Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Alric sighed and then pinched his nose "I swear they are going to kill me one of these days" The male then looked at Rose and asked if she wished to spar now or in the morning. Rose picked the morning as she wanted to be in top shape and then mentioned that she wielded two swords rather than one. This had Alric nodding his head and wished her a good night so that she could get some rest before their fight
Talia was just chuckling before she was commenting, "Oh well they are going to absolutely love me. They didn't send me any warning at all that they were arriving tonight so... They will have to spend a while sitting in the guest room alone. After all... I need to be able to get ready to meet guests and with last minute arrival... I have to change, have my hair done, my makeup."

Raphaelle listened although couldn't help but chuckle at a bit.
this had Alric chuckling as he knew full well she would do just that as Talia didn't take kindly to having people show up before they were suppose to and as they hadn't sent word that they would wait till the morning when they were suppose to arrive they would find that neither of them woudl be very kind to them

this even has Rose chuckling before settling in to her own bed as the doctors were worried about her as well as she was apparently underfed
Talia was just looking towards the doctors before she was speaking, "Kindly make sure that these two are taken care of. Get them whatever they are wanting for food." After that she was turning to leave the room so that she could go and get ready.

Raphaelle was watching before she was commenting, "She seems like quite the spitfire at times." And she wasn't even insulting her or anything, so nobody could get mad at her for that... not when she was speaking the truth.
this had a few of the staff chuckling before stating that they had no idea on how much of a spitfire she could be. while they wanted Rose to eat some more they would find that she had settled in and fallen asleep
Raphaelle was watching as Rose was falling asleep before she was moving herself some so that she could stand up. No she didn't leave the infirmary at all, but she was walking some, more to wander over to the window to look outside. Her head was still bothering her - memories still randomly popping up now and again. Now it was more about Alryn.... her older brother, and some of the memories of when he had been hanging out around his friends.
After a little bit Carlos was actually hearing a knock on his door and a servant was stating that he had a visitor. It seemed like Raphaelle had decided to seek him out, more because she had a few questions about the past if anything.
Soon enough the door was opening and the servant was holding it open so that Raphaelle could enter the room. "Oh my...." Raphaelle was commenting about all of the papers that were in the room, just looking around some.
"ignore the mess feel free to sit where ever you can find some rooms" Carlos felt bad that he didnt really have space for her but there was little he could do about it at that point in time
Raphaelle was just looking around for a moment in time before she questioned, "Is any of this even organized?"
"nope not a single inch of it and I am trying my best to get it organized so I can then get the damn paperwork finished" Carlos went back to trying to sort everything so that he could figure out what he actually needed to look over what needed to go to his brother and what needed to go to his sister
Raphaelle was just taking a few papers that were on the pile and just skimming them for a moment before she was tossing a few of them at him. "Well these are marriage proposals." she was commenting.
Raphaelle was just watching for a brief moment before she was just looking at the stacks of papers for a moment. "Do you have any kind of organization going on at all?"
"I try! one is supposed to be military which goes to my brother, I handle the financials for the kingdom, and political matters as supposed to go to my sister" Carlos looked at the papers and then sighed
Raphaelle was just looking at the papers before she was starting to grab a few of them and just glancing through them for a moment in time. "I can help. I use to do paperwork all the time for the woman that took me in." she was commenting. It was true - she had been doing the paperwork for her old teacher - since the woman detested doing it even though it was her job with getting up there on being retired. But this kept Raphaelle busy after she had woken up, and gave herself to allow her mind to just settle.
"I would appreciate the help" Carlos took some blank paper and wrote down what each pile would be and taped them in different areas so they could sort the papers accordingly. the paper for marriage proposals was taped over the fire place a clear indicator that he wanted them all burned
Raphaelle was just looking around for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Yeah I can help." It was a good distraction for her at that point in time, especially since she was starting to get a little antsy.
"if you are able to help tame this then consider yourself hired I need an assistant that can keep up with me and all the work I do" Carlos was more than ready for help and she wasn't fawning over him like the others tended to do.
Raphaelle was just looking over before she was commenting, "I think I can assist, I use to help my foster mom with her paperwork all the time."
"then assist away" Carlos walked over and handed her a stack before grabbing his own and started sorting them in to the proper piles
Raphaelle was nodding her head before she was grabbing some papers and just starting to go through them, tossing them into the proper piles without too much extra thought.
Carlos could soon seen the top of his desk and smiled but then he looked at the other areas that the papers were stacked and sighed knowing that they would be goting to others as well and giving them more work
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