Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment before she was commenting, "As long as it gets him to leave me alone."
No Rose knew better then to try and argue with Raphaelle when she made her mind up and she could tell that her friend had made her mind up about this
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "No need to make a super rash decision though. You can think about it for a bit. He won't try and approach right now."
ROse chuckled "she wont change her mind not unless someone is able to show evidence that what she is wanting to do is a bad idea" Rose then looked at the woman lightly
Raphaelle was just looking over before she spoke, "I have been tormented by this vampire for almost ten years... I want it to be done. But I know it isn't something that I can do myself."
Carlos nodded his head "then we will help you but you both need rest and some decent meals before we attempts this as I would rather you not get ill or get injured because you're not at your best"
Raphaelle was just nodding her head after a brief moment in time before she was just looking out the window for a brief moment in time. No she could feel that the vampire was close by.
Rose looked at her and spoke "what is wrong I can tell something is bothering you" Rose could see it in her face that something was wrong
Raphaelle just looked for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "It just feels like the vampire is close. I can feel him watching." With that she was just pushing a bit of her hair out of her face and shaking her head some. Talia was just looking over for a brief moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "He won't enter the palace, not at this point in time. He won't be dumb enough."
"he might be you never know with him" Rose figured he had to be stupid as he was going after a hunter with another there who didn't fear him
Talia was just looking over before she spoke, "We will take you to a chamber within the inner most part of the palace. Getting there will be no easy feat at all. And as my brother stated, the generals will be around as well." With that she was getting up after a brief moment in time and was going over to the infirmary at the commotion outside to see a couple of vampires walking over supporting one of the human soldiers who seemed to be unable to walk on his right foot. "What happened?" she questioned which had one of the vampires looking up. "Your Majesty. We were practicing sparring with spears today and he ended up stepping backwards wrong ended up messing up his ankle pretty badly." the vampire spoke. So it wasn't anything super serious, but it could get serious if not tended to right away.
Rose stood and walked over taking a look at the males ankle "Fractured but not broken I would say four to six weeks recovery time with rehab after for another three to four weeks to restrengthen it" Rose then stood and looked at him "stay off it unless there is magic that can heal you instantly putting weight on it before its heald is not wise" Rose had injured herself that she learned to tell how sever an injury was wiht out needing any machines as it saved her time later on
Talia was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was gesturing for them to get him into the infirmary so that he could rest, already a few doctors heading over to take care of him. After that she was just looking towards the pair of them before she spoke, "As much as I would love to stay and talk... I must be going. I have suitors that are suppose to arrive soon to ask my hand in marriage." Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "You sound very annoyed by it." "My brothers pushed me to become the queen considering... out of the three of us I am the more diplomatic one. Our father was very angry about it, not feeling that since I was a woman I was fit to rule without a king at my side. So he declared that I had to get married - and that I was only a placeholder for the true king. So I've had suitors vying for the throne constantly since then - despite how the people tell me all the time how much they love me. And with our father being dead, and his advisors no longer having a seat on the council - the council now replaced with people that I trust and who actually care to guide me and not ridicule me... why should I listen to what he wanted. I just agree to meet with the suitors because I do enjoy turning them down and showing them that... I am not afraid to speak for myself." Talia was commening after a moment in time before she was giving a soft smile and heading off, already knowing that Alric would end up following her.
Alric was indeed following her out of the room and to where she would meet the men coming to court her.

Rose looked at Raphaelle and then spoke "I won't stop you but are you sure that you want to do this"
"I understand I was just checking we may not be blood but you are still my sister and I would hate to lose you" Rose then hugged her before standing but speaking softly "I need to wander off and feed but ill be back soon stay close to the prince" ROse figured Carlos would keep her safe and protected while she was gone
Raphaelle was just nodding her head some before she spoke, "I'll see you in a bit then." With that she was pushing a bit of her hair out of her face.
Rose nodded and then headed out stopping long enough to ask Carlos to watch over her sister before she left and then she headed to where she could feed unaware that she was being followed as her mind was churning
Talia was wandering into the throne room and was greeting a few of those that were standing within the room, although almost instantly there were a couple that were actually coming over towards her to greet her in person. No shock at all there.

Raphaelle was just getting up from where she was laying down, more cautiously at that point in time. Her legs felt a little weak still but she was moving through it, as she typically did. Slowly but surely.
Alaric let out a warning hiss to keep them from getting too close to her. This was normal as he didn’t trust many people near the queen as very few were trustworthy. Aside from the hiss Alaric didn’t stop anyone from greeting her but getting close was out of the question.

Rose wandered to where they kept the cattle and found a healthy cow to feed on. The guard who had followed her went and reported to the queen quietly that the one female was a Dhampir so that Talia could do as she wished
Talia was just smiling as she was speaking with a few people but her attention was turning towards the guard that was reporting to her in a quiet voice. "Continue to monitor, quietly of course. Also, I want you to find a few of the dhampir guards that we have - have them more present as well in areas where guests would go. To help show that she isn't the only one, that she isn't alone." No she wouldn't approach her directly quite yet since it was obvious that she wasn't trusted, but she would however help her see that she wasn't alone with what she was - that there were plenty more just like her. With that the guard was leaving, although not without hearing the resonating slap of Talia's hand coming across the face of one of the suitors. Yet again he had made a comment about how all dhampirs just deserved death - that they were an abomination that didn't deserve to exist. No typically Talia didn't care what one thought but there were times when one truly needed to keep their thoughts to themselves. "Leave."
Alric looked at the male and then chuckled lightly “you heard the queen it’s time for you to leave either on your own or with my aid the choice is yours”
This had the suitor just looking over before he was hissing, "My father will hear about this." This had Talia just looking over before she was speaking, "Your father is a baron - he holds no power over me. Go ahead and complain to him - everybody knows that I have always protected my people - whether they be human, vampire, or dhampir." With that she was turning away from him to go over to her throne, allow them to approach her one at a time - within a few feet anyways.
Alric kept the back at a safe distance but he didn’t stop them from speaking once they had all left he spoke “if she is a Dhampir maybe offering her blood tablets will earn you some favor my queen”
Talia was just looking over before she was commenting, "Perhaps, I am not quite sure though. She doesn't seem to trust at all in general right now." With that she was shaking her head some before just tilting her head back and commenting that the suitors were often so annoying.
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