Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Alric kept silent while he worked on getting free of the ropes binding him. they had made a mistake leaving him alive as he wasn't her guard fro no reason Alric had skills that they didn't know he had
The lord that was there was just looking straight at Alric before he was taking a dagger from behind his back and speaking something before he was plunging it down into Talia's chest, which had her giving a strangled scream. Thankfully he seemed to miss her heart and any other vital organs but it was still a serious injury. Her blood welled up and was soon enough dripping off of the altar and falling onto the floor.
Alric managed to get free and this lord was the first he was attacking and killing. Alric moved fast and took the others out as well before going over and tending to the queen. the first thing he wanted to do was pull the blade out but he didn't know if that was wise. taking care he removed the gag and spoke to her "do i remove the blade?"
Talia was just sobbing a bit through the gag even as Alric murdered the lord although it wasn't long before he was coming over and removing the gag from her lips and asking about removing the blade. This had her simply saying one word, "Slowly." No it hurt to speak, it almost hurt to breath, on top of it she was trying her best to remain calm at that point in time and stay conscious.
Alric nodded and then did somethign he normally wouldn't do and kissed her head lighlty "this will hurt" Alric then started to slowly remove the blade from her chest taking great care when he did
Talia was giving a low whimper as he was doing that and found herself digging her fingers into the palms of her hands to stop herself from batting his hand away to get him to sleep. When he did get it removed fully she was just giving a cry of pain, tears falling down her cheeks.
Talia was just mumbling that they needed to stop the bleeding; although it was pretty obvious that she as slowly losing consciousness.
Talia was just shaking her head and mumbling that she couldn't do that.... no they didn't feed from each other or humans. Most vampires within the kingdom either drank from animals or they took blood supplements. Very rare actually fed off of others, and that was only willing people. Talia was somebody that would only use blood supplements yet at this point he would be able to tell that he wasn't going to be able to give her a choice for long.
"Talia I am willing and you need to feed to heal please don't make me force you I would hate to do that" Alric really would as it would be taking away her choice and he didn't want that
Talia was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time although in the end she was consenting to it, despite struggling to stay conscious. No he would have to force her somewhat, just because she wasn't with it enough at that point.
Talia tasted the blood in her mouth and at first she didn't seem to react as much but soon she was weakly latching onto his wrist and drinking his blood. This is what Sebastian and Rose would walk into seeing.
Sebastian was just watching for a brief moment in time; before just looking around. It seemed like there wasn't anybody else around at the time but that still didn't meant they were out of danger. The wound was beginning to close up but after a bit Sebastian was going over to draw Alric's wrist away. "Let us bind up the wound for now and get back to the palace. She is stable enough to be moved safely."
Alric nodded his head and then bound hos wrist while helping Rose get the wound on her chest bound as well so that they could get on the move
Sebastian was just watching for a moment before he was speaking, "Lets go. That carriage that was used to bring you here is still intact. We will take that back."
Talia was giving a low whimper but that was a good sign, it showed that she was still alive. Her eyes were fluttering open for a brief moment in time before closing once again.

Raphaelle was just sitting in the bed in the infirmary after the doctor had tended to her leg, although she was all of a sudden putting her hand to her neck at the familiar pain.
Carlos looked at her when he saw her put her hand to her neck "I am guessing he is near?"

Alric took great care getting her into the carriage and then looked over when Rose joined them her swords drawn as if she was ready for another attack
Raphaelle was just looking over for a moment before she was nodding her head and speaking, "Yeah...." It only started to burn when he was close by and the closer he got the worse it was. It was terrible really and she just wanted it to be gone....

Sebastian was looking around for a moment before he was going over to drive the carriage.
Carlos walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed "tell me about it maybe I can help"

Rose looked at them both before turning her back on them while doing so put her on edge she couldn't let it be known otherwise they would find out
Raphaelle just looked for a moment before she spoke, "It just burns is all. And the closer he gets, the more it burns."

Soon enough Sebastian was flicking the reigns so that they could get moving and get back to the palace.
Carlos nodded his head lightly "Please tell me when it gets worse if we can catch him and end it that will be the best thing for you rather than subjecting you to either more fangs or blood"

Rose watched out the back and while she didnt think they were being followed she wasn't going to risk it
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