Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

“True but she needs to feed more reliably and the tablets would let her do that and safely pulse given how her friend is around her she doesn’t feed on people” Alric had watched and both girls had been close and calm with the other
Talia was just nodding her head before she spoke, "I suppose but I don't want to push my luck right now." With that she was just pushing some of her hair out of her face.
Talia was just shrugging for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "If my father was here.... he would want to ring my neck for turning down all of these suitors. I think I've done a fine job at being queen since he died.... I've been doing it myself for three years and as far as I know people haven't complained."
"there are no complaints from anyone other then the nobles you have turned down" Alric looked at her lightly and smiled. this was rare as Alric didn't often smile something that had been taught to him from a young age by his father. While Alric was a Noble as well he worked hard to be both a general and handle his estate affairs
Talia was just looking over before she was commenting, "They are just upset because they didn't get to become a king. But even if they did... it would only be in name. I wouldn't be giving them much other than that. I will not like some imbecile, unless they know what they are actually doing, handle anything relating to politics. I've worked so hard for the peace that we have now, and the connections that we've made. I don't want it ruined by people who know nothing of it."
Alric nodded "I know the feeling the elders in my region keep pushing young ladies on me who find it gross that I wield a sword or they get mad that I work so much" Alric shrugged he understood her feelsing all to well and when she had implimented new laws he had passed them down with no questions
Talia was just chuckling for a moment in time before she spoke, "And that is one reason I got rid of my father's advisors. Well almost all of them. I kept a few of them that actually bothered to help me instead of ridicule me, and they gave me advice on who else I could appoint that could be trusted."
"i wish i could but they are the elders and one must heed their elders advice or so my father said" Alric had hated the man and when he had died he hadn't cried
"Well you were appointed at the general of the army so they don't have as much control over you. I do know however that Sebastian wanted to talk to you about something. Came to mind just now." Talia was commenting. Nope she didn't really know what it was about - although it had been something that Carlos and Sebastian had been discussing. Seeing if Alric would become Talia's private guardian - perhaps a downgrade from general, but she had no clue at all.
"I was told I'll see him in the morning" Alric then thought of his elders "I would love to watch you put them in their places the last female they sent to me got so mad when I turned her down she threw a teapot at me" this was the incident that had sent him to work with cuts and burns and Talia had gotten rather pissed when he wouldn't say who had hurt him
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Oh one of these days I will."
"then you can they want to talk to me tomorrow I will be happy to direct them here" Alric really wanted to see her rip them a new one
Talia was just looking over before she was giving a nod of her head before looking towards Sebastian as he was coming in and questioning if he could borrow Alric for a brief moment. "That is fine." Talia was commenting with a smile.
Sebastian was waiting in his office at that point in time although he was looking up when another guard was announcing that General Alric was there. This had him gesturing for the man to come in and close the door behind him. "I want to get straight to the point. Yes you may see this as a demotion - but I see it as something quite differently. With all of the threats that have been being directed towards the Royal family - Carlos and I discussed the safety of Queen Talia. And we decided that we want to enlist you as her personal guardian. We decided on you because out of all of the generals, you are the one that she is most comfortable around. She feels like she can be herself. You treated her as a Queen when in public and around those that need to see that, but within the walls of the palace around us and even the staff that know her preferences, you treat her as a person." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time.
Alric nodded his head "I don't see it as and Demotion it is the highest honor to guard the Queen and to say other wise would be to look down on her" Alric knew that wasn't what Sebastian was doing so he wasn't worried but it would also make things easier as he wouldn't have to worry about leaving her with a sub-par guard as those who would watch over her when he was resting would be trained to his standards and he wouldn't let anyone slack
Sebastian was just looking over before he spoke, "Obviously then you would be losing the title of General and would become a Royal Guardian instead. Your primary job is to guard the Queen; obviously. I don't need to tell you about training a few others, of your choice, on it. They will also become Guardians as well. You will be her personal protectors."
"I would be honored to take on the role and I will do my best to keep our Queen safe" Alric then chuckled "Talia is going to rip my elders a new one tomorrow as she is getting as sick of them as i am"
Sebastian was just laughing a bit before he spoke, "Oh she has been dying to do that for a while now. Especially since they have been starting to get on her case about you as well. How as the queen she has the power to force you to get married. They were already pretty pissed with her when she flat out told them that she wasn't going to force you to do anything at all. If you chose to get married - that would be your decision. To who, when, where - all of that was your choice."
"oh I am aware they barged in to my office to scold me afterwards for not doing as they wanted then they started flinging young ladies at me and well you have seen how well that has gone over" Alric remembered the more memorable ones and shook his head lightly
"Well now that you are a Royal Guardian.... marriage is off the table. Or as far as they know. Obviously Talia isn't going to care if you decide to get married - you would make sure that if for some reason you did get married and had to step down; that the person filling your shoes would know what they were doing, and do it properly." Sebastian spoke after a moment in time.
"i wouldn't step down if I got married my wife would have to understand that I won't give up my chosen career to be a full time husband" Alric already knew the one person he wanted he couldn't have so there was very little for him to worry about there.
Sebastian was just giving a nod of his head before he spoke, "I know that when you decide on people you also want to train and to become a Royal Guard - let Carlos or myself know. We want to be able to test their skills as well after their training." Nope that is how Alric had gotten his position as a general - being able to hold his own against the Princes.
Alric nodded his head slightly "I can do that but you also still need a guard as well Carlos still has his but you are with out one my prince" yes they all had guards even through Carlos and Sebastian could hold their own a guard was there to keep them form having to fight
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