SAINTS (1x1 w/DarkMukip)

She flinched at his protests, skin crawling, feeling like she was going crazy. She looked to Masamune, the only one she actually knew in the room. “What is this? Did you set all this up?”
She couldn’t help but laugh, but already tears slipped down her face, pulling her mask off so she could wipe at her tears. “Don’t do this.. don’t you try to open this wound- I mourned them..!”
“Amaya.” Yukimura spoke up, his tone gentle as he took a small step forward. “No ones trying to trick you, it really is us. I’m sorry it took so long to get here.”
Maybe if he told her something only he would know? Sasuke frowned a bit as he thought.
"When we first met, it was snowing really bad,"
"Oh, for fuck's sake..." Masamune muttered in annoyance. Sasuke scowled gently before looking back at her.
"You were on your way home when you found me...barely alive covered in ice. You remember that, right...?" He frowned.
She was across the room and at Sasuke in the blink of an eye, arms wrapped around him tightly as she buried her face into his neck. “He said you were dead..!” She whispered, holding back tears. “I thought everyone was gone..!”
Yukimura stood aside, letting Sasuke and Amaya reunite first, heart aching.
Amaya didn’t want to let him go, but knew they had to leave eventually. She took a step back from Sasuke after a moment, wiping her eyes once more. Yukimura put his hand on her shoulder, Amaya embracing him as well, how long had it been since she had seen Yukimura face to face? “How did you manage to pull all this off?” She asked Sasuke.
Amaya looked from Masamune to Sasuke and Yukimura, eyes widening slightly. “Favors..? You both put yourself into debt with Date?” She almost couldn’t be mad at them, after all they were only in debt because of her. “And what do you plan on making them do?” She asked firmly, looking back to Masamune, Yukimura avoiding her gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.
She flinched at his words like he had slapped her in the face, scowling in disgust, but Yukimura was the first to speak up. “That wasn’t part of the deal, you said you’d get her back, not keep her!” He argued, brows furrowed.
"A contract is a contract." He said before giving a small shrug, "But I'm not a monster. She'll just have to work at the estate while you guys are busy. Some pretty little leverage."
Yukimura didn’t look happy that he had been duped, opening his mouth to argue again, but Amaya cut him off. “What kind of work?” She held tightly to Sasuke’s hand, holding on like she’d never see him again if she let go.
Amaya scowled more, but at least she didn’t have to do anything degrading. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
“Amaya, you don’t have to agree to this, you didn’t sign up for that.” Yukimura protested.
He didn’t find it a funny joke, a scowl set on his face. “She didn’t agree to this.”
“Yukimura it’s fine.. I get to go home, that’s enough.” Amaya said softly, not having the energy to mouth off anymore than she already had. “I’ll do it.”
“But Amaya..!”
"I mean, I could trade her for Akihime." Masamune said, eyes cold and uncaring, "So long as I got a maid while you two do what I say when I say it, I'm chillin'."
"Stay away from Aki." Sasuke hissed.
“No ones trading anyone.” Amaya spoke up before Yukimura could again, looking to Sasuke and Yukimura. “I said I’ll do it.” Yukimura hesitated before relenting, turning his head away with a frown.
They left the compound, returning back to Masamune’s private jet. Amaya hardly let go of Sasuke the entire time, a tangled mess of emotions on the inside, but more grateful than anything to have her family back.
“How is she? It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.” Amaya sat in the seat next to him, still holding tightly to his hand.
"I'm no medical expert, but sometimes she shows signs of severe PTSD..." He told her, "but, she's pretty tough and gets by really well. She helped me and dana get away from Matsunaga." He then perked and looked to Yukimura.
"We still have to deal with that." He said. Masamune rose an eyebrow, ever nosy for other people's business.
Amaya frowned at the news of Akihime, feeling it was too early to pry about what had happened.
Yukimura looked shocked, like he had forgotten all about Matsunaga.
“Deal with Matsunaga?” Amaya looked pale.
“Well, we ended up… Capturing him?” Yukimura admitted to Amaya, whose eyes widened.
“What? Where did you capture him?”
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