Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Carlos looked at his sister "the guards have cleared the ground he isn't here and we have increased the patrols but there is nos saying he isn't close but hiding"
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was looking back at the female, who still seemed very unsure at that point in time. Although it wasn't long before Carlos and Talia were hearing her story about what had happened, it being obvious that the female didn't even realizing that she was speaking at all. But this would confirm to Carlos that she was in fact Alryn's sister, and it did confirm that he was in fact dead - that he had been murdered almost ten years ago now.
Carlos sighed "Alryn was a good friend he will be missed dearly" Calrso felt for her as she had lost everyone that night and while he had lost a friend she had lost so much more
Raphaelle was just looking up for a moment in time, seeming to hear Carlos' words - which had her finally realizing that she had been speaking out loud. No she thought that it had only been thoughts - summing up some of the memories of what had happened that night.
"its ok we heard of the village massacre and had gone to investigate but when we got there it was nothing but ashes we had no way to find out if what we had heard was true till now" Carlos thanked her for confirming it had happened and apologized for her loss "if you want we can move your friend to her own bed rather then the floor
"I don't.... suggest touching her. She will lash out..." Raphaelle spoke in a low voice before pushing some of her hair out of her face.
Rose soon started to twitch and spasm whimpering as she entered a nightmare from when she was a baby. why she had this dream often confused her. After forty minutes of it, Rose shot awake and hissed her irritation her eyes becoming blood red. Rose was facing Raphaelle so the queen and her brother wouldn't see her or she could hope
Rapahaelle was looking at Rose when she seemed to shot up and was just wrapping hear arms around her gently in a hug. "Take a breath. We are safe were we are." she spoke in a soft voice, just rubbing her friends back for a moment.
it took Rose several moments to calm down but soon she gripped her friends waist and after a few minutes she relaxed in to her arms
Raphaelle was just rubbing her back gently before she was looking at the vampires for a moment in time before she was looking towards Carlos and questioning, "How did you know Alryn?"
"he was a good friend I am sad to hear he is truly gone" Carlos moved carefully so as no to spook the female and showed her a picture of the two of them so she could see for herself they were really close "this was taken the day he left to return home I never saw him again after that"
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment in time before she spoke, "We hid under the bed when we heard yelling... and we thought it was safe to leave. Guess not. I watched him get killed by the vampire before I was getting bit by another one."
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "They killed everybody but me.... but that was only because hunters had been closer than they had thought."
Carlos nodded his head lightly "I am sorry to hear you lost everyone did you go to live with the hunters?" this was a trick question if she answered yes then they would both be watched like hawks if she answered no and she gave the same story or close to it as Rose things would be left alone
Raphaelle was looking over before she was giving a faint smile which turned sad before she was shaking her head, "I don't actually remember what happened afterwards..... I was told that I had amnesia and my memories may or may not come back." No she knew that answer that question with a yes was just going to lead to issues - but stating that she didn't remember at all.
Carlos nodded his head "Most likely trauma induced you watched as your brother was killed and heard your family murdered I can only imagine what that was like"
Raphaelle was looking over before she spoke, "Their body parts were splattered everywhere in the room...."
"there is no need to describe it we know we showed up several days later but your brothers body and you weren't there" Carlos didn't want her to talk about it if she didnt want too
Raphaelle was just nodding her head although she didn't say anything more than that, not sure what else to say.
"the kinda of loss you suffered is strong I dont want you to be upset more then you already are," Carlos then looked to his sister "did my sister offer to help remove the venom from your body so that you can't be tracked anymore"
Raphaelle was just looking over before she was commenting, "Yes she did offer, she just also let me take some time to think for a bit."
"if you wish to use this to lure him close so that he can pay for his crimes we can help there" Carlos didn't know if she would want that or not Carlos jumped a little when Rose hissed at him that they were not using her sister as bate for a vampire that they haven't been able to track down or kill in ten years. Carlos held his hands up and moved to his sister's side and spoke softly "I would swear if I didn't know better I would almost think we were looking at either a young vampire needing to feed or a young Dhampir needing to feed with how cranky the woman is"

Rose watched him before curling back into Raphaelle while she worked on forcing the fragments of the dream out of her head. it was always the same dream and it always caused her the same problems. Rose shifted in her seat and then frowned as she wasn't supposed to need to feed again for three months but it seemed like the dream flared up that desire and made her thirst for blood when she did her best to avoid feeding unless it was absolutely necessary
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Raphaelle was just looking towards the vampire for a moment and listened to what he had to say, although it wasn't long before Rose seemed to be speaking up and was hissing at him. Yet Raphaelle was looking over before she was questioning, "Use what to lure him close? If something can be done so that he isn't tormenting me anymore... that would be great..." She was however just looking towards Rose and watched her for a brief moment in time.

Talia was just looking over at her brother before she was giving a small of her head before she was speaking, "I don't sense that she is a vampire fully but she could definitely be a dhampir."
Carlos looked at her "he marked you little one so it lets him track you in essence you would be bait and to keep your friend from possibly killing me we would have the generals near by as well as her to keep you safe I would not put my friends little sister at risk" Carlos them looked at Rose and frowned a bit wondering if the female could actually hurt him he hadn't seen her wield a weapon so he had no way of knowing if she could
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