Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Carlos moved nd walked up behind her "so long as you are in this castle he can't harm you and the guards will know to escort you if you wish to tour the gardens so that he can't get to you their either"
Raphaelle was just nodding before she was looking at him then spoke, "I should stop feeling afraid of him... because I know that he cannot touch me. And even if he did get to me... I'm stronger than I was before.... I'm not that same little girl anymore." With that she was just pushing some of her hair out of her face before turning away from the window. However it didn't seem like long before the doors were opening and in came that of a guard stating that guests had arrived. The same people that they had been waiting for, the people that Alric had been dreading dealing with.
Carlos looked over and then frowned but nodded his head "let my sister know if she hasn't been informed already also warn Alric as I know he has a strong distaste for these people"
The guard was looking over before he spoke, "Well they are currently sitting in the sitting room waiting for the queen... quite outraged that she hasn't shown up to speak to them yet. Yet again the Queen is a dignified woman and needs to get ready, and they didn't give any forewarning at all." Raphaelle couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that.
this had Carlos laughing "knowing my sister as I do she is probably going all formal on them which will make things interesting" Carlos then looked at Raphaelle "would you like to go and watch"
Raphaelle was just looking over before she spoke, "I believe that it would be amusing to go and watch." At the time even the ladies-in-waiting that were assisting Talia were having a grand time with it, at least until one of them was pointing out that it would be rude to keep them waiting for too much longer. After all she had already made them wait for two hours. Between taking a bath, getting dressed, getting her hair, and makeup done. Honestly being a noble lady was a lot more work than people realized... especially men.
this had one chuckling "I think we should just give them to the new dhampir that showed up and let her deal with them as showing up with out warning was rude especially sinc ethe queen was a busy woman and it wasn't right to interrupt her day like they were
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment before she was commenting, "Oh they showed up only to irk Lord Alric. Yet again... There is going to be some news being announced tomorrow by that of my brothers. And I guess it is going to impact Lord Alric, yet even I am unaware of what it is." With that she was getting to her feet and commenting that she figured she should go and entertain their guests now.
the maid sighed and shook her head "that poor man he has a lot on his hands as it is and they are bothering him even more" she felt bad for Alric as he was doing his best
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "On top of having to guard me."
"yes my queen but i can say he never complains at least not to anyone that I konw of" the maid often would take him food lat in to the nights as he worked late hours to manage everything he needed to
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I guess I wouldn't know. I doubt those kind of complaints would be brought to me at all."
Talia was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Sometimes anyways." It wasn't long before she was spotting the annoyed looking Alric, which had her picking up the hem of her dress and heading over towards him to see what was going on.
"What is going on? Oh are you talking about the guests? Yeah I'm sure they are very curious with me. I've made them wait for two hours." Talia was commenting after a moment in time.
Talia was just looking at them before she was commenting, "Well I think I did a fantastic job at making them wait for as long as I did in the first place."
Talia was entering the room and almost instantly they were bombarded by complaints from the people for having them wait, yet Talia kept a calm and composed smile. "I apologize for making you all wait. I tried to hurry but there is so much for a noble lady such as myself to when having to entertain unexpected guests. It would be very unladylike for me to come out not being bathed, and well dressed."
Alric choked back and laugh at the looks lon their faces before reminding them that this was normally the time when the queen was settling in for the night
Talia was just watching them for a moment although what happened next was definitely a shock to everybody and that is when one of the older man actually dared to slap Talia across the face. This had some of the ladies-in-waiting that were within the room actually gasping and the man was stating that she was just a figurehead and that she should know her place - obviously not seeing her as the true ruler. And since they were guests, Alric acting was only going to look badly on them. Yet what people didn't know was that Carlos happened to be arriving with Raphaelle.
Carlos let out an angry growl when he watched his sister get slapped and he stormed over sending the male flying with a single shove before checking on his sister “are you ok Talia?” Carlos knew that Alric couldn’t act but he could and he had but now he was ready to do more. Once certain she was ok Carlos rounded on the elders from Alaric’s family “would you care to explain to me why you thought it was ok to strike my sister and your queen?”
Talia was just putting a hand to her cheek and watched as Carlos was coming over and sending the man flying. This had her just nodding then spoke, "Hmm... Yeah I'm fine." One of the elders was just looking over and stating that he would never see that woman as a queen, that woman weren't meant to rule at all. "Let me guess... A woman is meant to be silent and sit pretty, just be a decoration for men." Raphaelle was chiming in after a moment as she was tying her hair up into a ponytail which had the elder stating that that was exactly how a woman should be. She was just meant to be there for a man to look at - to be seen but not heard. Talia was just keeping back for a brief moment as she was watching although her eyes were taking in the other woman that was there for a moment. For the most part - Talia was somebody who was seen more than heard, unless she absolutely needed to be seen but not heard.

"Besides... A woman holds nothing on a man." one of the elders was commenting which had Raphalle looking over and questioning, "Want to put your money where your mouth is? I'm sure that I could prove that statement wrong right here and now. A woman can do everything that a man can do, easily enough."
Rose walked in as well as she had been given and tour of the castle "are you starting or ending the fight dear sister" Rose didn't care either way but if she was ending it then Rose would want in and to have a chance at having a little bit of fun
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