Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Sebastian was just looking over before he spoke, "Well you seem to enjoy her company and she definitely helped you clean up your office quickly. And having a guard for myself would ease Talia's mind."
“She did and it would but I suspect Alric is aware as well and he won’t take kindly to them being here” Carlos knew some of Alaric’s friends had been killed by hunters
Sebastian was just looking over before he spoke, "Possibly. But I also know how close you were to Alryn.... I saw how devastated you were when you learned of his death."
"that I was and to see his little sister targeted by both a vampire and hunters hurts" Carlos worried about her and hoped that she would be ok
Sebastian was just looking for a moment then spoke, "I say give them a chance. They haven't harmed us yet." Raphaelle still hadn't left the tree at all, still sitting with her arms on her legs but she seemed a bit calmer.
"true and they even tried to save Alric and Talia so they can't be all that bad" Carlos looked at his brother "you get to talk to Rose I'll handle Raphaelle"
Sebastian was nodding his head before he was heading off so that he could discuss things with Rose. No he could be civil about this whole thing, he could learn more from her before making his judgement about her.
Sebastian would find Rose packing up their clothes that they had come with and softly talking to herself about safe locations for them both
Sebastian was just looking over before he questioned, "We have theories that you two are both hunters. Is this true?" She would be able to tell that he didn't have hostile intentions towards her at all.
Rose looked at him and then turned away "Have been since I was a baby at least until today why do you ask" Rose had no issue admitting it as she was as she no longer belonged to the group
Sebastian was just questioning, "Why did you come here in the first place?" No he had no idea that it was to target them at all. There were thousands of vampires in the kingdom, it could have been any of them.
Sebastian was just looking towards her at that point although he didn't move at all. "You were ordered to kill me but... While you've had ample chance. You haven't. And... You learned a valuable secret, the existence of our sister, yet it appears that you never reported it to the society or she would have been targeted. Why did you receive the black ribbon?"
"i'm a threat to them and they know it but aside from that I really don't know and we don't kill just because we are ordered to there are some we watch and learn about before acting to confirm guilt" Rose watched him tense and ready to act if need be
Sebastian was just looking before he spoke, "I'm not going to attack. I have no reason to. You've done nothing to me. If anything I owe you for trying to save my sister."
Sebastian was just looking over for a moment before he spoke, "I owe you my sister's life. Her life is more precious than my own. If it wasn't for her... our kingdom would still be in the ruins that it had been when my father had been the king."
"i doubt that each ruler is different I see no reason you or your brother couldn't have done the same thing" Rose honestly felt that way
Sebastian was looking over for a moment before he spoke, "I'm a little more... violent. I prefer to solve things using violence. Whereas Talia is somebody who prefers to solve it using words first. Not to mention... I never wanted to be king."
Rose looked at him "your probably better then some of the people I have met" Rose held back a wince when her fangs tried to come out. it seemed being around other vampires and then smell of blood had triggered her hunger
Sebastian was just looking towards her before he was sighing the spoke, "I don't mean to pry but I find myself needing to admit that... We know that you are a dhampir. And I also have an offer for you of taking you to one of our eldest dhampirs, who has been guiding the younger ones. Helping them control their vampiric side. If you wish anyways."
"I have good control I wouldn't be alive if i didn't" the fact was she had been denied blood often so she had learned to go months sometimes even a year or more with out feeding but it left her weak and tired and it often took several feeding to feel better
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