Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle was nodding her head before she spoke, "It will only be a matter of time before hunters come looking for us."
Raphaelle was just looking before she spoke, "But the other problem is... them naming Rose and I as enemies to the hunters. Many of the hunters allied themselves with us, looking up to us as leaders more than anything. They are losing more than just us. So don't be shocked if more hunters start arriving to seek help you and your people."
"you will both be involved then as we don't know who allied with you and who didn't" Carlos wouldnt make a decision unless they confirmed it with them
Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "Well I would hope that you would call us in. We would tell you who could be trusted and who shouldn't be trusted." Her attention was turning towards something for a moment in time and before he realized what was happening she was bolting off and heading inside the palace. No she was heading towards Talia's room and perhaps startling Alric, intercepting the hunter that was going for a killing blow to Talia. Instead of getting the vampiress, the dagger was going into Raphaelle's arm before the hunter was being kicked away and Raphaelle was drawing her fan.
Raphaelle was just looking over towards him before she spoke, "Sorry for the intrusion. You just have an unwanted visitor." The other hunter was just growling a bit before stating that she wasn't going to be able to fight against him. This had her giving a sigh before she was speaking, "I think you forget who I am. I am one of the few S-Rank hunters. Former I suppose since the faction decided to send a black ribbon with my name on it so... kudos to them for making a dangerous enemy." Alric would noticed that Talia seemed to be awake and the female was definitely frightened.
Talia was just moving close to Alric, although she was just barely on her feet at that point in time. Raphaelle seemed to be holding her own even with bleeding; the huntress just telling Alric to leave with the queen. "I'll deal with this fool." Raphaelle spoke after a moment in time.
Talia was just moving with him and was just leaning into his arms, just seeming to hyperventilate a little bit. She listened to the noises and the fighting although after a bit it just seemed to go silent and soon enough Raphaelle was walking out of the room. Raphaelle's eyes were flickering towards a few of the guards before she spoke, "Take the body out of the room but don't bury it or anything. I'll handle it." This had Talia just looking at her wondering what she was going to do which had Raphaelle just speaking, "I'm going to send them a message in the same manner that they have sent you messengers when you sent ambassadors to try and speak to the higher ups. I'm going to send his dead body back to them. But don't worry I'll make sure that they know it was me that did it... and make sure that they know that I am now an enemy they have to circumvent."
Rose came up and her nose flared at the smell of Raphaelle's blood something which she never drank as they were family. "you need to get your arm tended too first Ill handle the body don't worry about that" Rose would make sure that her message got across and she would also make it clear it wasnt just one hunter they had to take on but two
Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head then spoke, "Yeah. Careful of that blade that was poison on it... fatal to vampires." While it still affected her, thanks to her tolerance to it. After all hunters were exposed to it all the time so building up a tolerance wasn't strange.
Rose nodded her head "thanks for the warning" Rose then headed in to make sure that the body was handled how they wanted it to be handled
Talia was just looking at Alric before she was just questioning what was happening. It was pretty obvious that she was panicking a bit, and was whispering that she wanted her brothers. That wouldn't be much of shock to him though... they were definitely a source of comfort for her when she was afraid. They always had been.
Talia was just nodding her head and watched as the maid was running off; moving into the room where Sebastian and Carlos just both happened to be at. "I am sorry to interrupt my lords, but her Majesty is wanting you both. Now."
Sebastian was taking off after him as well. Upon arriving they did see Talia sitting next to Alric and she did seem to have some blood on her, the smell one that Carlos would recognize as Raphaelle's as he had tasted her blood.
Talia was just looking at Carlos and was telling him to go check on his assistant, letting him know that she had been hurt.
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