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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Talia was just looking at the donor for a moment and listened as the lady in waiting was explaining that the donor wasn't to say anything to anybody about this, and she would be paid handsomely for it. It wasn't long before the donor was going over to sit by Talia, who was gently biting into her wrist.
After a while Talia was drawing away from the woman although she definitely seemed a lot stronger than she had before and the donor seemed fine. The donor was bowing and was being lead out of the room, a lady in waiting going over to double check that the donor was in fact alright.
Talia was just watching for a brief moment in time before looking at her lady in waiting who had remained int he room.
Talia was nodding her head before she was speaking, "Yeah.... I'm fine." Her eyes watched Alric leave before she was just leaning back on the pillows that she was laying on, just feeling the exhaustion kicking in.
"you know he will never know how you feel unless you say something" the woman figured he would say he couldn't because of the fact that he was her guard but she could handle telling him off on her own
Talia was just looking for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I..... I don't even know if he likes me in that manner.... If it is just one sided it'll make things awkward."
Talia was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "I'm sure it was more just because it was even asked."
"I highly doubt that my queen my own husband is much like Lord Alric so don't worry there" the woman held her settled in to bed for the night
Talia was just looking over before she was speaking, "I'm sure that Lord Alric would be better off with somebody better than me." Although this particular lady in waiting would understand why she said that - all due to her father. There hadn't been much respect from the man towards Talia at all, even though she was his daughter. So the king treated her terribly, and more or less convinced her that no man would want her unless she was seen but not heard. Yet that wasn't really the type of person that Talia was at all. With that she was just brushing fingers through her hair before letting out a small breath.
“My lady if that was true he would be married by now with how often his elders tossed young ladies who are seen but never heard at him” the woman huffed lightly at this
Talia was just looking over before she spoke, "And the fact that I'm seen but also heard is the reason that so many men that have come for my hand in marriage have walked away."
“And Lord Alric enjoys talking with you and spending time with you why else would he have agreed to be your guardian” Maggie walked over and sat on the edge of the bed “he cares for you my queen”
Talia was just looking over for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I suppose you are correct. I didn't even know that they were planning to do that."
Talia was just laughing a bit before she spoke, "That they are. You get some rest as well. Thank you... for everything, for being around." She had gone through multiple ladies in waiting but only Maggie had been at her side since before she took the throne. She was the one who had seen her go through everything that she had been through, and she had been the one to hold her hand and give her support, when her brothers were around.
Morning did come around quickly enough and all of the servants were bustling around. There were definitely a few that seemed startled to see Alric in the hallway versus in his own room but they didn't say anything at all.

Raphaelle was still in the infirmary although through the night the poison that had bene in her system seemed to be kicking in more and more, resulting in her getting a rather serious fever. Not that it was going to be a shock to Rose or even herself at all, Raphaelle knowing that the best way to get it to go away was to rest - it would go away on its own.
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