Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

The people were just talking with them at that point in time although it was pretty obvious that their intentions were not all that good. Alric would notice that the one talking with Talia was somebody that was commonly seen around one of his lords.
Alric had had enough of them bothering the two and with out drawing his sword he knocked both men down and pulled Talia close to him
Talia was falling into him when he was pulling him over towards her and was just stating that she was ready to get going back. Although on their way back to the castle right after they had left the town they would find themselves being approached by some of Alric's lord's men; not that the pair would be able to protect themselves as easily. There was a small gasp from Talia as a needle was striking her in the side of a neck from a blow gun and it didn't seem long for her to go limp in Alric's arms. Soon enough there was one flying at Alric, striking in him the neck as well.
Alric growled and while it had taken Talia out he had been exposed on and off to such drugs and had built up and immunity what had him reacting was the arrow flying out and striking one of the males. Rose had come out to escort them both back as she had been sked to as word had gotten to the castle of a kidnapping plot. Rose then took aim and started to shoot the rest of the men but it was hard to do while protecting Alric who was fading fast and the queen
While Rose was trying to protect the pair of them, in the end some of the kidnappers were able to get a hold of Alric and Talia after they had fallen from the hours, and had taken to trying to drag them away. They had managed to successfully get them shoved into a carriage that was waiting in the shadows while some of the others were dealing with Rose to keep her at bay. Although they were quite anticipating the black horse that came out of nowhere with the figure of Raphaelle on the back bolting after the carriage that had taken off.
In the end Raphaelle wasn't able to catch up with the carriage, actually found herself being tossed from the horse when it was shot in the knee and she was rolling down the hill, tumbling into the stream. She was quick to push herself up so that her face wasn't the water, just coughing a bit still as she watched. Well fuck that hadn't gone as planned and her leg severely hurt from where a rock had cut her thigh when she had fallen. Oh well she had dealt with worse and was pushing herself up to her feet, and climbing up the hill soaking wet at that point in time, and blood dripping from various cuts and scratches, the worse being on her thigh.
Rose rode up soon and looked at her "were you able to find out where they were headed?" Rose wasn't going to be pleased having to report back that they had lost them
Rapahelle was just looking over for a moment before she was commenting, "I heard something about ruins to the West but that was about it." She was making her way up to Rose and just ripping part of her shirt to tie around her leg that she could slow the bleeding some.
Raphaelle was nodding her head then spoke, "Yeah a good idea." With that she was taking her friend's offered hand so that they could get back to the palace.
As they got closer to the palace Raphaelle was stating, "It might be best for you to head off ahead of me. I'm actively bleeding and don't want to get the vampires riled up. So far we are still out of range where many of them would smell it."
Rose looked at her "they try anything and I don't care who it is Ill kill them besides that bastard is still on the lose so no I am not leaving you to fend for yourself"
Raphaelle was just nodding her head then spoke, "That rock got me pretty good." With that she was tightening the makeshift wrap a bit before nodding and speaking, "Lets get going."
Rose nodded her head and then shot off once more returning to the castle quite soon after. when Rose reported that they had been taken another general slapped her for failing to protect the queen
Raphaelle was just watching although she was quick to intervene so that it wasn't even Rose that was getting struck, but instead it was her. Her eyes were flickering towards him for a moment before she spoke, "Take us to the Princes. Now. I am in a shit ton of pain and now I'm highly annoyed. Not the best combo, and it isn't going to turn out pretty if you annoy me too much."
Rose stopped her when she spotted both Sebastian and Carlos walking up with Carlos demanding to know what the hell was going on and where the fuck was his sister
Raphaelle was looking over before she was explaining the situation before she was adding, "Forgive me but it is my fault for them escaping with the Queen and her Guardian. I was the one following after them but they managed to injure the horse that I was using which resulted in me being tossed and I lost track of them. But I did hear something mentioned about going to the ruins to the West."
"there is only one ruins in the west, brother do you want to take lady Rose and go and get them between the two fo you it shouldn't be hard to take them out and bring our sister home" ROse held out the bag that Talia's panda was in and Carlos took it "i'll put this in her room"
Sebastian was nodding his head before he spoke, "Yeah I can take her. You should probably help Lady Raphaelle tend to her injury."
Raphaelle looked at him when he came over before she was accepting his offered arm and heading off with him.
Carlos walked with her to the medical wing so that he leg could be tended to while he hoped that his brother and Rose would get to their sister quickly
Raphaelle was following after him into the medical wing and was sitting on one of the beds so that she could have her leg looked at.

Alric and Talia would find themselves waking up within the ruins, although Alric would find that he was bound and gagged, while Talia seemed to be laying one an altar at the front the building that they were within. There were a number of vampires around them, one of them being one of Alric's lords who was stating, "The time is almost upon us to sacrifice this woman to our dark god, and bring about a new lord of darkness. The vampires will once again have a ruler of darkness and not this lowly woman."
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