Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

"that was why I suggested him being the head of it he wouldn't have to stop but it wouldn't all be on him alone" Alric didnt want to see the old man get hurt or feel like they didn't appreciate the work he had done
"thank you I feel he would take it better from you then from me" Alric looked around the area doing a visual sweep but otherwise he left everything be
Talia was just looking with a chuckle before she spoke, "I will talk to him about it tomorrow, let him rest tonight." She was clearing away a few leaves from her mother's gave before she was just gently touching it.
"of course what do you plan to do about the Dhampir and her companion once the issue of the other vampire has been dealt with, they are not members of the community so I worry for your safety if they leave here" Alric wasn't suggesting locking them up but maybe employing them would be a good option as it would allow them to aid the Dhampir in learning how to control things and getting her feeding cycle set while also allowing for the two to be watched
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Hmmm.... I am unsure. I had a feeling of hostility towards them but not all at once." It was difficult to determine exactly what she had been feeling. She was a good judge of character but even she was having a hard time telling if they could be trusted or not. She had the feeling that they could be trusted but not all at once.
"I can assign guards to watch them if you so wish" Alric wouldn't put anyone else at risk because he didn't take the time to make sure that an unknown element wasn't watched and looked over
Talia was just looking towards him for a moment before she was commenting, "I was half expecting you to do that anyways to be honest."
"not with out permission as I know you are trying to gain both of their trust I would never jeopardize that" Alric wouldn't put the work she was doing at risk simply because he was worried
After a bit Talia was getting to her feet so that she could head off inside, pushing a bit of her hair out of her face as she did so. "It seems that my brothers have a plan that seems to be falling conveniently as your elder arrives." she was commenting after a moment in time. Their announcing of Alric's position change... was happening the same day that Alric's elder was visiting. Talk about a major smack to the face right there. Not that Talia really knew anything about it other than he was going to be getting a new position - something that was more suited for his standing, and that it was being announced at the arrival of his elder.
Alric nodded his head lightly "So it seems not that I mind the change it will be interesting to see how my Elder reacts. " ALric disliked his Elders as they pushed and pushed what they wanted rather then listening to him on what his part of the kingdom needed. often it was a battle between him and them but as he out ranked them he usually go his way but this would be something he would be addressing soon
Talia was just nodding her head before she spoke, "Oh they like to try and push me around as well.... not that they succeed ever." Not often did she allow people to push her ground - while she wouldn't fight she was decent at standing her ground.
Alric looked at her “while stupid to do I would love to watch them push you on something” Alric often enjoyed watching her but he had always had to take care not to push his luck or get caught. While they walked Alric went over the changes to the military that would take place “the Dhampir ROse I believe her name was how would you feel if I tested her to see if she would make a good guard for your brother she is then under the watch of someone you trust but your brother is safe at that same time?”
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Well when I am pushed too far then yourself or my brothers step in." With that she was looking over as he was commenting about the dhampir and wondering if she would make a good guard for her brother. This had her musing for a brief moment before she was commenting, "We could test her and find out."
“I will make the suggestion and if she is interested ill set up the testing date” Alaric found how the woman moved similar to that of someone who could and did fight or at least practiced often.
Talia was nodding her head before she spoke, "I don't know that she will be willing to do anything more until the vampire tormenting her friend is taken care of."
“I have a suggestion there if she is able see if she can’t tame the mess that is Prince Carlos’s desk and office” the male had been in there and the poor man was drowning in papers most that he didn’t even need
Talia was just looking over for a moment in time before she was commenting, "I suppose we can find out."
Alric nodded his head and then walked with her back to where the girls were to give them the offers and see what they wanted to do. when they arrived back in the medical room her noticed that Rose seemed rather tired and worn as if she wasn't resting properly. Alric then cleared his throat and spoke "if you two are willing we would like to offer you employment here in the castle"

Rose looked over when he spoke and then looked at Chriss waiting to see if she was interested or not.
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Raphaelle was looking over for a brief moment in time before she was questioning, "What kind of employment?" Well this was certainly a shock at that point in time. This had Talia tilting her head some before she spoke, "Well for you.... My brother is looking for a secretary to help him with all of his paperwork right now. This also means that you will be within his palace more often - so being approached by that vampire will not be as simple." She was looking towards Raphaelle as she spoke before looking towards Rose and stating that she was looking for a guardian for her brother, Sebastian. "Yes he is a expert swordsmaster but... It would calm my heart and nerves for him to have a guardian as well."
Rose nodded her head lightly as this would give her the opening she needed to get close to the prince and watch him to see if what they had been told was true or not "I can do that but I am assuming that there will be a test involved rather then just me being assigned to him" Rose would glare at them if she was just given the position as they had no clue if she could use any weapons or not.
Talia was just looking towards her for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Of course there will be a test. You will spar against Lord Alric to gain that position. You seem like a strong enough fighter that this challenge shouldn't be too hard." With that she was brushing a bit of her hair out of her face before looking at the servant that came in and was whispering something to her. "Hmmm.... Escort them to the guest rooms in that case. I wasn't expecting them until tomorrow evening... although I shouldn't be surprised that they did this." she was commenting and the servant was bowing. After that her eyes were flickering towards Alric as she spoke, "It seems that your elders have arrived early."
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