Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle was looking over before she spoke, "Not sure. This lord here says that a lady should be seen and not heard. Even dared to strike the queen... which isn't okay in my book at all. Especially since she didn't do anything to him." Talia was just watching for a moment before she was moving forward as though to stop the argument from happening even more.
Rose moved and stopped Talia "Then have fun dear sister" Rose looked at her and shook her head before speaking softly "you are the queen they should respect you and not try to harm you let Raphaelle do what she needs to do to prove a point if you step in now you will only make it worse as they will continue to look down on you"
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke in a soft voice, "B...But your friend could get hurt. The lord is a well known swordsman." Raphaelle was just looking over before she was looking towards the lord then spoke with a grin, "I challenge you to a duel then. I'll defend the honor of the queen and all woman that you look down on." This had the lord laughing before he was stating that this was a foolish duel and the royals would never okay something as ridiculous as that. Talia was just looking at Carlos for a moment just giving a small nod but at the time she was just staying quiet.
"I wield dual swords and I am considered a master Raphaelle is my sparing partner should she be injured he will be taking me on and i pity him if that happens" Rose looked to Carlos as well and watched the male nod his head "we are both ok with it so long as the normal rules of a duel are followed should they be ignored well then the queen will decide the punishment"
Talia was just looking for a brief moment before she was speaking, "We shall move this out to the sparring grounds then. Any weapon is permitted." This had Raphaelle just nodding her head before she was heading off with a servant who said that they would show her to the armory. Good thing Raphaelle was use to using most weapons - even if her preferred weapons were a pair of bladed fans.
Rose walked with her and handed her a set of fans. This was a special set where the blades could be retracted allowing her to hide the fact that she was carrying a weapon on her
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment and the man just seemed to be snorting in laughter when he saw her weapon of choice, but she just kept an innocent smile on her lips.
Raphaelle was just smiling before she was twirling around and was opening the fans, seeming to step more into a dance pose than a fighting pose. Yet that was just how she seemed to fight as well - that was her unique style of fighting. Everybody had something that was more unique for them, and this was hers. Dancing while fighting and using a pair of fans. Talia on the other hand just watched from where she was at, almost a bit nervously.
Alric stood next to her and spoke "relax my queen if it seems like she will get hurt I will step in and handle things. as it is my elders are going to learn a very painful lesson for their actions against you"
Talia was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I think I am going to go and ice my cheek.... least there be a bruise there tomorrow."
Talia was nodding and heading to the infirmary with that of one of her ladies-in-waiting to get an ice pack so that she could ice her creek. While this happened the duel seemed to start, and at the time the lord seemed to have the upper hand. Although this was because Raphaelle didn't seem to be trying her hardest - and Rose would definitely notice that. She was toying with the man, making it seem like he was going to beat her.
Rose chuckled "quite playing Raph and show him who is boss" ROse wouldn't interfere as she wasn't worried at that point but she did want to see her kick his ass and knock him down a few pegs
Raphaelle was just looking over before she was giving a smirk and cooing, "Fine fine." With that she was seeming to shift her stance a bit and was soon enough on the move, actually taking the man by surprise that a woman was able to hit him hard. That and he was taken by surprise that a human could move so fast, and be able to stand up against a few blows by a vampire.
Rose smiled and watched her dance and put the man on the defense "Stupid fucker shouldn't have agreed to this duel" Rose was more than a little pleased with how skilled she had become more so than many knew
Soon enough Talia was returning just in time to see what was happening, her eyes a bit wide as she seemed to watch. The lord, a renowned swordsman, was being forced on his toes by a woman. In the end the lord was seeming to yield and Raphaelle was twirling away from him.
Rose smiled and then looked at Talia before giving a small bow before walking over to her friend "sorry I ended your fun"

Alric looked at the male and then chuckled "well it looks like you were put in your place there"
Raphaelle was just looking over before she spoke, "He was beginning to bore me anyways so I would have ended it myself."

Talia was just watching for a moment before she was stating that they would speak to the lords more in the morning when they made their important announcements.
Alric watched the lords walk off their heads hung low before he turned and escorted her back to her room so she could rest for the night while the girls were guided to a room for the night as well
The night seemed to go by rather slowly but soon enough the morning was coming around, and Talia was being woken by her ladies-in-waiting to be able to get ready for the day. It was still a rather formal event with the announcement.
Rose was already up and sparing with Alric as he had asked her the night before if she was interested in being Prince Sebastian's guard and to do so she would have to beat him in a spar so currently both were up and sparing
Raphaelle was currently sitting on the fence and watching them, although it wasn't long before her attention was going to Talia was the female was heading out with a couple of her ladies-in-waiting following after her.
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