Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Talia was just looking over her shoulder, a bit startled but not all at once. She was however grateful for the timely intervention from the stranger that was there.
Rose looked at the male and shook her head lightly but watched as the guards moved in and grabbed both men as the other had moved to try and get his partner up.
Not that the man was able to get far, not with all of a sudden being pinned by one of the princes. Sebastian, the same one that Rose herself had been tasked to eliminate, had made his move and Raphaelle, who had been watching the princes secretly, hadn't even truly realized it. Royal vampires were definitely on a whole different level than average vampires it seemed, which had her wondering if that is why the council wanted them eliminated. "You alright, your majesty?" Sebastian was questioning which had her looking for a moment before she was giving a small nod of her head.
Rose blinked when Sebastian was pinning the man infront of her, she hadn't even seen him move. this had Rose looking to Raphaelle her eyes a little wide as she was worried if they would be able to take them on or not. Rose knew she was good and she knew Raphaelle was good as well but they had never taken on two royals before. Rose then carefully backed away from the prince and the man he had tackeled as she didn't want to draw attention to herself so soon.
Sebastian was just looking towards the man before he was speaking in a very calm, yet deadly tone of voice, "You are going to tell me who sent you... or I will make you wish that you were dead." "Brother.... Just put them in the dungeons. We will get all the answers that we need soon enough." Talia was speaking after a moment in time before she was just looking towards the man's partner that was being hauled up to his feet by a couple of guards.
Raphaelle was just watching slightly although she did find herself taking a few steps away from everything that was happening before she was just turning and heading outside to get some fresh air. Perhaps she made herself a bit suspicious but.... She could feel her panic beginning to kick in, and what really sucked was that she didn't have her safety net at that point in time. Yet she was pretty sure... this time it wasn't the vampire moving... it was the words from the woman, calling the vampire brother. It had flashbacks of her own brother - yet unfamiliar memories. Memories that she had forgotten returning.
Carlos moved to his sister and brother "This is getting rather annoying" Carlos was referring to the attacks as they seemed to keep happening no matter what the group did or tried to do to keep them out of the castle "I am thinking we need to start issuing identification cards of some sort"Carlos looked at the males as they were taken away beofre looking at his sister "Ill look in to a way to keep this from happening again" Carlos then watched as a female he hadn't seen before rushed past them and followed another female he hadn't seen before outside.

Rose had seen Raphaelle go out side and her concern for her friend and sister had her rushing to her. Whne Rose stepped out she walked over ot her and pulled her in to a hug so that Raphaelle could hear her heart beat "breath just let it come to you don't fight them" Rose then went silent and hugged her close wanting to make sure that Raphaelle was aware that she was there and that she was safe. Rose would kill anyone who tried to hurt her friend at that moment and it ws clear she wouldn't not react well based on hos she was standing.
Sebastian was just nodding his head before he was commenting, "It is getting very annoying; and I guess it makes sense that they would target Talia, being that she is the queen.... but I feel like that is the more suicidal route to go as well." With that he was watching the woman that had helped his sister seem to take off outside, following after another woman that he had never seen before.

Raphaelle was just breathing for a moment but she did end up breaking down once again, and was sinking down to the ground, away from Rose for the moment to wrap her arms around herself tightly. There were tears falling down her cheeks as she sat on the ground, arms just wrapped around herself. No it was obvious to anybody that she was having a panic attack and freaking out.
Rose closed the doors and moved to her side but she didn't touch her as that would only make it worse. Rose was there as a silent friend someone who wouldn't buckle under the waves of her emotions someone Raphaelle could and should depend on. Rose watched her so long as it didn't get too bad she let the girl work through the attack as it was better than knocking her out.

Carlos looked at them both "do either of you know those two?" Carlos didn't know them so he was curious as to who they were but at the same time, he could tell that something was off about the two of them.
Talia was just shaking her head before she spoke, "I do not but... One of them is going through a major emotion strife right now." Picking up on emotions wasn't a difficult thing for vampires - especially the royals. With that she was pushing some of her hair out of her face before she was commenting, "I don't believe that they are a threat though."

