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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

"Why would something bother you like that, Michael?" She questioned, her ears standing erect instead of falling back to his usually calming touches. After all, she didn't want him to be upset if their child did turn out to have wings, or something of that sort.
"It's not so much a bother, as an anticipation, is what I ment. I'll love our child reguardless of what it looks like." Michael said as he continued to gently rub her ears, trying to get her to relax in his arms.
"Perhaps, he or she will be perfectly human." Christina said gently, easing up a bit within his arms as she said this. By 'perfect' she meant that the child would have none of her animal-like characteristics. At least, not any of the more tangible ones. And she had a distinct feeling that Michael would like that.
"Yea, perhaps you're right" was all Michael said as he gently pulled her up so her face was right infront of his own face. "So, are you excited that we will finally have a family of our own Christina?"
Christina looked him in the face, examining his eyes as she thought about a suitable answer to his question. Nodding gently, she ran a hand through his hair, then caressed him along his jawline. "You will make a good father."
"Good, because I think you'd be a great mother as well as a great wife." Michael said as he began to rub her ears and wings gently, and loving. "You know Christina, I think your wings and ears make you look quite sexy. Do you think so?"
"They also make me quite different, from you. But I'm glad you love them so." She arched her wings out from behind her back, expanding them to enable him better access, her hues closing to his touches. "I'm glad, that you decided to keep me as a wife, and not a slave..."
"Truth be told, it was your uniqueness that caught my eye the most. Your fur, your wings, and your ears were just the top of the list of what I like about you. I also love the fact that you eat mostly if not, nothing but fruit, which is much cheaper than meat or dairy products, not to mention the fact you give milk year round without having to give birth." Michael said as he continued to rub her ears and large wings.
Christina laughed gently, cooing a bit as he continued to rub her ears and her wings. "I'm glad to know that you think so highly of me, Michael. We will end up having a wonderful life together, once I am able to provide you with children, and no matter how they look their will be as beautiful as the two of us."
"No, I feel that our children will be even more beautiful than we could every imagen." Michael said as he stopped rubbing her ears and wings and gently embraced Christina by wrapping his arms around her, just underneathe where her wings were. "So, do you want to do something together? Or do you just want to sit around the house and enjoy the other's company?"
"We could always do something, but what?" Thinking back on it, Christina couldn't recall a recent time that she'd even really had clothing on. Michael, either. "We could always wash up, and go out for a while, though where would we go?" Luckily, evening was oncoming, so if they did go out then she wouldn't have to worry about having to turn away from the bright lights of the daytime.
"Well, we could always to a carnival, or we could go to a fancy restraunt. Do either of those ideas sound good you?" Michael said as he gently gave her a kiss on her lips and looked into her eyes. He knew night was fast approaching, and he would eventually fall asleep with Christina, even if he didn't want too.
"You look like you're getting tired, Michael. Perhaps, we should just rest for the night? Then, tomorrow, we can go out?" Pushing a bit of hair from his face, Christina caressed him warmly and gently, kissing those lips she loved so much.
"Alright, let's rest for the rest of the day, then tommorow night we can have a night on the town, but I'll need to buy you some clothes so you look decent, because unless you're a slave, you have to be dressed. And I know you don't like being a slave, so you have to be dressed." Michael said as he gently wrapped his arms around her and returned her kiss with one that was just as passionate and warm.
[[Missed you. How've ya been doing? :p]]

"That works for me. I'll look forward to it." She said, curling herself up a bit within his arms as they would kiss with such passion once more. It would be the first time she'd been out of the house since he'd released her of her slave-hood, and she hoped that everything would go well.
"I should have some lose clothing you could use for the time-being, untill we go clothes shopping for you, though your wings, breasts and tail may have some trouble fitting within them." Michael said as he resumed kissing her with such passion. After a few minutes of kissing, Michael broke the kiss and waited anxiously for her response.
Her wings could be tucked in behind her back, but she could see what he meant by them having trouble fitting. And what could she say? She had a pair of breasts suitable enough for him. Therefore, what else mattered? After he broke their kiss again, she responded. "We'll figure it out, I'm sure. Besides, you think I look good in whatever I wear."
"That's true, but I think you look the best as you are now." Michael said as he laid his head gently onto her left shoulder and began to tenderly rub and massage her large, supple breasts in circles. Michael's clothes, while large, were designed for a normal human male's body. The only reason Michael had Christina go nude around his home was the fact that clothing for someone of her kind was almost immpossible to find.
"Perhaps, then, I should continue to wander around like this." After all, if clothing was impossible to be found for her before, who's to say that it'd be any different, now? As he would rub her breasts so, she would close her eyes as though to relax, her body beginning to feel ill again as she laid within his arms.
"Well, the only way that we could do so without breaking the law is if you were to wear your slave collar. Besides, as long as we are the only ones who know our true feelings for each other, it shouldn't be a problem." Michael said as he stepped behind her and resumed rubbing her breasts softly and tenderly.
Christina tipped her head a bit as she thought about that, then nodded subtly. "If you think things would work out better that way, then I will. I just don't want any trouble to be caused. Especially, between us." She turned back to him, nipping playfully at his lower lip before kissing him softly.
"Well, you can wear your collar while we're outside, but I figured we could look around the nearby stores for clothes that will fit you. I've heard of a store that's not too far from here that sells clothes that will fit only bats, foxes and cats. I just hope it isn't closed down." Michael said as he gently wrapped his arms around her and used one of his hands to play with her wings and used the other one to hold her head gently against his chest.
Christina nodded again, rolling herself a bit within his arms before letting him fall gently onto the pillows. "I think, that I'm going to go and take a bath, and get all cleaned up for you." As much as it may have not seemed normal for a bat, she did enjoy emerging her body in a tub full of warm water, and she enjoyed even more the thought of him joining her. "Are you going to stay in here, and rest?"
"Well, while I don't mind resting all alone, I think I'll join you. Besides, I've never felt your fur when it's wet." Michael said as he followed Christina into his bathroom. "Who knows, maybe we could have a little 'fun' while we're in the bath."
"I would never deny you of your fun, especially if it involves me." In the bathroom, Christina had begun to fill the tub with warm water, that of which would let off a bit of steam as it would continue to rise. "And it's oddly silken, believe it or not." Referring to her fur, when it was wet.
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