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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Talia was just looking over for a moment in time before she spoke, "Yeah... was just taken off guard and startled but uninjured."
Talia was just nodding and leaning into Alric's arms lightly. As this was happening, Raphaelle was currently working on stitching up her own arm, a doctor offering to help her but she spoke, "No. The blade that was used had a deadly poison on it, fatal especially to vampires. I would rather you not get exposed to it." This had the doctor worrying about her with it and she was looking over before commenting, "I've got a strong tolerance to it. Worst it will do is make me sick for a few days."
Rose walked up and smacked her hand away before putting a mask and gloves on "I am safe now so let me do it before you give the poor doctor a heart attack"
Raphaelle was just looking at Rose for a brief moment in time before she was just letting out a breath but was halting what she was doing to let the other woman take care of it.
Rose took care with her work and stiched it up "i have just as much immunity to it as you granted it will make me sicker if exposed" the first time Rose had been exposed it had nearly killed her something her adoptive mother had been very pissed at
Raphaelle was just looking at her before she spoke, "I am aware. I just hadn't known that you were here already, thought you had been taking care of the dead body."
"i told the one guard what to do after leaving our marks on the body and he assured me it would be dealt with" Rose finished stitching her up and then looked at her lightly
Raphaelle was just nodding her head before she spoke, "Makes sense." Rose would definitely be able to tell that the poison already seemed to be affecting Raphaelle, she already had that slightly feverish look. Yet again the dosage had been higher than usual was something that Rose would be able to pick up on as well, with how potent it would smell. A smell that they were use to.
Rose wrinkled her nose at the smell which was much stronger to her and then told her to lay down. rose then gave the doctor instructions on how to treat her so that she would get better soon
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I would check on the queen and her guardian... I don't think any of my blood got them after I was stabbed but... if it did... you know as well as I that washing it off quickly is important."
Talia was just looking over for a moment before she was speaking, "I got some of my clothing but... otherwise no. I don't think so."
"the poison they used is very toxic Raphaelle is already sick from it while we were often exposed it is still uncomfortable and if you got any on you i can kill you" Rose was worried about her health
“Thank you” Rose smiled at her lightly glad that the woman understood just how dangerous the poison was. Rose wanted as Alric guided her to new chambers while her room was being cleaned of blood. Rose guided those cleaning on protection measures to prevent exposure so that they would by safe while cleaning
Talia was just walking with Alric to the new chambers where a bath was running although she was looking at him and questioning when they had even gotten back to the palace. No the wound that she had gotten from the lord was still rather fresh but it was also healing up rather nicely, albeit on the slower side.
“Your brother and Rose came and got us and protected us on the trip back. After your bath you’ll want to feed again” Alric smiled at her lightly
Talia was nodding her head before she was looking at her ladies in waiting that was getting the bath ready at that point in time. The ladies were speaking about something in hushed voices before seeming to pause as the pair were coming into the room.
Alric looked at them lightly “ladies please take good care of the queen” Alric then left her in their care and exited the room
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