Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle was just nodding her head then spoke, "I can try anyways... but sometimes the pain gets intense enough that I can't speak."

It took them some time but they managed to return to the palace without any incident, some guards coming out to stop them until they realized who it was.
"we will do what we can to help you but normally a vampire removes any marks they leave as it is against our laws to make a human with out their consent" Carlos wanted her to know this information.

Rose jumped out and sheathed her swords once they had come to a stop and then moved to help Alric get her out
Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment before she spoke, "Obviously he didn't care about that rule at all." With that she was shaking her head although slowly the burning sensation seemed to get worse, which had her hissing a bit.

Some of the guards were coming over to see how they could assist but Sebastian was just having them step aside, and had one of them go ahead to alert the doctor right away.
"I can remove it if you want but to do so I would have to bite you where he did" Carlos wasn't as good as his sister but he could remove marks like this as they all learned how to do so for situations like this.

Alric carefully carried Talia to the medical wing hissing when anyone got too close
Raphaelle was just looking towards him for a moment before she spoke, "That would be more preferred than dealing with this pain...." Her voice was soft at that point in time.
Carlos nodded and then moved closer to her his head going to her neck and she would hear him say sorry in regard to the pain she would feel when he bit her. after bitting her Carlos used magic to remove the mark from her body and skin before pulling back and cleaning the wound watching it heal
Raphaelle was giving a low whimper as he was biting into her neck and there was actually a small cry falling from her lips when that happened but in the end she getting over the pain slowly but surely.
once he was done and had pulled back out he got something to soothe the pain in her neck "The pain will fade in a moment but the mark is gone" Carlos looked at her lightly and waited to see if she was ok
Raphaelle was just giving a nod of her head although she didn't say much of anything at that point in time, just focused on breathing and soon enough the pain was gone.
Carlos looked at her "feeling better?" Carlos figured knowing hte mark was gone was both a relife and a worry as she now wouldn't know when he was close or not
Raphaelle was just looking over before she was nodding her head then spoke, "It doesn't burn anymore."
"that is good the mark should be gone fully by morning but this means you need to be much more aware of your surroundings as well" Carlos didn't want to see her get hurt again
Raphaelle was looking over for a brief moment before he spoke, "Oh they found her...." Although she almost cringed a bit when she saw the condition that the queen was it, breathing although it was rather swallow. Even with feeding the injury was slow to heal and still rather severe.
Carlos stood up quickly and grabbed the doctor as the guard had never made it to the medical wing so that the man could look the queen over
Sebastian was just looking over for a moment in time and was pushing stuff aside so that Alric could get her laid down on a bed.
Alric laid her down and then was pushed out of the way as the doctors hooked her up to IVs and started adding more blood while encouraging her to feed as well. since she was healing so slowly they were worried about her
Sebastian was just looking over before he spoke, "I am not quite sure. I didn't arrive in time to see that. I did arrive however to see her drinking from Alric." Which would tell Carlos that it had been more serious than what it appeared for the man to have done that.
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