Raphaelle did have her breakdown and was eventually actually moving to Rose and was hugging her. Nope it was safer to just let Raphaelle reach out for that comfort when she was ready, but she was calming it seemed. "Alryn and I had been close.... very close. There was a time when I was younger and I was being bullied... he ended up stepping into the way and ended up getting beat instead. But he hadn't seemed bothered by it, telling them that if they tried to hurt me again... he wasn't going to hold back. Hearing the queen call that man brother... and seeing him protect her.... caused some memories to flash back...." she was speaking after a bit, although she was exhausted. To be expected after a panic attack. They were exhausting from head to toe- in every sense of the word; physical, emotional, mental.
Carlos nodded his head lightly "ok then if you do not feel they are a threat then it is safe to let them be"

Rose listened to her and when she moved in and hugged her she gave her to comfort she needed "At least you know now your brother loved you very much and you know that you have a brother but remember what the doctor said once they start coming back they will come back quickly do we need to postpone until after they have all returned?" Rose wouldn't put her friend at risk and if she had an episode while they were there she didn't know what would happen
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "No it'll be fine. Lets just complete what we came here to do. Maybe go back inside and try some of that food since people are still in there mingling." With that she was getting up to her feet and heading off inside once again, although her movements definitely showed that something had happened.

Talia was just smiling before looking over as the two woman entered the woman again. One of them seemed a little unsteady at the time, and there was a more vulnerable feeling from her this time. Yet the other woman had a more dangerous feeling about her at the time.
Rose aided her in getting into the room "let's find you a seat and then Ill god and get some food" Rose could tell her friend was unsteady and she didn't want to risk her falling and getting hurt. The feeling she was giving off was because she wanted to keep her friend safe and sound and it radiated off of her in waves
Raphaelle was nodding and going over to one of the tables to sit down, just looking around everybody that was within the room. There were still a number of people there and it seems like the Princes were still there - but the queen seemed to have left to go back to her rooms. Although as Raphaelle was looking around she noticed that the guard captain seemed to be gone as well - more than likely following after the queen.
Alric had indeed gone with her to make sure that her room was safe and thant she was safe as well

Rose quickly gathered some plates for them and when someone questioned her about needing two Rose sid she was gettign for her sister as well so that she could ret as she wasn't feeling all that well. this stopped the questions and it wasn't long before Rose was returing and giving Raphaelle her food
Talia was just wandering back to her room with Alric at her side. "Sorry for what Carlos made you do." she was commenting after a brief moment in time as they made their way back towards where her chambers were at.

Raphaelle was thanking Rose quietly when she came back over and took something off of the plate to nibble on. No she was eating slowly at tha tpoint in time, giving herself the chance to digest what she did eat.
"there is no need to apologize to me Your Majesty" Alric smiled at her as he hadn't minded at all

Rose did the same as she wanted to take her time and to watch the people around her for a bit before she decided on how she was going to make her move
Talia was just looking at him for a brief moment in time and soon enough they had arrived at her room, and she was just inclining her head towards him slightly. "Thanks for walking with me back to my room." she spoke in a soft voice, and giving a light smile.

Raphaelle was far calmer than she had been, just eating her food as she watched the people that were around her. Her eyes were traveling to the Princes however as she took them in. Prince Carlos and Prince Sebastian. Yet the queen had called one of them brother... which meant that she was related to them, perhaps anyways. Yet there wasn't any information about them having a sister. Which had her wondering if that had been done intentionally by the society or if they hadn't been able to get information about her because it was being covered up very well.
"you are most welcome" Alric checked over her room and once he was certain it was safe he moved so she could enter the room and rest for the night.

Rose looked at her "if one is the brother of the queen then the other has to be as well i find it odd that we don't have any information on her" Rose's voice was very soft so that no one would hear her other then Raphaelle
Raphaelle was just looking before she was commenting, "Either information was being withheld intentionally.... or information is being hidden from everybody. Something tells me that... it is on the vampire end of the spectrum. I think they are keeping it covered up." Which made sense to her - female vampires seemed to be more rare than male vampires whether it be born or changed. And that was typically because if they were changed the female's body just wasn't able to handle the change and all the stress on the body, and female vampires were just more fragile, and humanlike, when they were born. They were also known to be a bit physically weaker than male vampires.... but were they lacked in strength they made up in speed. Vampires were fast - but it was known that the females were faster than males. Yet again every creature had its strength and weaknesses.

Talia was allowing him to check over her room before she was entering to settle in for the night.
"you are right there" Rose knew from experience she wasn't as strong as a normal male vampire but when she did go up against a female they were more evenly matched but Rose made up for her human half with strength.
Raphaelle was nodding her head as she ate a little bit more food and was watching people as they wandered around and mingled a bit.
After a while it seemed like a number of people were leaving and some servants were inviting those that were still there to come to some of the guest rooms if they had a long distance to travel. And this is something that the girls were deciding to accept.
Rose walked with Raphaelle and spoke softly "do you wish to share a room?" she didn't know if her friend was ready to be alone or not and if she had another panic attack Rose wanted to be there for her
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