Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle was just humming as she worked, moving stuff into the different piles. Although the song that seemed to be humming was a tune that she had been taught by her brother - not that she was really connecting it at that point in time.
Raphaelle seemed to be going through the papers rather quickly without too much difficultly at all. It was pretty easy at that point in time, and she just seemed to be going through it as though it were second nature at that point.
Raphaelle was just continuing on with getting all of the paperwork sorted out, not even seeming to notice that he had stopped at all.
after several minutes Carlos went back to work and it didn't take them long before they had everything sorted and sent to the proper people to be looked over and okayed or denined.
Soon enough they were done with the paper work and Raphaelle was just tapping her fingers to her lips for a moment in time. No she was trying to think of a way to help keep everything organized.
Carlos flopped in to his chair and let out a small sigh of relife at least until more papers were brought to him which had him letting out a sigh
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was taking the papers and was sorting through them pretty quickly.
Raphaelle was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "Well I can definitely help with a system to help keep everything together." With that she was pushing a bit of her hair out of her face.
"if i knew you would be interested i would offer you a job as my assistant" Carlos needed one badly and it wasn't like he was offering to give her a job simply to give her one she had earned it
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "I find it a bit relaxing to be honest."
Raphaelle was looking over for a brief moment before she was nodding her head then spoke, "Yes I would love to assist." With that she was taping her fingers before she was stretching a bit after going through the new stack of papers. No this would be easy enough work and it would keep her busy, kept her thoughts away, at least somewhat, from the burning sensation on her neck from that damn bite mark.
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "And how would she do that.... From what I've heard... It isn't as easy to get rid of these kind of marks... and most vampires aren't willing to even do something like that. A mark that basically claims me as his...."
"the how you would have to talk to her as she is better able to explain it and for my sister it is. Those that mark a human without their consent are the worst of the worst and deserved to be put down" Carlos hated those who marked a human without their permission
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "The pain.... I remember the pain from the vampire biting me back then... even to this day...." With that she was just shaking her head a bit before going over to continue working on straightening up some of his paperwork.
"I will have my sister speak to you about it so you can make the choice" Carlos wouldn't force her as she needed to make the decision herself
Raphaelle was just giving a nod of her head before she was questioning, "How is it that outside of the vampire kingdom, nobody has ever heard of a vampire queen?"
"we do our best to keep the knowledge secret as many would look down on our sister for being female, hell our own father did he felt she would be a worthless ruler but in fact she is the best thing to happen to this kingdom since she took the throne" Carlos and Sebastian had both refused it upon their fathers death leaving only their sister to take the throne
Raphaelle just looked over before she spoke, "She seemed like a sweet woman when I met here. There was no looking down on myself or my companion because we were humans. She treated us like anybody else who needed help." No she was going to give it the show like she didn't know what Rose truly was at all - act clueless to not give anything away.
Carlos looked at her and raised a brow when she mentioned that her friend was human but shook his head leaving it at that unless they decided to reveal it to them that she was a dhampir
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment before she was just turning her attention to out the window for a brief moment in time, her hand just on her neck at the time. Enough of a sign to Carlos as to what her attention was on at the time.
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