Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Rose nodded and then informed one of the maids that they would like to share as they were sisters and wanted to be close to each other
This had the maid nodding and soon enough they were lead to a room that they could stay in for the night.
The maid was bowing before leaving and going to inform the princes that the guests had all been settled for the night.
once she left Rose moved to the bed and she stretched a bit before looking at Raphelle "get some rest so that we can take care of what we need to in the morning"
Raphaelle was nodding and eventually ended up falling asleep. At least she slept for a few hours.... yet at some point in time she was awake and leaving the room, almost as though she was sleepwalking - heading outside into the night air to gaze up at the sky. It was so nice outside at that point in time, yet she felt almost haunted by something. Perhaps it was because of the memories coming back, slowly but surely. That one memory and random ones seemed to be continue spring up throughout the night. Her head ached but the cool air did seem to help with the pain some, althought the worst at the time was the fact that the old bite mark on her neck was throbbing. Last time this had happened had been when the vampire that had attacked her had been near by a few years ago while she had been a hunt. They had made eye contact and he had just grinned at her before leaving.
Rose woke up when she heard the door open and followed her friend outside. Rose moved in the shadows but she didn't move to stop her friend and keep her form wandering she would just make sure that she didn't go somewhere she shouldn't which was easy to tell as there were guards standing watch. one guard did come up and ask her what was going on and Rose explained and they left the two of them alone
Not that Raphaelle was doing anything wrong, just using the cool air to help soothe her head at that point in time. Her head that was aching at that point in time as new flashes came to her mind. Old memories coming back to her head.... she was almost beginning to wonder if she should have told Rose she wanted to retreat back to headquarters. She hadn't realized that they were going to be this painful coming back. No... Raphaelle definitely wasn't okay and it would be rather obvious when she went from just standing there to all of a sudden she was crumbling to the ground, her hand going to her neck. The pain.... The pain was far worse - between the burning from the bite mark and the memories coming back.

Talia was sitting in her window seat of her room just gazing out the window as she watched what was happening, but she was getting to her feet. Although it was more because she could sense the other vampire that was there, which had her reaching out to her brothers mentally. She was only able to get ahold of Carlos it seemed and she was commenting in a soft mental voice, 'There is a situation in the courtyard. It seems that the female had run out earlier may have been bitten by a vampire, she is reacting how a human does when they were marked by a vampire for dark intents.'
Rose shot over to Raphaelle when she fell to the ground and she carefully picked her up "Raphaelle are you ok" Rose gently shook her trying to get her to wake up "come on wake up" Rose was more then a little worried and she was now wishing that they had retreated until everything had settled.

Carlos responded and then headed out reaching out to the guards as well so that they could get there and protect the queen
Raphaelle almost seemed to be in that catatonic state at that point in time, other than just holding onto her neck where the bite mark was at. In the distance, Rose would be able to see a vampire standing with a grin on his lips and soon enough he was turning and leaving. There was the chance that Rose could follow but that would mean either leaving Raphaelle alone or trusting the prince that was approaching to keep an eye on her.

'No need to worry about sending guards here. Alric is still outside my door.' Talia was speaking in a soft mental voice as she was watching the vampire in the distance which had her drawing away from the window and heading towards her door to head outside as well.
Rose wouldn't leave Raphaelle even though she wanted to go after the vampire seeing the prince she turned and looked at him "can you watch her please" once she was sure she was safe Rose shot off after the vampire who had attacked her ignoring the fact that she was showing off that she wasn't human

Alric looked at Talia when she came out "your Majesty"
Talia was just looking at Alric for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "We have some hunting to do. It seems like... one of the rogues that had attacked that human village long ago is here within the kingdom." After that she was heading off so that she could go out to the courtyard.

Raphaelle seemed to settle now that the vampire was distancing himself from where she was, her hand just seeming to fall onto the ground, revealing the scar from the bite mark on her neck.
Carlos spotted the mark but took care when he picked her up and held her in his arms while watching the other female chase after the male who had been standing there.

Rose chased after the male in her effort to kill the man
Talia was soon enough coming outside next to Carlos, her eyes just going in the general direction that the male vampire had run, with the other woman chasing after him. "Lets take her to the hospital wing." was all she said, gesturing to the woman that her brother was holding.
Carlos nodded his head "she asked me to keep her safe I am guessing they are close" Carlos looked at his sister and then at the girl in her arms "she needs moer then rest a mark was placed on her I can sense it"
Talia was just nodding her head then spoke, "You can see the scar still. I can feel the traces of the venom still there as well. I do have to wonder when this happened to the poor dear and how long she has been living with it."
"guessing from the smell I would say about ten years ok so its faded but still there some scent left" Carlos had been gifted with and enhanced sense of smell which let him tell people apart
Talia was nodding before she was looking towards the guards that were there then spoke, "When that woman comes back inform her that we have taken her companion to the medical wing to get her some medical attention. And please direct her there if it is needed." With that she was heading off with Carlos towards the medical wing.
the guards assured her that they would do that when she returned. Carlos then headed to the medical wing so they could work on drawing the venom out and healing the wound
Talia was following after him and once they were entering a few doctors were coming over to see what was going on before they were getting a bed prepared. The female in Carlos arms just seemed to be mumbling a name under her breath, and there actually seemed to be tears falling despite being in an unconscious state. The name Alryn....a familiar name to Talia which had her looking towards Carlos for a moment. "Isn't that the name of a human that you befriended years ago?" she questioned. Prior to the incident, that they didn't truly know the fully story about, Carlos had actually been helped by a human by the name of Alryn; and in exchange Alryn had been able to stay at the palace before traveling back home - to a small village at the base of the mountains. While the human had been here he had told them of his family - mother, father, and a younger sister. He would come to visit now and again then nine years ago he just stopped showing up out of the blue and they hadn't learned anything.
"yes it was I loved that little brat he was like a younger brother to me" Carlos settled her on the bed and warned the doctors about her friend and how she would react if there was anything different or wrong with her. Carlos then moved to his sisters side "do you think it is possible that she is his little sister and might know what happened"
Talia was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "I do believe that this could be his younger sister. Something tells me though that... with how she is acting when saying his name something tragic happened. So we should be cautious with how we approach the conversation."
"we can ask her friend she may know" Carlos certainly hoped that the woman knew or they would be working for some time getting Raphaelle to tell them what happened "the first thing we need to do is remove the venom from her body but it will be tricky"
Talia was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "We can try to see if she knows. As for the venom within her bloodstream, you can give her some of my blood. You know it negates the affects of the venom." While Talia was a vampire - her blood was a bit more of a strange thing; it worked well for healing those that drank it, although this also meant that she couldn't actually turn anybody into a vampire. If they drank her blood, even if at death's door, the injuries would just heal as though nothing had happened. But this rare blood was something kept secret.... otherwise the amount of people that would want her was going to skyrocket.
"I'll talk to her about it once she wakes if she has to drink it if not a simple shot should do the trick" Carlos didn't want to do something to the female with out her consent but he was worried about the venom and the fact that she was rather vaunerable
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