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A Master and his 'Batty' Slave (Blinded & Ganein)

Kissing deeply into him, caressing his tongue with her own, Christina couldn't help but murr up against his soft lips. He was either going to wind up getting turned on again, or was going to end up turning her on. She wasn't sure which, but either way she inwardly knew that it would end with sex.
As he kissed Christina, Michael began to grow tired again, mainly began of the heat in the room. After a few minutes, Michael broke the kiss and looked at Christina. "Say, do you want to get out of your room? I'm starting to get tired again." Michael said as he placed his head onto her shoulder.
"I don't mind." She said gently, even though her eyes would have to readjust to the lighting again. "Am I going to have to lead you out of here? I don't need you breaking yourself, or anything else because you can't see with those lovely human eyes of your's." Kissing his head, Christina began to get up a bit, adjusting to the weight within her belly once more.
"That would be helpful, thanks for helping me get out of your room Christina." Michael said as he sat up and moved to the edge of her bed. When she was standing and stable with her new weight, Michael took her hand and stood up himself. "Shall we go now that both of us are standing?"
"Yes." Now that the two of them were standing, Christina would lead him quietly to the door, turning her face away and letting out a somewhat painful-sounding screech when the light began to slip in through the now open doorway.
Even though she emitted a loud, almost deafing screech, Michael couldn't hear it, mainly because it was too high a frequency for his ears to catch. When the light hit his eyes, Michael flinched since his eyes had been in the dark for so long, but after a few minutes, Michael's eyes reajusted to the bright light. "Ok, I think I can handle myself now Christina."
It was a good thing that he couldn't hear her, for he may just have gone deaf. Did he even actually know she was making a sound at all? Her eyes would take longer to adjust than his, and she almost felt like a coward, still remaining within her room until she could even attempt to slip her hues open. "I'm sorry, Michael...You know, I'm not used to accommodating to the light as quickly as you."
"It's ok Christina. I know your eyes take longer to adjust, but I still love you either way." Michael said as he walked back to her room's doorway and gently held her hand. Michael knew her eyes would take almost twice as long as his to adjust, he still cared for her.
"I love you too, Michael. You really are good to me. I should, and do feel really lucky to be your wife-to-be." Once her eyes had indeed adjusted, her hand within his own, she stepped uneasily from her room and went to his side, still holding onto him a bit.
When she stepped out of her room, Michael tugged on her hand and pulled her into his arms as she fell. "So, what do you want to do? Do you want to cuddle together as we watch a romance movie, or do you want have a nice, romantic meal together?" Michael asked as he held her tightly and looked deeply into her small, but beautiful grey eyes.
Christina still wasn't feeling quite the best that she could, and she silently wondered how much more Michael's stomach could take after he had drank all of her milk that he did. "Perhaps, we should watch that movie together." She mused, nuzzling herself into him as her eyes now focused much better than before. She really wanted to continue to be within his arms, and who knows. The goings on within the movie may just give him some ideas. (heh)
"Ok, do you want to watch the movie on the couch in the living room, or on my bed in my room?" Michael asked as he began to walk with Christina down the hallway. Michael sure she'd choose his bed over the couch, but just wanted to know if she'd rather watch the movie somelace else.
Of course, she was going to choose his bedroom over the living room. "We could take it into your room, and I could make sure that you stay awake the entire time." Christina smirked, in a way, looking forward to that one.
"Oh? And how would you kee me awake?" Michael had asked as smiled to Christina and gave her a small wink. Though he really did wonder how she would keep him awake since he was a very heavy sleeper. If it didn't kill him, Michael would probably sleep through world war three.
"Hm...Would you like an example, then?" She asked, seeing the wink that Michael gave her. As they headed into his room, she began to nuzzle her head into his neck gently, licking at first before suckling at the sensitive spot where his neck and collarbone met. Her breath hot upon his flesh, she smirked into him as she did this.
"Yes, I would, if it's not too much trouble." Michael said as he walked over to his bed and laid down in the middle of it, with Christina laying down next to him. With her next to him, Michael reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a remote, and began to press a few buttons. A few seconds later, a large projection screen began to unfurl at the end of his bed. Once it was unfurled, Michael went to the romance section of his movie library. "So, which movie would you like to see?"
"Hm...I'm not sure," Christina said, kissing his neck once again before going back to laying onto her back, her wings curling up behind her. In all honestly, she wasn't quite sure how much of it she was going to end up watching of it, considering she still owed Michael a demonstration. Or several.
"Well, why don't you demonsrate what you'd do to me if I should fall asleep first, then we'll watch a movie, does that sound like a good idea?" Michael asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her tightly. He was quite curious as to what exactly it was she'd do to him.
"Or should I just let your mind remain, curious?" Christina asked softly, beginning to trail her hand down his still naked body. Down his chest, to his abdomen, before gracing the head of a certain member.
When he felt her hand slide down his chest and abdomen and stopped at tip of his cock, Michael looked at Christina's hand, and then looked at her face. "Please show me. You know how much I hate being teased." Michael said as he quickly lifted Christine up and moved her so that she was on top of him.
"You'd rather me just be blunt, then?" She handled his cock, now, though not roughly at all. However, she began to gently pinch and tease the skin, before she began to pump at the shaft, her eyes following his own. Deliberately, she now placed her breasts right within his face, and began to tweak and squeeze at one of her own nipples, droplets of milk falling down onto his lips as she did so.
Without saying a single word, Michael licked the breastmilk that had dropped onto his lips, then he wrapped his lips around the nipple that Christina had stuck in his face and began to suckle on it, while letting her massage and rub his cock. While he did enjoy doing everything with her, Michael loved doing anything sexual with her the most of all.
Smirking as he drank from her warm breast, Christina rubbed her pussy into his cock, teasing not only him but herself at the same time. She let out a gentle moan, then continued her actions upon his cock, using the other hand now to tease at both of his balls. She would keep him awake, alright.
Michael continued suckling on her breast when he felt Christina rub her pussy against his cock and use one of her hands to tease his balls. He didn't say anything, but instead began to suckle harder and faster on her nipple in an attempt to get every last drop of her breastmilk out of her breasts. To prevent her from pushing him away as he suckled, Michael wrapped his arms around her body and held it tightly.
Christina's body wanted to struggle a bit against her own as he began his attempt to suck her dry. Though the feeling was oddly sexual to her, it also began to make her breasts swell and hurt after a bit. However, she continued to play with his shaft, hoping she was at least giving him a descent hand job. From here on out, she could either fuck him again, or simply give him head. Of course, he'd have to let her breasts go for that one.
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