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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle was just mumbling, "Don't mind it." Nope he was more getting dragged with her at that point in time because she felt really faint headed, just pushing through it at that point.
Raphaelle was just looking before she spoke, "It'll be fine. If anything... I can easily be a lure. My blood would attract her more quickly than anything else if needed."
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment then spoke, "It will be fine. Just have people keep their distance from her."
Raphaelle was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was just halting in walking for a moment to lean against the wall. No she was definitely suffering from this damn poison... it was playing havoc on her system at that point. "Almost like they strengthened it just to down us for a bit..." she was mumbling after a moment in time, or try to kill them. Yet they didn't seem to realize how much of a resistance both Rose and Raphaelle had to the poison. All thanks to Chrissanth.
"that's not good if they are trying to take you dont it means they will target my sister more" Carlos cursed a storm and hoped that no one got too close to Rose until it was safe
"Then we will leave. We will cause a bigger ruckus to get their attention on us and off of your family." Raphaelle was speaking after a moment in time before she was pushing off of the wall.
"you sick and your friend just took a blade to har arm and is obviously not doing well so no your not going anywhere" Carlos looked at her as if daring her to try.

the maid who had taken off eventually found both the queen and Sebastian and reported what happened
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I will handle them. And I'll be fine. I've dealt with worse."

Talia was just looking for a moment and listened before looking at Sebastian, who just seemed to be frowning some.
"the young lady doesn't look like she is doing to well she even ordered her sister away from her" the maid looked ready to cry from fear.

Carlos looked at her lightly "this isn't up for debate"
Talia was just nodding her head and Sebastian was stating that he would go and take care of it.

Raphaelle was just looking before she spoke, "And you are not in control of me."
"you ar a guest here Raphaelle but you are also the younger sister of my best friend and he would kill me for letting you go out while ill if he were still alive today" Carlos knew her brother would be pissed if she was out and about while ill

Sebastian would find Rose growling at people and both her arms bleeding one from a stab wound and then other from fang punctures
Sebastian made his way towards her and was just gesturing for people to back away. "Rose. Why don't you follow me. I will take you somewhere where you can be alone and nobody will bother you." he spoke, his voice calm and he kept his distance to show that he meant no harm.

Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment in time before she spoke, "If Alryn was here today... I probably wouldn't have walked down the path that I went down."
"true but till your well humor me" Carlos looked at her lightly

Rose looked at him and then shook her head it was taking all she had to not attack someone the poison was that much stronger
Raphaelle was just sighing before she was mumbling, "Fine."

Sebastian was just looking for a moment but was just turning to walk away, telling everybody to clear the area and was forbidding anybody in that area for the time being.
Rose wasn't trying to be stubborn or even rude but she seriously could not move the poison was stronger then normal and she was dealing with the side effects.

"thank you" Carlos looked at his brother when he spotted him "brother I though you were with our sister"
Raphaelle was just looking for then listened as Sebastian was stating that he had cleared the wing for the other woman.
Raphaelle was just looking over before she spoke, "If the area has been cleared and there is nobody else there it should be alright."
Raphaelle was just shaking her head then spoke "Just stay away. When she feels stable she will seek me out first."
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