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Hunter or Hunted? (Lunar & Guardian)

Raphaelle war going over to the bed and just collapsing onto it, before curling up. She was still burning up and at that point it only seemed as though it was going up.
Raphaelle was just watching him for a moment before he would find himself being pulled down and she was curling into him.
Raphaelle just curled into him and before long seemed to be using him as a pillow, seeking to be content asleep.
This is exactly how a maid would find them come the morning, more just checking on the guest to see Carlos there as well.
Carlos waved the maid off silently knowing full well that she needed the rest.

the star would find Rose curled up on the floor barely breathing come morning as the poison had been much stringer then what Raphaelle had been exposed too
A maid was reporting to Sebastian about Rose and he was stating that he would take care of it, which had him going so that he could get her moved to a room and not collapsed in a hallway.

Raphaelle seemed to be asleep contently at the time, at least for a short time before she almost seemed to be whispering under her breath. Back to when she was a child and hiding under the bed with her brother, whispering that she was scared.
Sebastian would find that Rose was indeed barely breathing and she was burning up at the same time. the only reaction that he would get form picking her up and moving her would be a small groan before she passed out.

Carlos rubbed her back lightly and then spoke softly "its ok you are safe now"
Raphaelle was just nodding her head for a brief moment in time although her eyes did seem slightly devoid of color, still a little trapped in her head at that point in time.
Raphaelle was just shaking her head after a moment and seemed to snap out of whatever she was in at the time, just looking at him for a moment.
Raphaelle was just looking for a moment before she was giving a slow nod of her head. "Yeah I am."
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