SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

Yukimura frowned at the gun, crouching down in front of her and carefully taking it from her. “Just breathe, we’ve got it from here..” He said softly, tucking the gun in his waistband and taking her hands gently.
Sasuke finally arrived, setting Amaya down gently as he watched them. Akihime squeezed his hands, wheezing and gasping like she was suffocating, blubbering and begging for him not to be angry. Sasuke glanced at Amaya, silently asking her to stay, before he moved over. He stopped, tasting iron in the air, and took a curious breath. The air was heavy with blood; and not Akihime's. How had Yukimura not noticed; was it because he was focused on Akihime? He didn't wait to ask, moving and pushing the bathroom door open quickly. Akihime flinched and recoiled from Yukimura out of fear, hiding her head in her knees. Sasuke was frozen, eyes wide and kakugan flared from the smell.
Yukimura almost didn’t want to stand up, his heart in his knees as he stood slowly with his hands up. He moved carefully away from Akihime briefly to see for himself what had happened.
Amaya moved in, brows furrowed in confusion, but upon seeing no obvious issue in the living room she carefully approached Akihime. “What’s going on?”
"I'm sorry...!! I'm sorry...!!" Akihime chanted weakly. Matsunaga was still quite bound in his chair, however he was not completely how they left him when they went with Masamune. He was alive, last they recalled, and didn't have six massive bullet holes in his body; one in the head and five in his chest. Akihime emptied the entire cylinder into him and left him there for the ten hours they were gone.
Yukimura had to put his hand to his mouth, shoulders sagging a bit. There was no point in checking his pulse, he was clearly dead. He left the bathroom and moved back to Akihime. “It’s ok, Akihime, Sasuke will dispose of the body, and I’ll take care of the bathroom.
Amaya stood in the doorway of the bathroom, mouth hanging open as she stared at the corpse of Matsunaga blankly.
"Shit, Amaya, don't look." Sasuke said, trying to block her view.
Akihime curled as tightly as she could into herself in an attempt to keep away from Yukimura.
"I-I'm sorry...!! I'm so sorry...!! He said it was my fault...!! Tou-san's death was my fault...!! And you were next...!! You left me to go die...!! He said everyone around me dies and it's my fault, it's all my fault...!!" She sobbed, "You should have let me fall from that bridge, Yukimura, you're cursed because of me!!"
Amaya felt her throat tighten, a complicated mess of emotions swelling in her chest. “It’s fine.” She said tensely, forcing herself to turn away. “Just get him out of here before he starts to stink up the place.”
It was no use, Akihime was too far into her episode to think straight. Yukimura moved to fetch Akihime’s medication, shaking out a pill and crouching down to offer it. “Akihime, please take this, everything’s going to be alright.”
Sasuke frowned softly and moved to take care of everything; he didn't want to reuse the meat, a man as vile as him wouldn't taste good.
Akihime refused once or twice, blubbering and sobbing, before collecting herself enough to take it. She swallowed it dry, wincing as she did, and kept in her tight ball on the floor.
Yukimura got her some water to help her calm down, sitting beside her on the floor, not budging an inch as he let her cry all she needed.
Amaya felt out of place, sitting down in the living room, everything felt surreal.
Eventually, Akihime no longer had tears to cry, and sat gasping and sniffing on the floor, holding her water.
"I don't even it happened..." She muttered, "I kept the gun close...just in case he managed to get free...and I was just trying to put him under when he came too." She paused, trying to remember what happened.
"He started bringing up Tou-san's death again...and how soon Mitsu-nii would either kill himself or us once he finds out I abandoned the CCG for you...he said that it would be my fault if you and Sasuke died and I just..." She shook her head, "my ears started ringing a-and I just blacked out...I came back and he was..." She took and deep breath, "I'm sorry, Yukimura...!"
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