Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Talia was nodding her head before she going over to actually grabbing a shot and sticking it into the woman's arm. Just something to help relax her some so that she could calm down some, least she hurt herself from being so tense.
Rose growled out her frustration when she lost the male cursing up a storm. Rose then turned and headed back to the castle so that she could tend to her friend
Talia was just gazing out the window for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "It seems the other woman is headed back now."
Carlos looked at his sister and then nodded his head lightly "I'll go inform Sebastian of what happened if you feel safe here" while he doubted anyone would try and harm Talia in the medical wing and not with Alric standing guard he still had to ask to be certain.

Rose returned quickly after she had left and when she was informed that Raphaelle had been taken to the medical wing she got directions and headed there wanting to make sure everythign was ok as there was no reason for her to be in the medical wing unless she had been hurt and Rose hadn't spotted the injury. when Rose arrived she rushed to her friends side and gently touched her face but she didn't speak as she didn't know they had sedated her friend
Talia was just giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "I'll be fine." Soon enough her brother was leaving and moments later the other woman was coming into the room. This had her looking over towards her before she spoke, "We did sedate her - she was in a lot of pain. I hope that you can answer something for me. The scar on her neck is from a vampire bite.... Do you possibly know how long ago it happened? We believe that she may have been marked by this vampire - and we need to know roughly how long ago to decide how to approach removing the venom."
Rose looked sharply at Talia when she said that she had been sedated "you sedated her why would you do that do you know what you could have done" Rose didn't care that she was talking to the queen nor that she had been asked a question both Rose and Raphaelle had been told that if she was sedated there was a strong chance that if her memories were returning that the sedation would make it so they stopped
Talia was just looking towards her for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Because she was in pain and she was panicking. I suppose I wouldn't really call it sedation at all. It was more something to just calm her down some so that she could breath." With that she was pushing a bit of her hair out of her face before she was looking at a guard that was coming in, the man speaking "Your Majesty; that vampire seems to have gotten away." This had her looking over before was speaking, "He will come out once again. If this human is somebody that he marked then.... he will try to come back for her."
With that she was looking back at Rose before she spoke, "Now please tell me what you can about the bite your friend has. Do you know when it happened? It it happened a long time ago.... then there is only one option for removing it and that is for her to drink some of my blood - which will cure it from her system and remove the mark. Or if was a few years ago, within the last three years, there is a special serum that we can use to remove it. No harm to her at all either route we take. But leaving the venom in her system.... with that vampire close by is going to cause problems."
Rose looked at her "nine almost ten years agon her whole village was wiped out my aunt found her and took her in we are like sisters we grew up together after she came to live with us" none of this was a lie as they had grown up together when Rose was home as she had often been out on assingments but the girls were close as Rose helped with her training when she could
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time at the news. Wait nine years ago... almost ten years ago when her whole village had been wiped out. "This village... It didn't happen... to be at the base of a mountain far to the South, was it?" she questioned after a moment in time. Yet she knew that the only way to help her was to give her her blood which had her thinking for a moment in time.
"yes it was but sadly she doesn't remember anything before coming to live with us the doctors said only time would return them and if they were to return them we were not to sedate her in any way as it could hamper the memories returning" Rose looked at the woman but stayed close to Raphaelle a clear sign that she didn't trust anyone there and when a few doctors tried to get close they found themselves on the business end of one of her swords
Talia was just looking towards her before she spoke, "She wasn't sedated. The medication is just meant to relax the body. She ended up collapsing herself, her body being so worked up. She is sleeping right now." No one could still tell that she was in pain, which meant that the memories were still coming back but she seemed far more relaxed than she had been before. "With how long ago she was bitten the only thing that can help her is if she has some of my blood. No need to worry though... It isn't going to change her or anything."
Rose looked at her "I wont agree you will have to ask her once she wakes up" ROse refused to allow anyone to do anything to her again not while she was there
"I never said that I would do it to her without her consent. I am not some monster. I was explaining it to you as well, so that you also knew what was going on. And you can help explain it to her if needed - or if she refuses to listen to my words, I hope that you will explain to her. I only wish to help her; that is my only objective at this point in time." With that she was getting to her feet and telling the doctors to inform her when the woman woke up. This had the doctor nodding her head before she questioned, "What are you going to do now, Your Majesty?" This had Talia look over before she spoke, "Go and question those people downstairs to find out who sent them here."
Rose watched the woman leave and once the doctors left as well it was only then did Rose relax and sit with her friend silently holding her hand. it was normal for them and Rose could go hours at a a time with out needing to move while being there for her friend
Raphaelle seemed content at that point in time, seeming to be sleeping almost peacefully. She was definitely still in pain although it seemed to be a bit more regulated with the fact that she was relaxed. As this happened Talia was leaving and heading down into the dungeons.
while they were gone ROse just went over everything they knew about the vampires they had been sent to kill and this had her frowning
Talia was soon enough leaving the room, just as Sebastian seemed to be coming up to check up on her. When Rose saw the interaction between them, it would be very clear to her that they were in fact siblings - and much like Carlos, he was very protective of his other siblings. While Sebastian was protective of Carlos as well, he was more protective of Talia but that was only because she wasn't much of a fighter at all.
Rose did watch them but her attention was on Raphaelle even though she knew it would be some time before the girl woke up she wouldn't leave her side till she did
Raphaelle seemed to be unconscious for the rest of the night, at some point seeming to fade into an actual calm sleep, the memories having stopped surfacing at that current point in time. As she slept, Talia was down in the dungeons with her brothers questioning the men that they had captured.
The next morning seemed to come around rather quickly, and Raphaelle was awake and just sitting up in the bed. She was obviously confused and just seemed to be a bit zoned out, but she was at least conscious. Currently she was just trying to process of all the memories that had ended up springing back overnight.
Rose continued to sleep but she held Raphaelle's hand in her own while sleeping. the poor woman had come off one mission only ot end up on another this was what life was like for her and it often wore her out so when she did take time off she did nothing but sleep
Raphaelle was just looking at Rose for a moment although she seemed to tense up a bit when she heard voices and all of a sudden the familiar figure of the vampire queen seemed to be walking into the room. "Oh you are awake." Talia spoke in a gentle voice, but kept her distance to not spook her.
Rose shifted a bit but slumbered if anyone got too close they would not like the results as Rose did not take to being woken up well or having strangers close when she was sleeping
Raphaelle was just looking at the new woman a bit unsure before she questioned, "Where are we?"

"This is the medical wing in the hospital. You ended up collapsing in the courtyard yesterday. Now... Your companion told me about when you were attacked. And I can cure you but... The only way to do it would be for you to drink a small amount of my blood." Talia was speaking after a moment in time, just getting straight to the point. "You need not decide now. you can take your time. But I do advise not taking too much time, especially if that man is still around."
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