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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

The ladies were all nodding their heads and were helping her get her bloodied clothes off as soon as he had left.
"Majesty.... Can I ask a question?" one of the ladies in waiting was questioning which had Talia looking over as her body was being gently washed down by them. Although the question that was asked had her flushing a bit; and that was if she was attracted to the Royal Guardian. This had a few of the ladies just seeming to squeal a bit when she was confirming in a soft voice that she was attracted to him a little bit.
Soon enough one of the ladies in waiting was stating that Alric could come in, that the queen was all cleaned up at that point in time. Which was true and she was currently sitting at the vanity with one of the ladies working on her hair.
Talia was just looking for a brief moment in time and then looked at her ladies in waiting who were giggling. There was the one brave soul who was straight up asking Alric what he thought of their queen.
Alric looked at the female and without intending too turned a bright shade of pink at the question answering it without him needing to speak at all
This had the ladies in waiting giggling a bit before one of them was speaking, "We all think that you two would be adorable together as a couple."
Talia was just watching for a brief moment in time before giving a small giggle, and while she would have gotten up to chase him she still felt fatigued. It was seen in the slight sway even while sitting down and one of the ladies in waiting spoke, "Let us get you to a room so you can rest then we shall find a donor." She was being helped to her feet and the group was leaving the room with two of the ladies in waiting staying with Talia while the third was hurrying off to find a donor.
The ladies in waiting seemed to spot him at the time although they didn't even seem to bring it up to him at that point in time, their full attention on Talia at the time. No she was their priority at the time. Especially with how unsteady on her feet she seemed to be although it would probably Alric that would smell her blood - her not fully healed wound had opened up some and was bleeding a bit.
Talia was startled when he did that but was just resting her head on his shoulder. The ladies in waiting were fretting a bit and one of them was stating that she had noticed that it had looked like one of the stitches had torn. Yes the doctor had given her stitches while it was healing to try and help speed it along since it had been rather dangerous; and the amount of blood needed to heal it right away probably would have killed a person.
"ill take the queen to my chambers for the night so have a donor sent there as quickly as possible" Alric had already asked and there were no open chambers at the time
This had the ladies in waiting nodding before one of them was speaking, "We sent Adeline to go and fetch somebody as quickly as possible."
Talia was just commenting, "We can go to the infirmary. It would be improper for an unmarried man and woman to share a room together." No she didn't even realize that he had shared her chambers with her the night prior, she had just thought he had shown up when everything had happened.
Alric looked at her "and who said I would be staying in my chambers?" Alric was giving her his room while sleeping in the hall if needed
Talia was just looking at him for a moment before she was stating that it wouldn't be right for her to take his room either.
Talia was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was just looking away and going silent.
Talia was just remaining silent at that point in time, just looking at her lady in waiting who was returning with a donor. The poor woman that was brought seemed to confused at that point in time, considering it wasn't often that they were brought directly into the palace.
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