Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

"my dear beloved sister. that is where you are quite wrong the poor man ahs had a crush on you for some time but you were with your ex at the time and he only found out tonight that you are now single" Carlos smiled at her as he wouldn't guided her wrong on this
Talia was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Lets head inside. And enjoy the rest of the night." With that she was wandering inside once again to enjoy the rest of the evening. She danced with various different people and eventually if one came looking for her they would find her sitting down and resting her feet a bit.
While Alric wanted to go and ask her he could tell she was tired so he left her be. this had Carlos shaking his head before muttering to Sebastian about doing something drastic and possibly making their sister want to kill him when all was said and done.
Sebastian was just looking towards Carlos for a brief moment in time before he questioned, "What are you planning?" Talia was definitely tired and she was hiding it well that her feet were absolutely killing her. The backs of her heels weren't bleeding yet from the heels but they definitely felt like they could start at any moment. After a moment she was back on her feet and wandering over towards where a few servants were at with the meals and speaking to them in a low voice. Something that she had planned - nothing spectacular, she had just had her chefs make a large cake in celebration. And she was telling the servants to go to the kitchen and tell the chefs that it was time to bring out the surprise. After that she was looking over towards where a guard was standing and giving a small signal to them, which had him seeming to whistle rather loudly to get everybody's attention and to get them to quiet down. This had Talia smiling before she was speaking, "I am sorry to interrupt all of the festivities.... but I have one more surprise for you all. Just a small desert that I had the chefs prepare for this occasion... so please feel free to help yourself." With that the servants came up helping the chefs bring out a rather large tiered cake.
"I was thinking of announcing that the grand general and the queen would share the last dance of the night as I can tell she is getting tired and her feet are starting to hurt." Carlos looked at Alric who was watching her like a hawk some would take this as his being overprotective but the two of them would know better "That and I told Talia about his crush but she didnt belive me"
Sebastian was just looking over before he was chuckling a bit before he spoke, "I think that she is just in denial. Her ex was a pretty terrible person, and really had her convinced that he was the only one who would ever love her." With that he was watching as the chefs brought out the cake for everybody.
"true he was and if your willing to keep our beloved sister from murdering me I will do just that" Carlos smiled at the man and then looked to the center of the room as if debating if it was worth his sister ire just to get the two of them to talk to each other Alric would make their sister happy he knew that much
Sebastian was just looking for a brief moment in time, "I doubt that she'll murder you. Just be super embarrassed and perhaps plan something to get back at you with."
"of course I figured that much but there is still a chance she may try to kill me if only playfully" Carlos then waited for a bit before going to the center of the room "Ladies and Gentelmen to end the night festivities we are going to have one last dace between the grand general and our beloved queen" Carlos then spotted the look Alric was shooting him and he spoke to Sebastian. "correction it may not be Talia who kills me but Alric"
Sebastian was giving a small chuckle before he was commenting, "I doubt that she would kill you. You know that she doesn't like to harm people or start a fight." Although it wasn't long before Carlos as going to the center of the room to make his announcement and saw the look that Alric had given him. Oh if looks could kill.... Alric's look might. Talia was just a bit startled by this news and was casting a look at her brother as well, but it was more of that 'why did you do this' look more than anger. And she was once again getting from from where she was sitting so that she could walk up towards Alric and dipping down into cursty how most ladies would greet their dance partners.
Alric calmed the look on his face and then bowed back to her before offering his arm "I do apologize your Majesty it seems your brother has taken a leave of his senses" Alric then guided her on to the floor. once she was in front of his he carefully picked her up and settled her on his feet "let me do all the work I can tell your tired and wanted to rest"
Talia was just chuckling for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Yet it was all done with good intentions. And no it is fine... It is more these heels are just beginning to hurt my feet is all. I thought I had broken them in enough prior to the party but evidently not." She was stepping off of his feet so that she could dance with him versus standing on his feet, it made her feel super unsteady.
