Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Talia was just looking before she spoke, "I understand the hatred that you may feel towards me... for take away your freedom of choice. But know that.... I wouldn't have ever done it if I hadn't had a choice in the matter. I did it to safe your life because I knew it was. I hope that your hatred towards me... shall not last forever. I shall leave now. Sleep for a few hours and you will be back on your feet." With that she was bowing and leaving the room, one of the doctors at her side almost instantly.
Rose didnt hate her but she hated that the choice had been taken from her. Rose cried silently but let no one know how badly she hurt over that
Talia was just retreating to her room although shockingly enough Rose wasn't the only one who seemed to be hurt over it. Even Talia was hurt over taking somebody's choice from them.
Talia was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "Yeah I'm fine." With that she was just dismissing herself and hurrying away. The doctor that was with spoke, "She is upset with taking away one's choice to safe their life... and is fearful that she is hated."
Talia just left the area and was heading out into the garden, her usual go to place when she was upset.
Talia was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I took away her choice.... All I wanted to do was safe her.... I didn't mean anything else by it...."
"I know but you only did what you did to save her otherwise you never would have taken the choice from her" Carlos knew his sister and knew she meant well
Talia was just hugging him before she was flushing a bit at his questioned and drawing away. "I... I don't know what you are talking about."
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