Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Sebastian was just looking for a moment before he was speaking, "I honestly didn't mean to offend or anything like that, or imply anything of the sort. Anyways away from that... I hope that you will be willing to remain here. If you have truly been abandoned by the hunters then we have a common enemy - especially if they continue to strike at us. As you have seen... My family doesn't deserve the hatred that we have been given - our kingdom we have made a safe place for humans, vampires, and even dhampirs alike. You and your companion seem like good people and I feel like this is something that you would be willing to help protect. This was my sister's dream - to show the world that vampires and humans could get along. Honestly when she first told myself and Carlos that... we laughed at her. We didn't believe that it could happen, that it would happen."
"I'll have to talk to Raphaelle as its her choice as well but I do know we won't be warmly welcomed like you are thinking" Rose knew that someone would find out and then people would start to avoid them and hate them and then the world that Talia had worked so hard for would fall
Sebastian was just looking over for a moment in time before he was speaking, "None of us know the future."
"no but i know the past and how i have been treated for something that was never in my control. you may say i can't let the past color my future but answer me this when you found out i was a hunter what was your first reaction" Rose dared him to lie to her with this
Sebastian was just looking over before he spoke, "Honestly, I was more shocked than anything. I've meet other hunters before and their first instinct was to go straight for the kill. You never did that, for a time you didn't seem to have the eyes of a hunter when watching us." Hiding that nature of being a hunter so that they didn't get suspicious but either way, all other hunters that came there just attacked right away.
"we are different there we watch and learn first to assure guilt before killing as some times people get it wrong" Rose sat and crossed her arms since he didnt seem interested in leaving
Sebastian was just looking for a moment before he spoke, "It was actually Talia who taught me that not all hunters were bad. She had one rescue her at one point... despite knowing that she was a vampire... this female hunter still saved her. Chrissanth I believe the woman's name was. Talia was very young at the time... about eight at the time." Well this would ring true to Rose having heard Chrissanth mention at one point the story of when she had rescued a young vampire child.
"Chirs was a second mother to me and a mother to Raphaelle she was a good woman we were sad to lose them both" Rose missed her adoptive mothers as she had a happy home life because of them
Sebastian was just looking over although he almost seemed a bit shocked to hear that she had passed away before he was speaking, "I am sorry to hear that. I guess that explains why Talia stopped receiving letters from her after a while. She had an idea that something had happened but we hadn't been able to prove it."
"yea it was hard on us and now Raphaelle is scared she will lose me as well we are all that is left of our little family so when i call her sister I mean it she is my sister" Rose missed their mothers and wished they were still with them
Seabstian was just looking for a moment then spoke, "Carlos mentioned that he had known her brother. I knew him as well but not as well. We were saddened when we heard of his death... of their death I suppose. Carlos even sent people to see if there were survivors but we hadn't found anything."
"Chris found her and brought her to live with us" Rose looked out the window and at her sister her eyes glazing over as if she was seeing some far off memory
Raphaelle was still sitting up in the tree although her attention was turning towards the bottom of the tree when she realized that Carlos was there.
Raphaelle looked for a moment before she was climbing down although she still seemed a little skiddish.
Raphaelle was just leaning against the tree and watching him for a moment. "Yes?" she questioned after a moment in time.
Raphaelle was just looking at him before she questioned, "About what?" It was pretty obvious that she wasn't quite herself quite yet.
Raphaelle was just looking at him although she seemed a bit startled when he was saying something about it. This had her letting out a breath before she was speaking, "After those in my village here slaughtered, only I lived. I was rescued by a huntress by the name of Chrissanth and taken under her wing. She raised me as though I was a daughter at least after I finally woke up. From what I was told... I was in a coma for two years after they found me. And after I did wake up I was in a catatonic state unless it was Chrissanth that was talking to me. She was the only one that I would respond to and it took almost a year after that to snap me out of it."
"When I woke up from my coma and came out of that catatonic state. I remembered nothing, but my name and a bit about my family. And then the constant nightmares of watching my family get slaughtered by vampires. What else was I suppose to think. I didn't have anybody. I was scared... alone... the only familiar person was a complete stranger. At first the higher ups just wanted to abandon me and leave me alone... But Chrissanth wouldn't let them. She trained me to be able to protect myself against vampires. And while I hunt vampires... the only vampires lives I have ever claimed are those that have deserved death. Otherwise... I would have killed you already, along with any other vampire that I came across. But I didn't. I take the time to watch and study my target, see how accurate information is."
Raphaelle was just looking for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Yeah I guess I am... Probably because... I went against them." Her voice was soft and obviously the whole topic seemed to bother her. No she was being abandoned by the hunters as well... people that she had thought as a family.
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