"if your sure" Alric then started to dance when the music started. as this was the last dance as proclaimed by the prince she would be able to rest and relax for the rest of the night unless she decided otherwise. if Talia paid attention she would notice that there was a faitn Pink coloration to Alrics face
Talia was just nodding before she was speaking, "I am sure." Sure enough she did notice the slight pink coloration to his cheeks although she didn't say anything at all. What none of them seemed to notice were the S-rank hunters that were there under the guise of being humans that had come to join the festival. No Rose and Raphaelle had arrived just in time and had decided to dress up and go to the ball with a bunch of other humans. Raphaelle was just speaking to Rose softly, making sure that even if a vampire did hear their conversation that they didn't know what they were talking about for sure. "The queen is quite beautiful." Raphaelle was commenting after a moment in time. No the fact that the vampires had a queen... that hadn't been in the information at all.
"that she is and it seems like the general has a thing for her as well" Rose had seen the male turn Pink and she found it quite endearing. what she also found odd was how the brothers acted they were kind and gentle with the few humans who had come to talk to them and they weren't aggressive either which went against what they had been told. Rose was starting to wonder who was lying the elders or the people who fed the elders information
Raphaelle was nodding her head before she was commenting, "It seems that way." No things definitely were adding up at all. The princes most definitely didn't seem like threats whatsoever... at least they didn't seem like they were at that point in time. The royal family had done a few personal blessings to some of their people, and had even basically stated that they would welcome a dhampir into their home. At least the queen had said that. Although they had know way to know that the queen was related to the princes at all - after all they didn't actually know how their current ruler was named. It could be like how humans named their ruler through voting, it could be through bloodline, who knew.
Rose froze when she heard them accept a Dhampir and she had to take several breaths to calm herself down. Rose didn't want people to notice them at the time and she hoped that both the queen and the princes remained on the other end of the room rather then notice two new faces in the crowd.
After a while the song was coming to an end, leaving the dancing couple to part ways and they were bowing to each other to signify that the dance was done. Talia was thanking him for the dance before she was looking towards all of the others that were around before she spoke, "It was such a pleasure to enjoy the night of the founding ceremony with you all. Now I bid you all a good night and please all return safely to your homes." This had many people beginning to leave so that they could return home, although those that had traveled a long distance would just remain in the palace that night.
Raphaelle was just watching although she was nudging Rose very slightly when she saw a couple of very suspicious people and was nodding towards them ever so slightly. Rose would understand what she was trying to tell her, just pointing out the suspicious people. But nobody else would see anythign strange, just as though Raphaelle was nodding in response to something that Rose had said.
Rose looked over and nodded her head "I'll handle them" Rose then moved to the shadows and smiled as she vanished from site the two that Raphaelle pointed out even put her on edge which was saying something. Rose was more then ready to handle things if needed but she hoped the guards would notice and be able to take care of it
Raphaelle was just watching for a brief moment in time although she watched as the pair that she had pointed out seemed to be making their way towards the young woman that had been announced as the queen. Talia seemed to be very aware of them at the time as she made her way towards her brothers and was commenting in a low voice for them to stay on edge. "I think I am also going to retire for the night." she was speaking out loud before she was curstying to the pair of them.
Carlos nodded his head at his sisters words before speaking as well "rest well dear sister" Carlos then gave her and gentle kiss on the cheek before watching her head off. if Talia had spotted somethign he would be on edge until it was dealt with
Talia was heading off towards her chambers, just keeping an eye on the strangers that were there but making it seemed as though she wasn't aware that they were there.
Rose didn't know if she was watching her and Raphaelle or the two who had been acting strangely but Rose kept to the shadows her eyes never once leaving the two men who had been acting oddly. Rose's focus wasn't on the queen or even her brothers so she posed no threat to them
Raphaelle was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was just moving over towards where a few other humans were to make it seem a little more casual although she was keeping a close eye on the strangers that had been acting oddly. No they had most definitely followed after the young queen and one of the princes seemed to be more on edge as well, actually seeming to see the two strange men.
when one moved to hurt the young woman Rose acted tripping him and his knife hit the floor clattering loudly alerting everyone that something was going on. Alric heard the noise and moved to get the queen to somewhere safe rather then risk her getting hurt
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