SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

"We, uh...we kinda used Aki as bait..." Sasuke admitted ashamedly. Masamune cackled before reaching for his smokes.
"You two are fucking hysterical." He remarked, "And y'all got pissed at me for talking shit."
Her eyes grew wide and Yukimura cringed a bit.
“And where is he now?” She demanded.
“The apartment bathroom..”
Amaya looked angry, upset was more like it, unable to find the words to adequately describe how she was feeling.
This earned the both of them a sharp glare from Amaya, Yukimura sinking into his seat a bit. “Akihime is an equal partner… She can handle herself..” He tried to defend their actions.
"Oh yes, of course~ the traumatized cum rag can handle herself~" Masamune said. Sasuke nearly flew from his seat, squeezing Amaya's hand.
"She's a strong investigator, she can handle herself. Don't fucking disrespect dana's girl like that." He hissed. Masamune looked pretty impressed.
"Thought you hated her." He said. Sasuke scowled.
"She's done good by me. She's earned my respect."
Not one of them looked happy about Masamune’s words, Yukimura clenching his fists again and scowling at Masamune. “Don’t say that.” He warned lowly. “Not again, she doesn’t deserve for you to speak that way about her.” He said lowly.
Amaya gave Sasuke a look that said he would be explaining a lot later, but didn’t respond to Masamune’s provocation.
“Nothing will happen to her. I trust Akihime.” Yukimura said firmly.
Masamune only chuckled, "Sure."
When the jet landed, Masamune had his chauffeur drive them all to the estate and made a noise when they arrived.
"I'll call you when I need you." He told them.
Yukimura anxiously texted Akihime when they landed, checking in with her and letting her know they had got Amaya and had just gotten back.
Amaya looked to Sasuke, frowning softly. “What did we plan on doing with Matsunaga?”
"I had planned on killing him, honestly." Sasuke replied quietly.
Yukimura's phone buzzed after a second, a response from Akihime telling him that they needed to come home right now.
Amaya felt anxiety at his answer, but didn’t contest the idea.
“Guys, we gotta get home.” Yukimura interrupted, moving over. “Somethings wrong.”
"Is everything ok?" Sasuke frowned but didn't want to waste any more time waiting to find out. He moved and pulled Amaya onto his back, "Hang on tight, ok?" He said before hurrying off.
Yukimura wasn’t far behind, easily keeping pace with Sasuke as he dialed Akihime’s number, putting the ringing phone up to his ear.
Yukimura nodded even though she couldn’t see him. “We’re almost there, unlock the balcony door, just breath and stay on the phone with me, okay?” He coached her like they had practiced.
He heard the phone ruffle as she nodded, "O-Ok...I'm getting the balcony right now..." She told him, and he could hear her careful footsteps. She gave a soft whimper before she hurried and he heard the latch before she hurried again, "Ok, it's unlocked!" She told him quickly and he heard her collapse, trying to keep her breathing level.
“You’re doing great, Akihime, just sit down and breath.” Yukimura wasted no time getting home, dropping down onto the balcony ahead of Sasuke and Amaya and hurrying into the apartment. “Akihime?” He called phone still to his ear.
He moved over quickly, closing and pocketing bus phone as he looked for any signs of danger. “Akihime, what happened?”
She was dropped next to the bathroom door - the one they had locked Matsunaga in - and he finally noticed the gun in her hand.
"Please...please, don't be angry..." She croaked, tears pouring down her cheeks, "I-I blacked out, I-I didn't-...!"
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