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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle walked with him towards the kitchen, although was commenting that she would have been find herself.
Carlos looked at her before speaking "right now I am not taking any risks your friend is in bad shape and your not much better so for now I am going to hover
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "I'm not in that bad of shape."
"Hmm being that it is so much stronger... tells me that it was us that was being targeted this time." Raphaelle was commenting although they obviously didn't realize how much resistance the girls had to it.
Carlos looked at her "still we are now all on edge you and your friend took a knife for my sister so until your both well we will protect you both"
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "Oh the hunters will regret their decisions."
Raphaelle was just looking at him for a moment before she was accepting the food that was being offered to her. "Hmm... okay."
Carlos nodded his head and watched as she ate before looking to a maid who came and gave her news on Rose's condition. another maid would be doing the same for both Talia and Sebastian. the doctors had looked her over and given the change Rose was now fighting for her life and they didn't know if she would survive or not.
Talia was looking over for a moment before looking at her brother, who just sighed knowing what she was wanting to do. "Go and help." He was speaking before ordering some medics to go with as well, to make sure that they stayed safe and soon enough Talia was heading off.
Talia was walking into the room and dismissing the doctors that were there other than a selection few selected one. "Rose. As you know I am a Royal but... My blood is a little special. I cannot turn one with my blood... Instead my blood heals. I need you to drink." Talia spoke before she was biting into her own wrist and pressing it against her lips. Usually she could just put blood on the injury and it would heal but it was different with a toxin, the blood needed to be ingested to help.
Rose let out a small cry as she didnt want to drink but the blood entering her mouth and throat made it hard for her not to swallow or she risked choking
"Drink. It'll help you." Talia was speaking in a soft voice. Little by little as the blood entered Rose's system and she would feel the toxins begin clearing up from her system.
Talia was just leaning away from her and was licking her own wrist to close up the wound on her wrist.
Rose rolled on to her side and curled up in to a tight ball her eye clamped shut to keep from crying. even though it had been to save her it had been the one thing Rose never did and the choice had been taken from her
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