked at her for a few moments before sighing. Behaving was long gone. There was no reason to act like he could. "Yes. I'll play with you. Now is it going to be just you or am I going to be playing with everyone today?" He stood slowly, his cock still rock hard. He hadn't had sex for four years only a week before. Now it seemed like he couldn't go ten hours without it.
Sam accepted his kiss openly. She gladly allowed his tongue entry to her mouth, though it didn't last to long becaus he soon spoke. She smirked at his words. "I think I'll be fine with that." She said, leaning in and kissing him again. She was pretty sure that she had more skirts than anything else, but she had a few very cute pairs of pants and shorts as well.

Aiko Grinned as he agreed to playing with her. She was quite happy about this. "Well... I guess me at first, and then whoever you would want afterwards." She said, smiling at him. Of course he wouldn't be able to have anyone he would want, because some vampires were stingy with their mates and wouldn't let anyone else even touch them, but he could easily have whoever was open.
Zach got a small grin on his face. But then he realized something. She hadn't brought anything with her. That meant their little fashion show would have to wait. He bit his lip and stood slowly. "Well...Lets go back to your house. You don't have the clothes with you right?" He held up the loose fitting but sexy pants she had on before. "And I don't think we have much of a fashion show with just pants and a torn up shirt."

Alexander nodded a little. He picked her up and tossed her against the chair he had been sitting in. Before he knew what he was doing, instinct kicked in. Her clothes were in tatters in the blink of an eye and he was leaning between her breasts, kissing them softly. "How do you like to be fucked Aiko? Are you a gentle girl or do you like a hard fuck?"
Sam smiled as well, and didn't really think it to be bad that they had to go back to her dorm. The only bad thing was that if he did lose control there, it might turn out bad because nothing was really that sturdy in there. She giggled a bit at his statment and took her pants, putting them on, as well as the shirt, well as much of the shirt as she could considering it didn't really cover much considering it was torn. And on top of that, she didn't have a bra so it wasn't as if she were hiding much. She smiled and took his hand, if he wanted to go naked, she would have no problem with that, but other people might freak out a bit.

Aiko grinned as he threw her into the chair, excited that he was ready to play. She was a bit shocked at how fast he was about tearing off her clothing though, but she just smiled, hugging him between her breasts. She smiled at his question. "I like it nice and hard." She said with a smirk, most of the stuff in the mansion was built so that it wouldnt break under the force of a vampire that was fucking another, which came in handy quite often.
"Wait for just a second Samantha..." He let go of her hand for a moment before disappearing from the room. It was a full 30 seconds before he was there again, his hand in her's. He was wearing a black button up shirt and loose jeans. "There we go...I couldn't decide what to wear. Sorry it took so long. Now, show me where we are going." He kissed her softly.

"Of course you do. Every vampire does." He didn't plan on giving her a nice warm up like he did with Sam or Star. He pushed her against the chair hard, sitting up a little before standing. "Bend over and put your ass up nice and high. I'm not in the mood to be loving or careful. I am going to be as rough as I can be." He flipped her over so that she was facing the chair and his hand suddenly came down hard on her rear. He was going to let out all the built up fetish on these vampires.
Sam nodded and waited for him. He seemed to take forever, though it wasn't realy all that long. She smirked as he came back. "You're quite handsome in clothing." She said with a grin and took his hand again. She kissed him back and nodded. "Well first I'd liek to know the quickest way out of this place. All the walking around that we did earlier left me completely lost." She said with a nerveous sort of chuckle.

Aiko smiled and nodded. She had expected him to go at least a bit slower than what he did, but he seemed to either be in a hurry or jsut so pent up he couldn't hold back anymore. She was about to do what he said but he beat her to it, fliping her over. She automatically bent over as his hand came down on her ass. She let out a groan, a faint red mark appearing where his hand had hit. He really wasn't going to hold back at all. She smiled though, finding the way he was so bottled up to be exciting.
Zach nodded a little and instead of guiding her by the hand, he simply lifted her up bridal style. He ran out of the house at full speed. For a human it would be like doing 100 in a car. But for her it was only a brisk walk and she would be able to see and take note of everything they passed. It was a short trip before they were out the front door, standing in front of the huge mansion. He set her down and put his arms around her. "I hate this house...Its too big. But I have a big family."

Alexander had to be gentle with Star because she was human and with Sam because she was his coven member. They were important to him. If he left this girl limping or didn't quite satisfy her, he didn't care. So he didn't think twice around grabbing her hips and thrusting in as hard as he could, the reinforced chair letting out a small groan. But if she was older than him, it would probably just be amazing sex.
Sam gasped as he jus scooped her up and carried her out. She looked around, making sure to take note of where they were going and how to get back out. Soon they were out and Sam knew how to get home so when he sat her down, and put his arms around her she back at him. She nodded as he said he had a big family, that certainly was true. She turned around in his grasp, kissing his lips quickly before ducking out of his grip and taking his hand. She pulled him along, starting off slowly, but eventually she went ahead and just ran, quite fast too,though not as fast as he could go. She led him the exact way Alexander had taken her and once they got to the university she slowed down, not that it really mattered. She led him up to her room and brought him in, closing the door gently behind them. "You have to be careful, everything in here isn't reinforced like in your mansion." She said with a faint smile.

Aiko smirked as he grabbed her hips and just thrust into her. She bit her lip, enjoying the feeling. She was used to really rough sex, though she wasn't used to a vampire going full force on her. He would most likely leave her limping if he kept this up. She knew she wound't have to encourage him so she stayed quite, at least for now. She was pretty sure she was older than him, but she couldn't be positive. She just moaned softly at the feeling on him inside her.
When Zach entered her room, he sniffed the air a little before scrunching up his nose like he smelled something bad. "Your smells like humans. But your human scent is good..." He moved closer to her, nuzzling against her neck. "That is better...I don't like to mix sex and food." He licked her neck softly before giving her a soft bite, not even breaking skin. "Well...Unless the food is vampire blood." He smiled a little.

Alexander wasn't playing. Well, he was playing. This girl was going to be part of his very long process of letting out a lot of built up tension. He would have to get Gabriel to allow Star to change soon so that he could let her know what real vampire sex was like. And his hips started to move faster and harder, thrusting into her as hard as he could. "Mm...I haven't gotten to be this rough in 4 years." And for the first time in almost a week, he missed his old, somewhat cruel and rough mate.
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