Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Sebastian just seemed confused at that point in time before he was just looking at his brother for a moment, wondering if he knew anything about it.

While this was happening, Raphaelle was getting Alric escorted to the queen's room so that he could rest as well.
Carlos shook his head "no but we can find out easily enough we corner the two before they leave"

Alric thanked her before speaking "if you two don't want to be found out i suggest you leave" he knew what that ribbon was and it had confirmed his fears
Raphaelle was just looking at him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Then it seems that you know the truth... if that is the case then.... You should know that there is no running. But.... We aren't weak; not even close. Not anymore."
"but there are those here who are I wont have the hunters showing up here and them getting hurt" Alric looked at her firmly as if daring her to deny this
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment then spoke, "And they are being targeted already. Why do you think that we showed up here. I was assigned to kill Prince Carlos. The reason I never understood and I'm not one to just kill a target without reason - because while I had a tragic dealing with a vampire, I know that they aren't all bad. But if you must know the truth... the fact that you have a queen isn't knowledge that the hunter society had, so you guys did a good job at covering it up."
Alric turned and looked at her "that may be but they sent the two fo you for a reason and it is that reason I want you both gone if they are hunting you they wont focus on us for a while and we will have time to prepare"
Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "No need to worry. I already planned on leaving anyways." With that she was turning to head off after making sure that he was seated safely and leaving.
Talia seemed to be asleep but she was stable at that point in time. She was still rather pale but there did seem to be some coloring returning to her, which was a good sign.
Alric fed when the blood was brought to him and rested while watching over her.

Rose looked over at Raphaelle when she walked in to the room "you ok"
Raphaelle was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "No I'm not okay. We are now being targeted by people we thought were family. We were given a mission to kill people who don't deserve death...." No she definitely wasn't okay and all of this worrying was bringing back past memories, which was resulting in her slowly seeming to go into one of her panic states.
Rose walked ot her and put her hands on her shoulders "we are not going to go down with out a fight Raphaelle we are stronger then they are and we will fight back"
Raphaelle was just shaking her head for a brief moment before just wrapping her arms around her. No she felt like she was being abandoned.... she was losing her family all over again which isn't what she wanted. "N...No.... I...I can't lose my family....N...Not again...." she was whispering although it was evident that she was breaking at that point. She wasn't that strong woman that she appeared to be most of the time.
"your not going to lose me sis you know that we are all the family we need ok" Rose hugged her close keeping her arms wrapped around her
Raphaelle was just sobbing some and almost seeming to be reverting into a frightened child at that point in time.
After a while, Rose would just find Raphaelle drawing away and soon enough the other female was just fleeing away from her. More likely just seeking out a place to hide or heading outside to go up high. That was typically what she did.
Raphaelle was just going outside and just making her way up into a tree, using that as her safe haven for the time being. She just sat with her back against the tree trunk and her knees up to her chest, although she never seemed to realize that it was right outside the window to Carlos' office.
Sebastian was just letting out a breath of air before he was watching out the window then spoke, "That woman is acting a bit.... strange. She seems almost frightened."
"bad memories I bet, you remember my one friend who went missing turns out she is his little sister and he was killed by a vampire" Carlos then looked at his brother "you know their hunters right that is the only organization that we know of that uses those types of ribbon"
Sebastian was just looking for a moment before raising an eyebrow at the mention of them being hunters and then the fact about the ribbons. Yes they knew that black ribbons meant that you were a target. "Explain this then." he spoke and showed him the ribbon that had Rose's name on it.
“The only thing I can think of is that they turned on them and are now targeting both Rose and Raphaelle” Carlos looked at the ribbon lightly
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