Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Sebastian as just looking over for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "You know that I have never had one." Which was true - even when he had been a child he had never had one. Yet he would probably have to consider actually getting one - because even Talia was insisting now.
"let me find you one if they can beat me they can't then challenge you if you find them suitable then they become your guard" Alric felt this was fiar if you could beat and General you had a strong chance of taking on one of the princes
Sebastian was just looking over before he spoke, "I really don't have much choice honestly. Talia has already told me that I have to find one.... But I told her that her safety came first so I was worrying about her then I would worry for myself. I can protect myself if it comes to a fight - I can hold my own, and if I can't for long I know how to keep myself alive until help arrives. Talia never learned how to use a weapon - she never wanted to learn how to use a weapon."
"maybe find one she can use for defense but not attacking like we use that may be a way to teach her" Alric figured she would be more willing to learn that way then learning how to fight
"I think it is more.... She just doesn't want to harm another person, even in defense. Talia puts on a strong front - but she is still easily frightened." Sebastian was commenting although was looking at the door at the knock and soon enough a servant was entering when he said they could come in. "I just came to inform you that Lady Talia has taken to going out into the garden for a bit. Knight Vash and Knight Hayden are accompanying her." the servant was speaking. Vash and Hayden - both knights that had gone through being trained by both the Princes at one point in time and that of Alric. So they were more than trusted.
"Ill see about training them some more and moving them to work with her as well. OH and apparently one of the girls from earlier is a Dhampir" Alrci didn't know if him and Carlos had been told or not but he wanted at least Sebastian to know so that something could be done if needed
Sebastian was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he was commenting, "I kind of had the feeling, but wasn't for sure. Dhampirs all have a particular smell."
"your brother sent a guard to follow her and they reported back about it" Alric figured they would have to watch her closely to make sure she was feeding right and not too much or too little
Alric nodded his head lightly and then looked at the door "I am going to return to her majesties side if you are ok with that"
Sebastian was nodding his head before he spoke, "We will be holding a ceremony to announce to the kingdom within the next few days."
Sebastian was nodding and watching as he was leaving before turning his attention towards some of the paperwork that he on his desk.
"to see if I would be willing to take on a new role and give up my seat as grand general" Alric knew his new position held more power as he would be by the queen's side at all times unless he was sleeping.
"Oh?" Talia was questioning and just tilting her head a bit. Nope she didn't really know anything about what her brothers were planning other than they insisted she needed a guardian - but she didn't realize that it meant more like her own mini army. Yet who knew that might be a good thing in the future - especially with her lack of wanting to fight and trying to keep the peace. Talia was somebody who strongly preferred to not have any blood on her hands. "Why would you give up your role as grand general?"
"because I wouldn't be able to complete both sets of duties and it isn't fair to either position to only give it a token of my attention" Alric looked at her lightly and smiled "besides I like this new position while it will be easier in some aspects it will also be harders in others and I am looking forward to it."
Talia was just tilting her head some before she spoke, "Hmmm.... It has me curious considering I know nothing about anybody having a position change." With that she was actually wandering off ahead of the guards with a hurry so that she could go over and assist the gardener. The older man had fallen and dropped all of the flowers that he had been carrying so she was going over and helping pick them up. The man was trying to tell her that she didn't need to get herself dirty in order to help him, but she was just smiling and waving off the concern. "As a queen.... It is my duty to help those in need. If I have to get a little dirty in the process then so be it. In the end... I am just like everybody else. And this is something that I want my people to know." she was speaking softly. The man had been use to the former king - who would have never gotten down to help a servant, let alone even speak to them when giving orders. Perhaps it was this compassion that made Talia so lovable as a queen to everybody - she was a queen but she was also a commoner. She balanced both worlds and made both other nobles and commoners feel equal when they were around her. When she did need to step up and be boss, then she would.
Alric helped as well by mainly helping the old man up and making sure he was doing ok. Alric would suggest the man either retire or they creat a department that he could head up and lead while not having to do any of the gardening work if he didn't want to but he knew that having some help would make the old mans job easier
The older man was just thanking them for the assistance - even the other two knights that were there were assisting with something as well. One of them was offering to escort him back safely to his home since Alric and another knight was still with the queen. The old man almost seemed shocked by everything before he was stating that that would be nice. "Queen Talia.... Long may you reign as the compassionate sovereign that you grew up to become. If the former queen, your mother, was still alive today.... she would be so proud of you." the man spoke in a gentle voice.
Alric smiled at the memory of the former queen and glad to see that she was still loved by her people even after her passing. Alric had been worried for Talia at first as he father hadn't been kind and he didnt know if the people would accept Talia as their queen but seeing that they embraced and loved her made him more then a little happy
Soon enough the older man was hobbling off with one of the knights and Talia was just going over to where the man had been tending to some flowers. This is when she noticed that it just so happened to be a grave... her mother's grave to be exact. Honestly she had never known where her grave had been - her father had told her that she didn't need to know. That her mother was dead and gone, and once something was dead it just needed to be forgotten about.
ALric walked ot her side before speaking "as much as I like the old man I think it may be time for him to either retire or to move to a managment role and have a group of gardeners who work under him what do you think you majesty?"
Talia was just looking over for a moment in time before she spoke, "My father hated the garden, he wanted to burn it all down. But it was because of my mother that he didn't. Even after she passed. I should have known that her grave would have been in the garden. But I do agree with the idea of a group of gardeners. As for him retiring... I'll leave that decision up to him. This is the job that he loves with all of his heart and I don't want to make it seem like it is being taken from him."
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